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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Thanks for the replies Major and Coyote!

    Coyote... I checked the DEMO switcheroo, and it seems pretty cool. So, I would assume that out of 115 scenarios for the US, I should be able to find one that would allow me to switch in a Delta/Ranger OoB and basically whatever OPFOR units I wanted. BUT, Major said "probably not" in his reply. What exactly would I not be able to switch in? Citizen units?

  2. I've given the TacOps DEMO a try and its GREAT!

    I plan on purchasing it as soon as V.4.0 hits.

    Here's my question:

    I really only play games in Single Player mode.

    I realize that you are limited to the available missions that come with the game if you play this way. However, is there SOME flexibility? Can I exchange units in and out in a mission and still play it single player? Could I, for instance, find an assault type scenario... and then exchange in a Delta/Ranger type strike team for the US, and a civilian mob mixed with some real combatants for the OPFOR team... and then play this single player? (To simulate an attack on a Somalia warlord for instance.)

    Basically, how flexible is the single player game?

    Thanks for any info! Great game!

  3. Personally, I don't see why there are not more spaceships. Also, I would like to be able to raise my INfantry tech, so I could make Starship Troopers. Finally, why no Hover-Tanks?

    On a side note, I think the Germans should be able to purchase Old Grandpa Corps (GeezerTroopen) to defend the homeland.

    So far, this game is just like COMBAT MISSION, except on a larger scale...

  4. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Another comment about retreats. I like the 30% loss threshold idea, which would prevent players from abusing retreats. It should be optional, permitting units to stay in place if desired. Since you give up entrenchment value, you may make things worse if you retreat. Overall, I don't see a problem with retreats at this scale. I do question entire armies being eliminated in a single turn. I'm also beginning to question max reinforcements. Perhaps there should be a limit of 3 or 4 factors per turn. Armies going from 1 to 10 just doesn't seem right, even with experience loss considered.

    Also in response to M. Tanker:

    Now that I read both of your responses, I could accept RETREATS built into the game system IF they were optional, and/or changeable by the player. If I could decide to allow NO retreats, 30% casualty retreats, or 80% casualty retreats... then I think it would be a decent addition!

  5. As far as the RETREAT issue goes... I for one hope it is NOT added. I really do believe that the scale here is much too large for those kind of retreat rules. Keep in mind that for game mechanic controlled retreats, we are talking about panic. Retreats of the size we are dealing with here would be more of an ordered retreat... which we can do simply by moving the units away ourselves.

  6. Originally posted by Patgod:

    i've been invading russia in august of '40(see other thread). each time i do VERY well and drive deep. however each time the demo's time limit ends with me at the gates of moscow. each time i try something "a little different" to capture the city. most recently my plans were foiled by the AI building 8(yes, eight) corps right in the middle of my advance. that'll teach me to bypass citys.

    while i did knock out all of the corps, and take the town they were based around it delayed me by many weeks.

    Heh, that's kinda cool!

    I can't wait to play the AI in the full game... so plans can be made beyond the year, and effects will be felt later for things done right or wrong early.

  7. Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Straha:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

    SNIP Hehe...it's pretty funny how many apologist lackeys there are on this board. :rolleyes:

    What do you mean by this?


  8. Originally posted by grimlord:

    yea the invasion thing is fine to complicated if it was changed...and to no real effect....use airplanes and ships if you want ashore bad enough

    and malta was very difficult to even think of assualting...damn thing was a fortress ilsand with very profiecient defenders...it should cost a huge amount to successfully take

    Agree with Grimlord. Before the DEMO, I believe we were worried Malta would be too easy to take. Glad that's not the case.
  9. There is some very good news for you!

    If I understand the way it will work correctly, then the Scenario/Campaign editor is the answer to all your problems! You should be able to use it to set up the battle/forces any way you imagine it to be.

  10. First attempt, no one joined willingly except Italy, so I conquered Low Countires, France, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden.

    I believe if I had two more turns I could have taken Greece and probably Finland. Then I could have used the buttload of points I saved up to rip into Russia.

    Anyhoo, it came out to 444 Germany, 115 Italy.

  11. Difficulty Default, FOW on, No war in Siberia, all partisans, etc ON, All countires Random, NO hex grid.

    Why do a lot of people play with FOW off? I have never tried it because its so much fun with it ON.

    [ May 26, 2002, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Clark ]

  12. Originally posted by willgamer:

    Excellent! I've similarly attacked early, but never taken Moscow. Got right up next to it though playing on expert+0 level.

    One slight difference is that I've usually attacked the Baltic States first so all my attacks were overland.

    In every game I've played the AI has changed up its gameplan. If the demo is this replayable... :D

    I agree, we have all played the DEMO numerous times... that speaks wonders for the replay value of the full game!

    The AI definately gives a different fight each time. My last game I was planning on a quick capture of France and an early invasion of Russia, but the AI held me off longer than it ever has before in France, and bogged down my whole plan.

  13. I've always played with FOW on.

    The Red Tide is very powerful when Russia enters the war! As Axis I was tearing into both SPain and Yugoslavia, while the Italians were being held up in Greece, when Russia declared War on me. I could not believe how many units swept out over the border!!! :eek:

  14. Originally posted by Jorgen_Cab:

    I do think that air recon are already modelled in the game since Airfleets have a spotting range of 5, and Strategic bombers a spotting range of 6.

    The FOW option in the game feels very realistic to me, it wasn't to easy figuring out troop movement during WW2 as you might think.

    I totally agree. I learned in my last game that by simply moving an air unit into the country I'm attacking (behind my armies, of course) I get a wide picture of enemy positions!

    It is already modelled in the game! smile.gif

  15. Same here. I had originally intended NOT to play the DEMO too often, as I didn't want to be tired of it by the time the full game came along...

    BUT I CAN'T STOP!!! :eek:

    ... and I agree that all the abstractions just seem to work. Its actually very nice that the game is not overly complex, and yet somehow maintains a decent depth that allows play after play!

    This is only a YEAR of the game... I can't imagine how much I'll be playing the full game!

  16. I have only had the chance to play 4 full games so far (using the Axis, even though I usually prefer Allies), but I've already noticed that the AI puts up a bit of a different fight each time! That alone increases the replay for me.

    Just last game, the French charged a force across the fortification lines and hit my HQ and Air Units in the back... units that were perfectly safe during the initial attack on my first three games. The Brits, and some French Air based over the water then raked the same HQ units! Good Stuff!

    In every game there has been some AI surprises so far.

    Anyway, just wanted to give a big thumbs up to the AI! Great job Hubert!

    [ May 23, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Clark ]

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