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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. AAARGH!!!

    I can't get the d/load to work!

    This mod looks fantastic! I want it! Everyone else is getting it, why won't it work for me??? AAAAGHAAAAARGH!!!!

    Okay, I'm better now... but I still can't get the d/load to work... I keep getting 100% loss.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  2. Sobel was so annoying that the original E-Company men "banded" together during training in mutual hatred of the guy. In this way, his ineptness and annoying character actually made the Company the close knit, fighting forced it was. Every member of the Company hated the guy, but looking back they all admit that he MADE the Company what it was.

    He would do inept things like get lost during training missions, and give nonsense orders. He would hand out punishment out of spite. He would do annoying things like run along beside the exercising (jogging) troopers and flap his arms like a chicken and yell at them in his high pitched voice.

    It's been awhile since I've read the book, but you get the idea.

    David Schwimmer is a great choice! wink.gif

  3. Okay, one more...

    Wet terrain. Medium map.

    1 M4

    2 Jumbo

    2 Jumbo 76


    Super Pershing

    FAST across map- M4 Immobilized IMMEDIATELY.

    Jumbo 76 bogged and freed twice. Jumbo bogged and freed once.

    HUNT across same map (M4 no longer in test)-

    Jumbo 76 Immobilized.

    Super Pershing bogged then freed itself.

    Once again, not a huge amount of bogging, but its there.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-21-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

    Hey, you dip, I'll be happy to teach you some manners as soon as you D/L 1.12. Oh, and don't you realize that it's 2k+1 now?

    He He! I want AAR's!!!


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  5. Yes, I just did a quick test (very quick).

    1 M4

    1 Jumbo

    1 76 Jumbo

    1 Pershing

    1 super Pershing

    QB snow map. I had them move across first at MOVE and then at HUNT and then at FAST.

    Map was medium in size.

    MOVE- Jumbo 76 became Bogged in OPEN terrain, but freed itself

    HUNT- Jumbo 76 + Super Pershing both bogged in OPEN terrain but became free again quickly.

    FAST- Jumbo became immobile in OPEN.

    Not alot of bogging, to be sure, but at least there is some there.

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-21-2001).]

  6. A long time ago I used Option #2, and changed the brightness level of Desert Fox's subdued grass to easily show elevation. I HIGHLY suggest this method, as I have NEVER felt the need to go looking for another grass mod since doing this.

    Looks good with my other terrain, and shows elevation perfectly.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  7. I can't really comment on the military training aspect, but I can honestly say that playing CM has noticeably increased my tactical thinking ability in all other areas of life.

    I've always studied tactics and strategy (philosophy), and other wargames have helped me understand certain ideas, but CM is the best at it (tactics). With CM's depth, you are allowed to attempt nearly anything you can think of, and need to expand your tactical thinking to cover so many details, that it gives you a more complete experience than any wargame I've played before.


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  8. I'd love to give the scenario a whirl... but I've got a job interview in 45 minutes, and then work as normal for the night.

    It'll be interesting to see people's results, so I do hope more people give it a try. It will certainly help ease the mind if others can REALISITICALLY beat the HT's.

    I'm completely torn on this issue, because BTS says everythings fine (plus there are many other ways to kill an HT), and yet something just feels odd...

    I don't usually get into these "bug, no bug" battles, but I'd hate to see a StarCraft type exploitable bug in CM.

    I keep trying to let the issue go... really...

  9. Thanks again Matt!

    After your description/reminder of grenades effectiveness v. squads, I can understand the entire situation a little better.

    I do think grenades used to take down HT's easier before, but now at least I can understand why they probably should not!


    (Now I must go post a complaint about the effectiveness of grenades v. infantry...)

    tongue.gif J/K

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-19-2001).]

  10. Gordon, If hedgerows in France look the way you describe... couldn't (someone who knows how they look) make a mod of them looking that way? The texture should be the only thing "wrong" with them right? (Too "AMericanized")

    I would love to see a mod like this!


    "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

    "They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

  11. I just want to point out that my "sample" (the saved game that can be found on the previous page) was in fact taken from a "real" battle (the Arnhem Operation that ships with the game) and will show an HT shrug off bucketloads of grenades as it slowly presses its way through a wreckage heap.

    But I'll shut up now...

    (As Tom said, as long as I KNOW that HT's are now harder to kill WITH CLOSE ASSAULTS AND GRENADES... NOT FAUSTS, Or ZOOKS, or MG's, or cat poop... I can live with it. Thanks for the reply Matt!)

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-18-2001).]

  12. Sigh...

    Absolutely NOTHING about your statement is correct GB.

    If you had taken the time to READ the posts about HT's, you would have noticed that SOME of us think HT's are second only to KT's in their survival v. close assaults.

    You would have also noticed that so far BTS has announced ZERO plans to change ANYTHING.

    Read before you friggin' post nonsense!

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