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Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. If you are really a fanatic, you may want to do what I recently did... Basically, I looked at EVERY single vehicle in the game, made notes of which ones I thought could be improved graphically, and then went looking for the best (in my opinion) MOD for those specific vehicles. This of course comes after choosing a favorite Grass, Tree, Sound, and building mod. And as others have said... NO SWITCHING is REQUIRED for WINTER MODS! Grab any you like, they won't affect summer textures at all! P.S. - Also grab MODS based on your processing/graphics/ram power. Too many HI-Res mods will slow any low or medium end system to a crawl! ESPECIALLY Hi-Res grass! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-03-2001).]
  2. Personally, the winter camo mods I like best are the ones that give the appearance of an actual "hasty" whitewashing. I can't think of specific ones right now, but they are the ones that actually look like they have brushstrokes of white paint on them. I also like the snowed on halftracks. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  3. Check out the GENERAL DISCUSSION forum for stuff about GI COMBAT. (Just wanted to say that before MadMatt could!) ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-03-2001).]
  4. Thanks! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  5. I'm also in agreement! Good post Michael! I checked out their message board, and you can tell it just went online... not much there yet. For what it will be, the game sounds interesting enough. I don't plan on spending my time there, as I don't like Real Time Strategy/Tactics games (above the squad level), but I would certainly hope no-one feels the need to start a cross forum flame war...
  6. Can you scan and post a pic of the ad? How would one go about subscribing to this magazine??? Is there a website or something? Thanks! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  7. Gotta agree that knowledge of the enemy is always a good thing. Straight from Sun Tzu... know yourself and the enemy. I already knew this lesson, but relearned it the hard way in CM... wondering why those three Hetzers were chewing up my platoon of Infantry Tanks... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  8. One of the reasons I was SO happy when I found CM was for the Turn-Based game design. I personally LOATH Real-Time "Wargames." In my opinion, anything above squad level real time combat falls apart quickly into a "click-fest." I have nothing against GI Combat, but I will not purchase it simply because of the RTS design. If, instead, they had gone with more of a FPS squad based game, like a WWII version of Rogue Spear, I would have been much more interested... (I too hope the Grogs give the designers as much "helpful critique" as they have given BTS.) ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  9. That would be nice, but the new and improved Hull Rotation v1.12 is certain to upset SOMEONE in SOME WAY... I'd bet on it... I'm happy that the Smoke is fixed/tweaked! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  10. LOL! (Funny post... AND I learned something from it.) ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  11. Hmmmm... When mine is played backwards, it says "Maximus is the Devil." ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  12. He He... I have nothing to add, but I got a chuckle out of the thread. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  13. Yup. Actually, it's more appropriate than calling them MOD's. I'm pretty sure in every other game community a "MOD" is an actual change to gameplay, while a "Skin" is simply a new texture. ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  14. Wow! I thought 1.12 was just going to fix the Tungsten and Jumbo! Some of those other changes are HUGE! Thanks BTS! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  15. I'm playing the Paris scenario right now! It's fantastic, not only does it look sweet, but what a battle I'm having! DD's uniforms are more than just US, IIRC... they are Uniforms for all nationalities, and they REALLY add to the game!
  16. Sounds great! I need some wallpaper. Off to work now... I'll check in tommorrow and see if there is some shiny new Allied wallpaper for us! Once again, great work!
  17. Anyone who would complain too much about the "Good" guy thing has their head stuck too far up the overly-politically correct canal. (I actually liked it, for my own reasons...) Great article! Thing I liked best about it is that I learned something new. Didn't know the bit about Germans experimenting more with Camo. Well done! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  18. Since I live in the town where it was invented (seriously), I'm sure I could come up with more facts than would ever be necessary! But then I don't really want to be a wire Grog... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  19. Looks great! Now give us some bloody Allied tanks!!! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  20. LOL! I made my first double post ever today, I think it's a bug in the forum... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  21. Yeah, it's a great site, but where's the "Cheats" section?
  22. It's not actually a bug... it's a feature... See, as the crews were running across the fields carrying the assault boats, one of them probably said "Dude, like this is a major drag." Another said "Yeah, I'm really zonked!" They noticed there was no HQ unit nearby, so they decided to nap (as in the little known "battle of batarang") inside the boats. When the MG opened up they were like "Dude, where's that coming from?" because LOS was blocked, as they were laying in the boats. From reading "A Bridge Too Far" we ALL know how flimsy those boats were, and the MG just cut the crews up inside. Unfortunately, the other crews could not see what poor cover the boats were affording their mates (because LOS was blocked... DUH!) so they too were cut apart by the MG fire. See, it's realistic! ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."
  23. Wow! My first double post! I'd like to thank the academy, and BTS, and of course my lovely wife... ------------------ "Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets." [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-29-2001).]
  24. MEDS! We need Maximus' medication in here! Someone grab a straightjacket!
  25. YAY! (And thanks for including the vehicle in CM. I'd rather have it included, working as it does, than not there at all.)
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