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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I'm warning again that I'm probably wrong here... BUT, my idea was that perhaps the combat bonus is for MORE DAMAGE only. This would make sense (to me) as the HQ could not really help the shooters with accuracy, but could inspire them to "Acts of Valor," and thus increase the damage they do. SO, this would not give Zooks and such (or any unit) a better hit chance. I'd also love to hear the official BTS explanation for the COMBAT bonus, just for interests sake!
  2. Just in case this feature is not added, I have already found a workaround. It's pretty simple, all you have to do is really, REALLY suck at the game. Once you learn how to do this, you'll already know that all your tanks will be flaming wrecks by the end of turn 1 and that your troops will surrender by turn 5 (it does take the enemy SOME time to walk across the map after all.) I find it does indeed take some un-needed stress out of the game...
  3. While skimming through my toy/action figure sites, I came upon this bit of news: http://members.spree.com/lifestyles/72358/X32Page.htm Looking forward to the new line!
  4. What, the Russians win? Aw, man! Now you ruined the end for me! Anyhoo, I like From Russia With Love. Good one Skid! WHATEVER the title is, BTS better remember to add a LOVE STORY for mass appeal!
  5. I'm betting that Dshugaschwili is correct. The actual chance a man with a bazooka will hit his target SHOULD only be based on his own skill, as how could an HQ actually increase the chance a shot would hit w/o holding and/or firing the weapon himself. The combat bonuses (lightning bolt) that a HQ unit gives to its troops would be more like an "inspirational" or "tactical" bonus I would assume. The HQ unit "inspires" the men to fight better, or to acts of valor... translated in game terms into more damage. I'm just guessing here, but it makes sense to me.
  6. So you're saying all those richochetes (sp?) DO actually land somewhere? I was also just wondering about this! (Until now, I have been more of an infantry player...) BTW, thanks for all the quick replies! [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-23-2001).]
  7. I CERTAINLY understand having a hard time coughing up the cash for a game... I had to sell Unreal Tournament on EBaY to afford it myself. However, CM would certainly be the BEST money you have ever spent on a video game. The hardest part would be the wait till it arrives in the mail!
  8. Okay, I'm joining in... If your tanks are in a diamond formation, can the back tank take out the front ones by accident? (I was just recently in a situation that made me worry about that...)
  9. SPEC OPS 2!!! I was eagerly awaiting Rogue Spear (for X-Mas last year) when I bought Spec Ops 2 because it looked similiar... What a festering, horrid joke that game was...
  10. Good Post Tom! CM has finally bypassed all my previous favorite games, and now rules the list. (Tribes, Rainbow 6, and Goldeneye were dug in pretty well, but CM finally routed 'em) [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-23-2001).]
  11. I certainly cannot add more to the great tips already here, so I'll add a small side note instead... If you fire from long or medium range, the enemy may not never see half of your guns, even if they miss or ricochete (sp?) the first couple of shots. The last time I walked my tanks into a gun ambush, I only spotted one of the 4 or 5 guns firing at me. Obviously, you cannot count on this... but it may give you some comfort to know you're not automatically dead after that first missed shot.
  12. I bet Steve runs around the office screaming a lot...
  13. I'll also toss in my VOTE for: Encyclopedia of German tank of WWII and British and American Tanks of WWII In my opinion they are the perfect AFV reference for CM. (...and now I can FINALLY follow a grog discussion on tanks on the forum!)
  14. Earlier I said to run a SHARPEN filter over reduced textures, but I'm editing that a bit now. Basically, I suggest shrinking your texture, saving it, then running a sharpen filter over it and deciding if the end result is better or worse. I noticed when reducing Tiger's new tank, the SHARPEN filter brought out too much stark detail at the lower res.
  15. Specter, I agree with you! I used the 5 KT's example, because I nearly always play Allies, but there are certainly Allied players out there that choose only Jumbo's, etc. I have NOT ONCE purchased a Jumbo in a QB PBeM... but that is just my taste, I like this game because of the "realism" factor. I just wish I could find others to PBeM with that I could trust to pick a fairly realistic force... One more note (on topic)- I too am an infantry player, so I am glad to see the ability to purchase a Company as well as the increase to support points.
  16. Heh Heh... It's funny you mention that. I have played the Germans a total of 3 times since I have owned the game. It was ALWAYS easy to find a PBeM game in which I could play the Allies, in fact opponents would fall all over themselves when they heard I WANTED to play Allies! In the last two PBeM games I have attempted to set up, opponents are now stating (as a fact, not a choice) that they WILL play the Allies. I dropped one of these games right away, and we'll see how the other one goes... I have a feeling it will go very, very gamey... (The reason I dropped the first game is because it was FACT that it would be too gamey for me, from the way he was talking.) The post that said that all this armor point totals, my "side" is getting screwed, blah blah blah stuff was "Much ado about not much" was soooo CORRECT from my viewpoint. I just want to play someone who wants to play semi-realistic or historically correct battles. I cannot tell you how tired I am of seeing those 5 KT's rumble up the hilltop...
  17. Getting in late here, so just gonna say THANKS to BTS.
  18. ... and it makes your Roadblocks look better too!
  19. I use PSP and the RESAMPLE option. Yes, just make it half the size. BE WARNED, it does not ALWAYS work well... so back up before trying it. I tried to reduce the size of Desert Fox's grass textures (already lo-res) and ended up having a TRON look to the landscape... icky! It DOES however work great for some things (like DD's snow) and makes your game run a bit better too. EDIT: I'm trying it on TIGER's new tank texture right now! EDIT Part 2: OOPS, almost forgot... Run a single SHARPEN filter over the reduced texture! Also, must give credit to Maximus, as that is where I got the idea to start zipping down some textures. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-21-2001).] [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-21-2001).]
  20. Goooorgeous! Please find a host for this puppy so we can d/load it! [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-21-2001).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: I am enjoying the game NOW more then ever. -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Me too!
  22. I think I missed the part in the Rulebook where it says if you play the Germans you automatically win. I guess that's what I've been doing wrong all this time...
  23. Looks fantastic! What I'd love to see someday is a very "muddied" up tank. Been looking at my reference books, and those things sure got dirty!
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