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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. Funky Website. I gotta say I laughed pretty hard at the GAP ad. Welcome aboard TankGirl! Are you going to purchase the full game, so you can kick the butts of some of the knuckleheads here?
  2. Hey Space Thing. If memory serves me correctly, September is when I bought mine too. So far the only PC game I have since purchased is Jane's WWII Fighters (which doesn't really count, as it was CM inspired. ) I have no plans to purchase any new games for the PC in the near future. CM is so replay-able, I may not need a new PC game all of 2001! DISCLAIMER: I have in fact bought several games for my PS2 since my CM purchase.
  3. Pioneer Infantry... hmmmm... I think you can use them to build log cabins! I could be wrong...
  4. I'll pre-order the second there is a CM2 demo that lets me know everything is peachy between my PC and CM2.
  5. As an ALLIES player, I LOVE IT! But, trying to be objective, I will say that I think the game simply feels more realistic (and yes, fair) now. The better use of Tungsten rounds is more realistic, imo. The ALlied tanks getting off the first shot seems realistic too, as they have the faster turrets, etc. Finally, hitting on the first shot is probably evidence of the tweak which was made to make missing at close range less likely. I don't know how this figures into realism... Anyhoo, overall I have to vote NO, it does not tip the scales too much to Alllies, it simply makes it all more realistic... as the Allied advantages actually work as they should, just like the Axis advantages. (I also vote YAY FOR ME, as an Allied player.)
  6. Here is a link to another thread about them... It contains a little info... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012879.html
  7. Vanir, I completely agree, except I use my Console for any action type game, and my PC for any SIM or Wargame. Guy w/ Gun - So you would rather that only rich little punk elitist snobs played video games? I hate to break it to you, but just as many "losers" play PC games as Console games. Don't believe me? Check out the Quake 3 forums. It's not Consoles that started the whole ClAn mentality, full of Co0l DeWdZ. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-16-2001).]
  8. Agreed Vanir! Commissar, I think you are mistaken in your thoughts that only stoned teenagers play consoles. I honestly think that if you give the PS2 a year, and then look at the assortment of games, you would be surprised. Also, you have to give some slack to the people who can't afford the gaming PC. I know you can upgrade a PC for cheaper than buying a new one, but just look at the playstation ONE... It has been around for 5 years. Only now has it been replaced with the Playstation 2. For 5 years, Playstation owners have been able to play a TON of different games, after only initially spending the money to buy the system when it was released. There is no way that a five year old PC would be able to play as many games as the original Playstation can, without upgrading once. Overall, don't get yourself too worked up, I'm positive that PC and PC games are around for a loooong time to come. We'll all have our Combat Mission 10 - Beyond Depends Undergarments! One of the great things about PC games is the community that can form around them, such as we have here. You don't ever (in my experience) see that w/ a Console game. Until you are able to d/load upgrades, new scenarios/skins/etc, and multiplay on Consoles, you won't see that happening. That time IS coming soon however. In the end, as always, it will be the support that each individual genre, and individual game receives that will decide what stays and what goes. CM is is very successful, because it's very good. That's why I play.
  9. Heh. I totally agree on Half Life. With games like TWINE and Red Faction coming out, there is no way I'm dumping $50 into Half Life. With internet connectivity, a Hard Drive, and a rumored plug in processor upgrade (taking the PS2 from 128 bit to 256 bit) coming within the year, Consoles and PC's are blending more and more. I think what we will soon see (and what was predicted in PC circles a couple of years ago) is a new system emerge that is a total blend of PC and Entertainment System. (although I don't think it will "spell the end of the PC" as some magazines were saying.) The new systems (PS2, XBox, and GameCube) are getting closer (OK, GameBox... er Cube isn't, but the other 2...) but I think it will take another generation of machines before we will see a total merging. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-15-2001).]
  10. Technology evolves at the speed of light, so there is certainly no doubt PC's will bypass any console on the market. For me, the advantage of consoles has always been that I can have great games and great graphics for the price of $400 or less. I don't have to upgrade every 6 months to play the latest game. Consoles make great gaming available to those who cannot afford the super PC, and it's inevitable upgrades. For personal reasons, I like console gaming because I've always hated sitting at my PC with a joystick. It just feels... unnatural. I also like the ability to shift between games w/o having to install them all on my HD. For business reasons, I think companies like consoles because they don't run into the "Hey, your game sux because it doesn't run on my personal PC setup!" Also, when developing games for PC's, companies cannot target high end systems, but must instead program for high, mid-level systems or less... because that's where the majority of people lie. With a console, everyone has the same system. Thus programmers can put as much high end detail into a game as the console will allow, and everyone with the system can still play. I think it's easy to cut down a console if you don't own one. I also think the majority of people would be surprised at the depth that can be crammed into some console games. Sure, there are stinkers... plenty of them. But they exist for PC's too. Now, just to make Commissar shake his fist a little heavier... Shooters w/ a brain - There are at least 4 I can think of coming out this year for PS2. Half Life (with new levels, graphics, weapons, etc), Red Faction, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and The World Is Not Enough. Realistic Driving Games - There are more driving games than I could possibly count arriving this year for PS2. The one that has me interested right now is a little game called GETAWAY. It's basically a very smart DRIVER: "Set in London, England, Sony's Team Soho have authentically recreated a 40 kilometre patch of Englands Capital city, including amazing representations of the Palladium, Kensington Place and even the Tower of London. Ala Grand Theft Auto and Driver 2, you can cover this terrain either by foot or by vehicle. I use the term 'vehicle' loosely because of the fact that there are many different types available, from taxi's to Mercedes and clapped out golf GTI's. To make the game as realsitic as possible, authentic traffic has been placed in the city landscape, although too faithfull a re-creation of this and it'll probably be quicker to get out and run! Anyway, the game is mission-based requiring you to sneakily follow kidnappers and even chase on foot where necessary, but how you get there is completely your choice, as it is an immense free roaming environment leading to all sorts of mayhem which will presumably result in crashing and jumping through market places or even through the Millenium Dome (whats the point, it's gonna be destroyed anyway) sideways on two wheels or something to that extent" RTS - Check out RING OF RED: http://ps2.ign.com/previews/14417.html WWII w/ mechs... odd but kinda cool. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-15-2001).]
  11. I would not personally REALLY want to see CM on a console. There would be no room, then, for the great user made mods, scenarios, etc... Like I said, I'm happy splitting my gaming time between PC and Console. Here's another snippet about Baldur's Gate 2 PS2, for what it's worth: "The game is probably not going to be a port, but rather an original game tailored to the PS2. "Most likely it'll be original," add the Interplay representative, who added that Interplay is still in the decision-making process about many aspects of the game. No news was revealed as to whether Baldur's Gate II would be Internet-compatible, or even multiplayer. " Not very revealing.
  12. Hey Jeff, get ready to buy a PS2! "Rumors have started circulating that Interplay is planning on bringing their smash hit PC title, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn to the PS2. Not much else is know about the title, although it has been suggested that the game will be a total revamp rather than a direct port. Watch this space!" I find it funny that the guy at FIRING (Flaming) SQUAD goes on and on for 4 pages, and then ends with: "With the bandwidth and pixel-pipeline limitations of the Graphics Synthesizer, it's very possible that the PS2 performance has been overestimated. Only time will tell. The big-budget PS2 titles such as Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, Final Fantasy X, and Metal Gear Solid 2 won't be out until next year. " Basically saying he knows nothing and has been wasting your time for the past four pages. Carmack is a chump. Major console programmers jumped all over his case when he stated that the PS2 was too hard to program for. The World Is Not Enough team is using the quake 3 engine for the PS2 and PC game... "Oh, and did we mention that the title will feature twice the graphic detail of the PC version, and run at a constant 60 frames per second with little or NO slowdown? Please, don't cry PC owners." Yet Carmack stated that his engine would be LESS powerful on a PS2! It's easy for doubters with their own websites to talk "real world numbers" while sitting on their duffs with a beer. We could argue back and forth all day, but it's an argument that has gone on since consoles and PC's began competing for the game market. I know that the screenshots I've seen for upcoming PS2 games are beyond ANYTHING I've ever seen on a PC. I know that my copy of DOA2:Hardcore looks better than anything I've seen on my friends super PC's. Those are the only "real world" stats I need. I also know that console games are not for everyone. I enjoy both PC and console games. I refuse to have the "PC games are for brainiacs" bias against consoles, because I love spending some brainless time shooting things up now and then. Finally, I'd never buy an XBOX either, because I agree it's NOT going to be a console system... just another PC which will require upgrading every 3 months. Hell, they have just announced it will NOT be DVD capable out of the box, but will require you to buy an expensive side option if you want to watch DVD's on the thing... Way to go Microsoft! Basically, it's a worthless argument we have going here... all I can say is that if you LIKE console games, Mr. Clark HIGHLY recommends a PS2. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-15-2001).]
  13. Great thought Babra! On a side note... I've had the game for awhile and just got my butt handed to me in a game v.s. the AI. I am reading Company Commander, and in it he mentions an attack on a platoon by some Axis troops and a flamethrowing Halftrack. I set up that battle in a QUICK BATTLE... it was NOT pretty! (The QB did give me an excellent map however! Very impressive.) My point is, even victories against the AI mean something, despite it being easier than a real human opponent.
  14. The game usually sets the resolution to your desktop res the first time you fire it up. If the units in the game look like the ones pictured on the site where you got the mods, then they are working. Chances are, if you copied the BMP's directly into the bmp directory of the game, then they are working. Look in the bmp directory and make sure there are no extra FOLDERS in there... one mod I d/loaded installed a folder in my bmp directory with the new bmps IN THE FOLDER (thus... NOT WORKING) Hope that helps, and congrats on your victory!
  15. From what I can find, it appears that only a VERY small number were landed for the crossing, and the vehicle overall was too thinly armored and overall not incredibly useful. Perhaps there were simply too few of them actually used for BTS to spend time including them?
  16. Good luck KUMP! I know how much free time a project like your website can eat up, so I don't blame ya. May your future be bright!
  17. Okay, to give myself and possibly some other non-Grogs some help with realism here... Suppose you want to make a QB with an American Rifle company supported by some tanks (to clear out a village or something, I don't know) What would be an example of a realistic 1944 tank and tank destroyer support for this theoretical Company? I'm trying to hit a happy medium between "playing sandbox" and realism... since I could read all the WWII books I can find till my eyes fell out and never have the wealth of facts some of you have.
  18. OOPS! I was way off, looks like it's more like 48 gigs a second passing through that 4mb vid mem. CPU: 128 Bit "Emotion Engine" System Clock: 300 MHz System Memory: 32 MB Direct Rambus Memory Bus Bandwidth: 3.2 GB per second Co-Processor: FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1) Vector Units: VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1) Floating Point Performance: 6.2 GFLOPS 3D CG Geometric Transformation: 66 million Polygons Per Second Compressed Image Decoder: MPEG2 Graphics: "Graphics Synthesizer" Clock Frequency: 150MHz DRAM Bus bandwidth: 48 GB Per Second DRAM Bus width: 2560 bits Pixel Configuration: RGB:Alpha:Z Buffer (24:8:32) Maximum Polygon Rate: 75 Million Polygons Per Second Sound: "SPU2+CPU" Number of voices: ADPCM: 48 channel on SPU2 plus definable by software Sampling Frequency: 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz (selectable) I/O Processor THESE LAST STATS are for the Playstation 1 system built in, so you can run PS1 games: CPU Core: Current PlayStation CPU Clock Frequency: 33.8 MHz or 37.5 MHz (selectable) Sub Bus: 32 Bit Interface Types: IEEE1394, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Communication via PC-Card PCMCIA Disc Media: DVD-ROM (CD-ROM compatible) [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-14-2001).]
  19. Pvt. Ryan has a great idea. If your PC has a modem, then simply go to your local K-Mart, and grab a disk (free) with their BLUE LIGHT internet service on it (FREE). Install BLue Light on your PC, use it to log on and d/load the patch. Should work fine...
  20. That's not ENTIRELY true... The 4MB used to be a large complaint, until developers realized they could pass over 1 gig (possibly 3! Can't remember exact number) of textures through it in a second. Basically, it's supposed to be like having an open window on all the texture mem you want.
  21. Yes, I would not recommend buying a console unless you like First Person Shooters, Racing Games, Fighting Games, or Platform games. (I do! I use my PC for strategy games.) However... the upcoming run on PS2 games is pushing the limits in all catagories... ie, First Person Shooters with roleplaying and tactics, etc. The upcomgin World Is Not Enough (Bond! YAAAAY!) game is a First Person Shooter... however, you can supposedly solve thegame w/o firing a shot, due to the "stealth" engine. Also, every background object can supposedly be interacted with. Thus, like Bond in the movies, you are supposed to be able to get out of sticky situations by making good use of objects around you. (Like rolling steel drums at baddies, Tying a rope to a table and then using it to "bungie" jump out a window, etc.)
  22. I'm pretty positive it's all in the processing. Since CM is calculating basically NOTHING as you sit and watch yuor playback movie, it does all those complex math problems before the movie. It's figuring every single move, shot, hit, damage, spotting, line of sight, etc... PLUS making the movie for you during that time. I don't play huge scenarios because my 380 mhz would probably take forever... [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-14-2001).]
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