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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. In my experience I would say just - kill em! But that's just my opinion and feelings.
  2. I wanted to know the same thing several months ago and had asked this question myself and got about the same answers. So what I did was ask my opponent what he thought. I figured - hey -, he knows what a bind I'm in anyway. Well, what happened was he said that that was fine he was really low on ammo anyway. Well, I did surrender but always regreted it thinking I may have been able to pull it out. So you never know what shape your opponent is in either so I've learned to fight until the very bitter end. Hell maybe he would have surrender if I hadn't.
  3. Yeah thanks for the answer about if green really was a color they used. Seems so. I never could figure out why they used Grey anyway. Seems green would make more sense. A nice mod. Thanks again.
  4. Oh, I like it. Finally something neat about the Shermans. I'll use it.
  5. Very nice Scipio. They are different from the regular grey uniforms I've seen. Did they really use green uniforms like this or did you just want them to be different? Don't get me wrong I think different is good but just wondering for my own information. :confused:
  6. Hey that looks great. Since I use your grass I too didn't see any tree bases around that fit well but I wasn't about to give up the grass so settled on one that looked ok but now those new bases look great in the picture so yeah I'm interested. And thanks. About time.
  7. Colonel Deadmarsh is right. I see it all the time with my Sherman's. I am always saying " Shoot the bastard " meaning use your cannon damn it! So yeah it happens a lot but I'm used to having to command them now after 100 games or whatever I've played.
  8. No, it still worked. I just had to finish reading to see it was signed by AI. Still funny and I enjoyed it very much. I too needed a laugh this morning.
  9. I don't know who Major Tom is but he couldn't have said it better! Excellent reply to the question and I agree 100%. Now I won't have to try to answer, just re-read Major Tom's reply for mine. Good job Major Tom!
  10. Well, all of them sound good to me so put me down that I agree. Now for my one little request. That you can command the turrert of a tank to point/rotate in any direction you want without it having to fire machine gun in order to do so. I've requested this many times before but since this thread is a repeat then I repeat it here again.
  11. Man, those look real. Very nice job. Yes I will want them. Too bad Tom's site is down or at least this morning about 3 hours ago. Thanks for the new mods Tanks-a-lot.
  12. Yeah, Tom's is down plus CMHQ and CM. Only one I can get to work is CM outpost. I've been trying CMHQ for 2 days now. Hope they fix it.
  13. Quote: _____________________________________________ Imagine getting to position each soldier behind specific trees, rocks, walls, doors, and so forth; choosing standing, crouching, prone positions; etc. Basically, a hyper-detailed CM. _____________________________________________ Well, I have to admit that does sound cool.
  14. I bet I know the answer - hard coded. Now somebody come along and pop my bubble.
  15. There you guys go getting me all excited again - about CM2. Will it ever come? I know, I know, but won't it be grand?
  16. Well, I'll just go and see what you've been up to on that vacation of yours. Oh well about the Gerbirgsjager arm. See you later.
  17. Maximus, I just noticed something. I asked for just the SS & Heer BMP #'s yet you listed the #5061 as belonging to the Gerbirgsjager arm. Am I to assume that that is a shared BMP with #5017? Please don't tell me yes, but I'm afraid I already know the answer. Rats! I was trying to have a different colored uniform for all the different branches. Kind of kills that doesn't it?
  18. Maximus, I just noticed something. I asked for just the SS & Heer BMP #'s yet you listed the #5061 as belonging to the Gerbirgsjager arm. Am I to assume that that is a shared BMP with #5017? Please don't tell me yes, but I'm afraid I already know the answer. Rats! I was trying to have a different colored uniform for all the different branches. Kind of kills that doesn't it?
  19. Thanks a ton Maximus !!!!!! Man, I have a lot to learn. Where you been lately? I kind of missed you. Again, I really appreciate it man!
  20. Could someone tell me the BMP numbers for the Heer & SS troops? I am trying something and cannot find them. I know that they are the 5000's but I need the exact numbers for these two. I would really appreciate it.
  21. Quote from: CMplayer Member Member # 4371 posted 07-05-2001 05:58 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to all the oral history out there on the web, infantry has an uncanny ability to squeeze into every little dip in the ground when taking cover from, e.g. MG fire. So there reasonably ought to be a big difference between the effect of small arms fire on units which are prone in open ground, and those which are standing/walking/running. Is this the case? There also ought to be a pretty large difference between pavement and open ground. ____________________________________________ I have also felt that troops weren't getting any relief from being prone vs being upright either. I know for a fact as everyone else does that they should. I'm sure BTS has reasons for this but not knowing them I feel it's in error. This should be a good topic and am looking forward to getting everyones opinions.
  22. Quote from: CMplayer Member Member # 4371 posted 07-05-2001 05:58 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to all the oral history out there on the web, infantry has an uncanny ability to squeeze into every little dip in the ground when taking cover from, e.g. MG fire. So there reasonably ought to be a big difference between the effect of small arms fire on units which are prone in open ground, and those which are standing/walking/running. Is this the case? There also ought to be a pretty large difference between pavement and open ground. ____________________________________________ I have also felt that troops weren't getting any relief from being prone vs being upright either. I know for a fact as everyone else does that they should. I'm sure BTS has reasons for this but not knowing them I feel it's in error. This should be a good topic and am looking forward to getting everyones opinions.
  23. I wasn't aware of this so good question. I will also be waiting to hear the answer. I love learning stuff and the guys on this forum are excellent - well sometimes anyway.
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