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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Well looks like this is about it. I didn't really think I'd get this many on this forum so not too bad. Anyway, here's how it stand. U.S.A. = 29, England = 8, The Netherlands = 6, Australia = 3, Austria = 2, Canada = 2, Germany = 2 and Spain = 2. All the rest, Belguim, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Korea and Sweden had 1 each including Luxembourg. Thanks everybody for participating.
  2. The other great thing about this game are the people like yourself who are willing to give up some of their time to help others. I am quite sure this will be very useful to some of the newbies and very much appreciated. Good job Hat Trick.
  3. A few more and I'll do another sub-total for those that are interested. Well there's another Canadian. I thought you were raiding I mean touring America Krazy Canuck?
  4. Yes it does give the game a much different and may I say improved look. Thanks there Strontium Dog I was needing a change and this will provide it nicely. You da man.
  5. Yeah great! the backspace key does delete the last waypoint. That's what I needed. Thanks Kenfedoroff for taking the time to help me on this. I thought I had tried every single key but I guess not the backspace one - of course. Thanks again this will make a big difference to my games.
  6. I would much rather it have more action choices ( fighting, moving and firing ) and greater number of equipment ( tanks, building, men, lighting, etc ) then improved graphics. CMBB graphics are just fine with me. My opinion.
  7. Too bad you don't play CMBO or I'd whip your skinly, little, young behind you .....you...CMBB Ladder Leader. But I guess a real man's game is too much for you, huh kid? Be off with you before I buy the game, learn how to play it, although I probably wouldn't have to learn much to take you on and wipe the board up with your troublesome self. Ok now seriously Mr. CMBB Ladder Leader I hate to see you go I alway enjoy reading your humorous posts. I think they are pretty funny and do get a laugh out of them. You are a card. Take care. PS; I sure hope none of these guys know where you live. They don't do they? Good. Safer that way.
  8. Another quesion on this subject. Let's say you have two way points from a previous turn and you want to delete the second way point leaving the first one is there a command or hotkey to do this? I sure hope so. Anybody know?
  9. Is this accumulative in the game? I mean does a tank for example actually get weaker for lack of a better word each time it gets hit and this condition occurs? Just wondering. Anybody know?
  10. Well that's good news Dressler I know I've been enjoying the test model out since I got it. It is the best one I've seen on this tank and I've seen them all, believe me the mod slut that I am.
  11. Excellent just in time for the weekend. Oh yeah you got to have the painted numbers. I really dig them as well as any other type of extra stuff on the vehicles like white crosses or unit insignias, etc. I'll have to check out the weathered tracks as I would probably go with them. Great looking tank Joshik. Thanks.
  12. Damn it Madmatt we're trying to do a poll like thingy here. Couldn't you have put that announcement thing off until we were through? Boy, some people. [ April 04, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  13. Oh, he's not too bad guys just young I assume, but I gotto know - what is a gel?
  14. Excellent BFC! Simply Excellent!!! Good choice and so soon, totally unexpected. Hot Damn! Now I'm excited again.
  15. That fireworks display was cool Dandelion. That was really cool! Well thank you for your kind words. Yes looks like a lot of the old guys are missing probably playing that sissy CMBB game or yelling, slapping, biting and just plain howling over on the general forum. Yeah this forum has pretty much become the lost forum. I guess just us old CMBO diehards hanging around here anymore but on the plus side some good new young lads coming aboard. I was also pleased to see some of those other countries here. Neat!
  16. Ron, I do keep mine as far back in woods as possible but still lose them too soon. I wonder if it's just the American's guns that perform so poorly? Maybe the German's were just better at concealing them?
  17. Well I too find it impossible to do for any length of time. I tried it 2 times with like 500 pts and just couldn't keep it up. Call me a sissy. I too wonder about those that do but hey it takes all kinds just not for me.
  18. Yeah Silvo I love those M5A1's myself. They do have alot of firepower but like you state do make great targets though and don't seem to last long. I'm actually just beginning to make use of my MG's. I've always kind of just had them follow the infantry around and would move them in behind said infantry to back the infantry up if they got into a fire fight but I think I'll be using them more like my opponents seem to use their MG42's. It seems they work very well if placed in locations that have a good overall view of a given area. Course that's easier said then done but when you find that spot it causes a lot of trouble and they are hard to take out by just rifle fire. I tried the 2 M1919's together last night instead of just one M1917 and they do provide alot more firepower then just one M1917. Course they cost more then just one M1917 but sure are a lot faster and that's worth the extra money.
  19. It wasn't anything scientific Aaron just 10 times but it told me what I needed to know and that is I'm using the M1917 against infantry. I did try it in open terrain and in wooden areas as well just to see if any different and there sure was. In the wooden areas it didn't do well at all so I'll only be using them for open terrain. Plain infantry performed best in wooded areas. All I did by the way was have a squad of German's attack them. Mon-o-Mon-o type thing. Yeah Silvo the .50 Cal. is a powerful weapon but I was needing something against infantry plus I am very unhappy with the way the .50 Cal. comes unglued when the slightest bit of fire is directed to it. At least in my experience. They panic and flee if you look at them mean. They are of course the only thing that can handle the HT's and light armor and I do use them for that - a lot. You did give me a idea however and I'll try two M1919's instead of one M1917 and see how they do. Their speed would be nice.
  20. Here's how it stands now after 78 posts. I'll just name the country's that have more then one. U.S.A. 24, England 7, The Netherlands 5, Austria 2, Spain 2 and Germany 2. Oh hell let's list all the countries since everybody likes to see their country's name in writing. So here they are: Mexico, New Zealand, Finland, Belgium, Slovenia, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Italy and last but not least South Korea. I hope I didn't leave one out. Oh yes almost forgot 1 from Egypt. I believe the city was Bum Fuk. What a pretty name, don't you think? Well sorry to hear it's raining in Germany Zarquon. Send some over our way would you? Say Dandelion I see you just can't stop talking or is that typing? Not to worry about hijacking the topic I always enjoy your replys or posts. You are an interesting guy so be my guess type away whenever you feel like it. I always learn something from you. I like your sig Boff. Funny.
  21. Great! Love that color. It'll look good and give my Panthers some color. Yeah those were the good old days. Mods going out all over the place. Damn, that was fun. Well, it still is but seems most guys are playing that stupid CMBB game.
  22. Well I was thinking more along the lines of the MG42 Heavy machine gun. I know the .50 cal is certainly a heavy brute weight wise and caliber wise but it sure couldn't hold a candle to the German heavy - fire wise. My real disappointment about it is in the game. I am always impressed and pissed at how effective the MG24 Heavy is against my troops so was testing out which out of the 3 guns the Americans had was the best. I thought it would be the .50 Cal. but no it was the M1917 by far. Since we don't get it after 12/45 the American's are at a big disadvantage in this area.
  23. Thanks mrcobbler we wouldn't want to leave you out of this. So Netherlands is ahead. I am surprised really surprised. I can't remember which country had the most last time although I know it wasn't Netherlands. Aragorn may be right well at least about the frustrated part.
  24. Thanks for the reply guys. Well I guess that makes sense and can see why they wouldn't need it being on the offence most of the time but you'd think they would still need a heavy machine gun somewhere sometime wouldn't you?
  25. That's funny Joshik does anybody still play CMBO. There are plenty of us I can assure you. Anyway with that out of the way yes I would like to have it. [ April 02, 2003, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
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