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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Sorry Dandelion but I won't be any help to you in finding the answer to your question. I am not knowledgeable enough to even carry on a conversation about it although I myself am interested in hearing from the more learned on this question.
  2. Great job GJK. I for one apprecite the site and your work and look forward to using it. I just updated my info as I've gotten a couple more Pbem's under my belt recently but unfortunnately something called "my job" has gotten in the way of my life. at least for awhile. Anyway, great site and it's getting better and better and am really looking forward to the scenario part. I think this scenario part is a great idea and certainly plan on playing them and applying feedback to the designers. Again, great site and thanks for something we've needed.
  3. Hmmm. Well that is a good question and an interesting one Dandelion. I have wondered about that myself and have heard several different interpretations. I myself only play with regular as my understanding is that anything higher is not worth the money except maybe in bazooka teams or sharpshooters but I really don't know for sure and am strictly counting on somebody's elses opinion. If I am not wrong and I may very well be but I think JasonC is the one that mentioned that the two mentioned above are the only two worth really spending the extra points for. Anyway, I would be interested in hearing from some more learned individuals then myself so I will shut up and listen or I suppose I should say read. Now before I do however I will say one last thing and that being I do believe that even an elite soldier can die with one bullet so is it worth it to have elite units? OK two last things. I have also read somewhere that it is more realistic to play with green troops since they behave more like what real live soldiers would behave. Example; how much fire and casualties a unit would take before panicking. Anyway my 2 cents not that I've answered your question.
  4. Yeah Legend42 the more I read the more times I come across information about the Tiger being used more in a defensive role which really is interesting. I guess it kind of makes sense since they were slow and probably wouldn't have the advantage on attack not to mention gas mileage. Kind of like small forts. That is interesting Sergei thanks for the info. I've no doubt that it is correct since BFC seems to have their facts pretty much down but I would love to know who or why they would do that? I mean that doesn't make any sense unless somebody just wanted a slower 76mm over a faster more powerful one. It must had sometime to do with the barrel or breach on existing equipment. I suppose anyway.
  5. Hey Panzerwerfer I appreciate your reply and understand what you said but let me ask you this. Since the bullet ( for lack of a better term ) is larger because it's physically bigger wouldn't the casing also be bigger and therefore able to hold more powder then the 75 mm? anyway thereby allowing for higher MV? I know a little bit about rifle cartridges as I used to reload so that's why I'm confused. Now if they are using the same 75 mm casing and just necked it up to 76 mm I can see why. Do you happen to know which is the case? Just curious since they could have done it a couple different ways but for the life of me can't see why they would allow this to be. Or maybe I'm all wet.
  6. Thanks again Rexford for the info. That story about the Russian's getting shot up because of the fog and they couldn't see who or where it was coming from would have been a nightmare for them I bet. Can you imagine? I do have a question for you however if you are still here. I noticed the on the British Sherman IIa and the Sherman V that while the 75mm has a 619 M/Sec shell speed with a blast of 39 the 76 mm which is faster with a 793 M/Sec speed only has a blast of 33. Does that make sense to you. It doesn't me but then I'm not familiar with ammo that large anyway so wouldn't really know but it seems off to me. Any idea why or can you explain it?
  7. That last post from Rexford confirms it. No way a Sherman should be able to take out a tiger as easy I have been doing. I will start watching more closely to which Sherman does it and at what range but I think the Tiger is too weak in CMBO. I've kind of figured out why I have more problems with Panthers and it may be that they can move their turret faster and therefore I don't get a second or third shot off like I do the Tiger. Anyway appreciate the info Rexford.
  8. What Rexford said. See I knew the Tiger shouldn't be that easy to knock out.
  9. I knew this bunch would get you up and running again Dandelion. Good for you.
  10. Interesting site you got there Frenchy. Shouldn't you change your forum name to Freedom?
  11. To answer your question Jack Carr I really haven't paid much attention to which Sherman tank does it or even if all models can do it but it happens enough to where the last time which was just recently I decided to mention it here to get some feed back. My heart always stops when I first see one in a game but since it's normally not a problem taking it out I don't get too worried about it anymore. I'd far rather see a Tiger then a Panther any day. Much much harder to kill and they normally do a lot more destruction then the Tigers. Oh I do remember that a British Mark II took two of them out in one game not too long ago. And Dandelion to answer your question - beats me, my family moved here when I was a wee one of 1 years old from Cleveland,Ohio and been here since. I really like the weather and don't know any better I guess. No Texas is home. Oh yeah plus I wouldn't have the heart to leave all my oil wells and ranch land as far as the eye can see.
  12. Like Cpl Carrot says get the 1.12 patch and you can play TCP/IP oh and you are welcome.
  13. I just recently finished a game where my German opponent had squads within 40 meters of a Greyhound of mine that was also disabled and he couldn't get his men to fire on me either. They finally did however to my sorrow so I think like Cpl Carrot says they'll do it when the time seems right.
  14. Scared me for a minute I thought there were two of you or some terrible person was trying to steal your signiture. Sorry to hear about the crash and hope you have it straightened out soon. Good luck.
  15. Well ask and you shall receive as the saying goes. Thanks guys for some interesting and factual feedback. Very Interesting point about the crews angleing their tanks to the enemy advance, thanks redeker good reply. Yes klapton I do seem to notice it harder to kill Tigers when they are on higher terrain and at good distances. And Dandelion as usual you amaze me with your knowledge and I really appreciate your help and replys. Well so that explains why I can knock out Tigers all day long. I knew something was wrong but maybe not as bad as I thought BFC had it since they didn't seem to be the super tank I was under the impression of. And yes Dandelion we will have to play some day when I get some experience under my belt. You would probably not even notice that you had an opponent playing against me right now but the day will come my friend. Now don't you go and get rusty on me before that time. ( Like I should talk being 55 years old ) By the way Dandelion I noticed just minutes ago a post by you where your forum name was Moritz and your signiture was Dandelion and asked about that so now I see. I was a little confused there for a minute. So you decided to change your forum name. What does Moritz mean if anything besides a name if I may ask?
  16. I'm normally not too observant but I noticed that while this post is from Moritz the signiture is from Danlelion? What is with this? Not that I care but just curious? Oh yeah also you might try posting this over in the Tech. forum. You might get a quicker answer. [ May 07, 2003, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  17. I'm not a history expect as most of you know and I don't claim to know a whole lot about military vehicles and such but the one thing I do know is that the Tiger was a lot harder to kill then what CMBO shows it. After hundreds of games well at least over 3 years worth playing almost every day I noticed that I have no problem or very little problems killing the Tiger tank. This can't be right. It's probably been talked to death about but I didn't want to do a search because quite honestly it's no fun I would rather see if I could get some discussion going about it here to see what you thought. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so. Anybody care to comment or tell how they feel?
  18. Excellent news GKJ. Glad you got things sorted out. I really think this will become a very popular site. I know I'll use it. AGain, good job and thanks for your work and please and please thank your friend that's helping you do all that work for me also.
  19. Hey Lickityspit I just found this and thought it might answer some if not all of your questions pertaining to playing by email. http://www.rugged-defense.nl/cm/rules.htm Hope this is what you were looking for. Have fun.
  20. I second that Waycool. Now that is going to be the game! I'm just afraid the modders will all be worn out after CMBO & CMBB. I sure hope not. This game just wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for them. Great games don't get me wrong but those mods are superb and just make the game look so much more realistic.
  21. Have you seen this: http://www.combatmission.com/cmmos/cmbo/Allied/Allied.htm They have the American tanks and everthing you could want and then try this: http://www.combatmission.com/cmsmods.asp
  22. If the game engine in CMAK stays on par with the one in CMBB, and I see no reason why it wouldn't, then Combat Mission players are really gonna find it hard to break away from their PC's. __________________________________________________ Like it's not already? Yeah but why buy the Eastern Front when CMAK will have all the cool stuff and still be about the Western Front?
  23. That would be impossible to say Jim_hopper. Not trying to get out of going to the trouble of answering but it really is up to the individual. I mean if you ask that question to 10 different guys you'll probably get 10 different answers. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. I could tell you what I think but you might prefer different mods. There's just so many to pick from it's almost overwhelming but GREAT!!!. Take a look at this site to get an idea what is out there. http://www.cmoutpost.net/
  24. Hey Andrew congratulations! You must be proud? Cool man cool. So you won't be playing the game anymore or modding that's for sure. Nice knowing you.
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