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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just peed my pants! Mord <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like someone needs some Depends. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  2. Zork Series -- Apple IIE Escape From Castle Wolfenstein -- Apple IIE Utopia -- Intellivision Herzog Zwei -- Nintendo EA John Madden Football -- Genesis EA Sports Hockey -- Genesis Secret Weapons of The Luftwaffe -- PC Close Combat II -- PC ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  3. This might have been covered before but what exactly do the yellow and red lines of fire mean? What does each color denote? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  4. BUMPETY BUMP BUMP ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  5. Rwwald, T-House chat was down because the new chat room was being put in place tonight. Try it now, it should work fine. It really is a nice looking chat room. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  6. Do my eyes deceive me or are those trees in high-res? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  7. In addition, I'd like to request a "hyperspace" option like the one in Asteroids. I find there to be times when my tanks are in unfortunate situations that I need to get out of and I have no way to do it. Could we see this in the next patch? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  8. Why is it that every time there's a CC thread I feel I need to post? Anyway, I'd just like to say that you guys are right; CC shines during infantry battles. The individual soldier is well represented and I think that's what I liked the most about CC2. In CC3, they took that away some. For some reason, it didn't have the same feeling and I still can't put my finger on it. In CC2, I could see each soldier clearly too which helped. The maps of CC3 and beyond are darker, less cartoonish but I still like the CC2 ones the best because it provided for better gameplay. Okay, I'm stopping. I could go on forever. Just wanted to praise CC2 again this week for the many wasted hours of my life. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  9. Paitence Grasshopper... The file is on the way. Although I am not sure you will like what you see... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  10. I looked on TGN but found nothing in this area. Surely there must be a mod out there cause I keep seeing great pics posted which look nothing like what I'm seeing in my games. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. I want to see if this new resolution is working or not but I can't find a high-res tree mod to check it out. Is there some other place I'm not looking? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  12. I must be doing something wrong then. I updated my drivers and can play in 1024*768 but I don't notice any difference in graphics at all! The only thing that's different is that the interface is smaller. That's it. What differences am I supposed to notice? What's a good way to see the difference? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  13. Can anyone here using a Voodoo 3000 play the game at the higher resolutions? When I try to do so, it reverts back to 800 X 600. My system is an AMD K-6 500mhz with 256mb RAM. Do I just need to update to a better video card to see these resolutions? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  14. I'm currently in a CC2 tourney right now and just finished playing a game last night. Christ! That damn AI really pisses me off. I actually sit there and yell at the screen even though I know it's stupid. You just can't help it. When it comes to the maneuvarability of tanks, it's got to be one of the worst programming efforts I've ever seen. CM is more of a pleasure to play because if I lose a game, it is my fault whether it's bad planning, bad execution, etc. When I lose a game in CC2, half the time it's the AI's fault because it takes control of my units for me and makes stupid moves that I never told it to make. That's very frustrating as a player. The only reason I re-visit CC2 is for the real time aspect...and believe me, that's it. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  15. Is this the old "dark pavement" mod or is this a new one and where can I get it?
  16. Yeah, I think I have the one you're talking about, the dark pavement mod put out awhile ago. It helps a little but the lines are still there. Would be nice for a new one to be done that eliminates all those lines completely. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  17. That's some great looking stuff. Just out of curiosity though, did tanks have the lady pics drawn on them like the nose art of the WWII bombers? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  18. I'd like to request that someone do a pavement mod that gets rid of all those lines. I don't know how CM looks on the better resolutions, but in 800X600 the pavement in the game doesn't look so hot. I'd like to be able to look down a city street and have smooth pavement. Now, I know that bricks were used to make streets back then but they don't show up well in 3-d, especially in low resolution. Is it possible for someone to make a fictional pavement for this game that will give streets a "smooth" look with few lines? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  19. Matt, Do you know if the ATI Rage has those Fog Tables too? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  20. So...when are you gonna put up the dam pic? And is there a description of this dam battle? What made you want to design a dam scenario in the first place? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  21. Yeah, that could be it. But in case he needs to download the new active x program or whatever it is you need to fix the CM glitches, what is the addy? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  22. BUMP--good question ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  23. Chupe, You used to be able to go on Gnutella and get Photoshop for free but due to the Napster ruling, all the Napsters came over, overloaded the servers, and turned Gnutella into a wasteland. If anyone knows of a good file-sharing site in which you can pick up more than just mp3's, lemme know. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  24. I'm playing a small PBEM game with him and although I can see the heavy fog in the game, he says he cannot. I'm wondering...although he can't see the fog, is his LOS still limited? He told me he's using a 64 mb video card (I forgot which one) Rage maybe? I remember downloading the newest Active X driver, I think that's what it was, so I could see smoke. After I did that it worked fine. Is this most likely the problem and if he needs to dl something, what's the addy? Thanks. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
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