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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. I've been wanting to purchase EAW for years now but never could because I had an outdated system until just 6 months ago. Can someone tell me what the plusses and minuses are of this game and is it still worthy of purchase. After all, it came out a couple of years ago and surely looks dated. Anyway, I'd love to hear some opinions on this. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  2. Bastables said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You don't have a clue do you. Maybe you should read up on the Battles in Africa. Dunes? Im sorry but most of the conflict took place near the coast, meaning Mesa's and rock formations, its not the sandy wastes of Dune. Never mind that CM3 is the med which means Italy, Crete, Greece as well as Nth Africa.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Truth be told, I don't know squat about the battles in North Africa so the first thing I thought of was dune battles. Glad to hear this wasn't the case. Maximus said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Please give it a rest, because I'm sick of all the political correctness when trying to discuss historical entities. American troops called the Japanese, "Japs". American troops called the Vietnamese, "Gooks" or my favorite, "Gookers". So what??? If you can't take it, get the hell out of the kitchen. There's no room for wussies on this board. Because no matter what you say, it's gonna piss off somebody somewhere, so I just live life as much as I can.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Amen! Screw this politically correct crap. I feel the same way Maximus and Archie Bunker do about this stuff. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My infantry were exploiting through a woods. They bet some Germans who kept shooting at them as they ran by (and they were taking casulties). They didn't stop to shoot back at all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm curious...exactly how were the Germans exploiting your infantry? And why was your infantry trying to place bets with the enemy? Where is this "bet" command anyway? I don't see it on my interface. Hmmm...maybe I need to upgrade to a new version... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  4. Croda said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>While the fighting in the Pacific was certainly ferocious, a large part seemed to be the methodical and systematic demolishing of Japanese strongpoints, bunker complexes, pillboxes, etc. I believe BTS stated that they don't feel that this necessarily makes for a fantastic gaming experience, thus they were postponing it at best. Besides, Steve and Charles are WWII enthusiasts and their interest seems to be partial to the Western Theaters. And as all enthusiasts, they are involving themselves with what excites them most.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree. I think anything done in the Pacific would be boring. Every scenario will be the Allies flaming some Jap bunker and infantry to infantry fighting from tree to tree. Oh joy. The same goes for North Africa. B-O-R-I-N-G. Tank battles from 2000m out with nothing to hide behind but the occasional sand dune. Yeah, that sure does sound exciting... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>. I must say that I was a little shocked at first to see only the packaged manual and not the CD for a few moments till I realized that the CD was tightly packed IN the manual heh.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, I think everyone has this moment of worry, as I did too when I got mine. I think this is BTS's way of f*****g with our minds. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>used to play Close Combat 1 and CC2, esp. CC2 ALL THE TIME! But after playing CC3 I didn't like the emphasis on only tanks and I soon stopped playing the series. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You already have my respect for quitting the CC series after #2. Obviously you have a great respect for infantry. Me too. I still play CC2 on the side to get my fix for real time action and the excellent job that game did in displaying the individual soldier. Unfortunately, the AI pissed me off so much my last game that I killed my mouse. No problem. Just bought one of those new optical mice and boy do they work like a charm. I'll keep the old one around to use as a "throwable object" the next time the CC2 AI pisses me off...which should be the next game I play. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  6. 6 people in the chatroom now. Could use some more faces in here so we can get a big group together.
  7. Everyone! Come on over to the chatroom at T-House to find opponents for tonight. We're hoping as many of you as possible will show up as it will give us a chance to talk to one another in real time. See you there! http://tournamenthouse.com
  8. Nitsud 42 said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Being on the receiving end of the Col_Deadmarsh 169m zook team (it was a IVH, BTW) I about threw the monitor across the room! Not only was it 169 meters, it was in the rain and through some trees! Needless to say with the tank gone hsi M7 had no problem dispatching two of my HT's on the next turn!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heh, I'm glad I got rid of that thing. It could've proved very dangerous to all the infantry I had in the area, most of which were shaken from earlier fire. Damn regs have no balls. Thermopylae said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I dunno...I always imagined the zooks and shrecks being pretty useless beyond 100m or so...but then againn it could just be my CC background.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Schrecks were deadly in CC2. If you got off a shot under 100m, you had at least a 75% chance of hitting. On the other hand, piats were terrible. They had a stronger punch than the zooks which made them more useful against Panthers and such but their aim was horrible. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  9. I had a zook take out a um...well I'm still not sure what the hell it is cause I haven't ID't yet but I took out something from 169m out with my first shot, ground level. The zook team thinks it's a Tiger but hell, they all say that. I'm guessing it's probably a Mk IV or something else instead. Whatever the case, it's dead now. On the other side, in another game, I had a schreck team firing at a Jackson from about 70-80 meters away from a multi and missed both times. Then, my infantry team missed with their faust shot from 40m away as the tank cruised up to the house. The screck team are regs while I'm not sure about the zook team. Regs too I believe. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  10. Agreed. I thought this would be a feature on the new patch. I can't understand why it hasn't been done yet. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. This is beginning to sound like a bug for ALL flame tanks. Of course, I could be wrong. It's been known to happen once or twice before. [This message has been edited by Colonel_Deadmarsh (edited 12-07-2000).]
  12. Actually, the Voodoo 5 sounds like a better purchase for those strapped for cash. Aren't they down to about $150 now? With basically the same performance as the GeForce with exception of frame rates, the Voodoo 5 is the poor man's GeForce. You're talking half the cost here. My only question is...will you still be able to update drivers for it when 3dfx gets out of this business? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  13. Just wanted to tell you about a certain situation I'm having in one of my PBEM's. I bought a Canadian Badger and stuck it in the vicinity of a house by a flag. My opponent snuck inside of the house apparently without seeing my tank and looked to be an easy target on the next turn. When the time came, I ordered the Badger team to fire at the infantry squad. Well, instead of flaming the house which was about 30m away, it started torching everything around it, getting very close to burning my own men even. My opponent ended up escaping with little injury as the tank only targeted the house once, even when I directly told it to. Instead, it set the immediate area on fire and is so bonkers, I had to move it away so it wouldn't extinguish the rest of its ammo supply and hurt my own men in the process. Does this sound like a bug or a tank gunner who had too much schnapps before duty? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  14. While we're off-topic here: I have had a small problem that continues to annoy me... When I log on to the net, before my home page loads up, I get that window that says I'm currently offline...no connection to the internet is found...blah blah. And it waits by prompting me with the selection, cancel or try again. By hitting "try again", I can then proceed to load up the home page but I'd like to get this problem solved so I dont' have to keep seeing this thing. When I hit "File", it doesn't say I'm offline so why am I getting this message and how do I make it go away? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PERL is a scripting lanuguage available on many platforms including Win PC, Mac, Linux, etc. (Actually it is a acynomn but I cannot remember) It is created by Larry Wall and its strength mainly lies on string processing, pattern matching and file I/O. It was the CGI language of choice back in the early web days around 1995 but now we have a large variety of competitors like servlets, ASP, SSJS, PHP, etc who works better and safter than Perl in CGI department. It is not object-oriented in mind. Another problem is the syntax of Perl can go really wierd especially in the hands of experts -- their codes can be difficult for others to read. Various modules and revisions expand its functionality to database access, object-oriented data handling, graphics, BBS like this, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Griffin, Thanks for your explanation on Perl. One question: Is PERL a certain "flavor" of CGI? Are there other forms of CGI? It seems CGI and PERL are always brought up in the same sentence as if it's one language. Can you explain their relation? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  16. I agree Panzer. If more people knew about the chat room at Tournament House, there would be no problem finding opponents for the T-House ladder. And, if you're not in a rush, simply post in this thread and wait for a response...
  17. I heard Pepsi knows the secret of Coke but won't copy it because they are too small to compete with Coco-Cola with the same formula. Somebody wrote a book on this subject and the author shares what he thinks the recipe is. What was interesing was that him and a lot of other people swear they use some sort of citrus in their drink but Coca-Cola denies this. I wish I could remember the name of the book cause it's an interesting read. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  18. You have to hit the "chat" link next to it. I agree with you though that it needs to be cleaned up and I'll point that out to Yobobo so players don't get confused. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  19. http://tournamenthouse.com Go into the T-House chat room to find opponents for games. See you there...
  20. I get my grass from my connection in the city. I don't know the name of it but I'll be sure to find out for you. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
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