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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. BUMP ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  2. Everyone here who needs to find opponents, scurry over to http://tournamenthouse.com Here you will find everything you're searching for...and maybe more. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  3. Anything Bruckheimer gets his hands on turns into a piece of crap. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  4. Tournament House has the best rating system out of all of them and has the most options for searching for opponents. Try it out and see what you think. http://tournamenthouse.com ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  5. Ah...I didn't know this was the RD ladder. I thought another one had started. In my opinion, we don't need any more. Too may can cause problems I believe. It becomes too hard to find people to play on your ladder if everyone's on a different ladder. I understand what you're saying about concurrence between companies but I think that can only go so far here or in any area of business. I'll look into that book though. I didn't take econ in college so I'm up for doing some reading on the subject. Ther's nuthing like a gud edumakashun. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  6. As if we need another ladder ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  7. Let me consult my D & D Monster Manual and I'll get back to you... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  8. I blame lame jokes like this on the fact that I just got back from some Saturday night drinking. And even though I recognize the utter stupidity in posting this, I still felt I needed to share it with you...probably cause I'm bored. Or is that bord? Which is it Rob? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  9. You guys should go over and check out Tournament House. With 200+ people on the ladder, you'll never have trouble finding opponents over there. To make it easy for you, there is a list of players with a placard next to each person's name which tells if that player is open for a game or not. http://www.tournamenthouse.com ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  10. BUMP ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. For those of you who need to find opponents for games, consider joining the Tournament House ladder where it's always easy to find your next prey... http://www.tournamenthouse.com ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  12. Go to http://www.tournamenthouse.com and sign up for the ladder. I think you'll enjoy it. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  13. Just to point out, I don't want to make a full-length Flash movie, just something that will last a few seconds but that will use enough still images to make it animated. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  14. Has anybody ever tried to make a Flash movie using stills of CM? Can it be done well enough so that movement is actually simulated by using every other frame or so? I want to make something that can be seen by other people using only their Flash players but I'm not sure about how to go about it. I'm thinking I need a special screen capture program that has a timer that will save a bunch of captures in a very short amount of time. Has anyone had any experience doing this and if so, what programs did you use, how did you go about it, and what has worked for you? ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know this isn't a WW 1 topic,but Col Deadmarsh,Pillar I was an infantryman in the Gulf and my M16 didn't have a lock button on it and the Iraqis did fight at Medina Ridge, not well but that was because the Air Force and our Arty blew the bejesus out of their C&C but they fought hard. It was our training and equitment that won the day,not the Iraqis inferiority. This post isn't intended as a flame or to start any kind of fight,but as a vet I felt it had to be said.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Okay, obviously when I'm talking about "lock-on", I am not referring to infantry. If you re-read my post I am defending the use and importance of infantry. What I was griping about was that technology has taken all the fun out of re-creating these wars in a game. Fighting nowadays in terms of armor is done from long ranges and I don't think this translates well to a game. As far as training goes today, I never said that soldiers today don't train as hard or whatever. My post was just to point out that having these long-range "technology" battles would be boring. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  16. Normally I wouldn't tell a mod maker what's wrong or what needs to be improved on his mods but I'd like to make a gentle suggestion on this new apple tree mod. I'm presently using it and I think it really adds to those village battles but I noticed that the apples on the inside of the tree are lighter than the ones on the outside. I read the notes for the mod and the mod maker said he changed the color to make it seem like some of the apples are under the leaves and branches. Well, that's a good idea but you kind of violated one of the main rules of art I think. The apples that are hidden behind branches should be darker than the ones on the outside of the tree due to the shadows provided by the branches and leaves. I think this is why the color looks a little strange. Anyways, I don't mean to be too critical but I think your mod would look even better if this issue was addressed. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  17. If any CM installment is done on present day warfare, I won't be buying it. There's no more romance left in war nowadays. It's just get lock-on, push a button, and watch whatever's on your scope go bye-bye. How boring. I'm also not looking forward to anything done in North Africa. Having tank battles from 3000m out doesn't appeal to me. Infantry will be useless and please don't try to convince me otherwise. If Charles and Steve do decide to do this though, I may consider buying this one only for the Meditteranean scenarios which sound interesting. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  18. There's still one option that hasn't been brought up yet: lowering the point value for the flags. A player will only rush if it's worth it. As it now stands, the small flags are worth 100 and the big ones 300. Rushing to take a big flag would almost always seem worth it as this is a lot of points that will go to your opponent if the flag is not neutralized by a last minute rush. But what about the small flags? Would someone really rush 2-3 squads of men to try to gain a tie on a flag only worth 100 points? In some situations, it might not be worth it if it's thought the enemy has the vl well defended. Now, since I haven't played enough games to really comment on whether or not the flags are set right or too high or whatever, I'm just throwing this out for the others. But maybe it's possible that too many points are awarded for these victory locations. Common sense says that if the prize isn't worth going for, the player will hold back his forces and give up the flag rather than possibly lose more points for making that last minute rush only to discover the vl was still awarded to his opponent. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  19. There's also lots of free "screen capture" programs out there. Just do a search and you'll find a crapload of them. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  20. Having the scenario designer add more turns to the scenario is not the answer. There will always be games in which one side knows that it will not be able to overtake a vl by fighting and that the only solution is to wait till the last turn and rush or crawl up a couple turns ahead of time. I actually tried the crawling tactic at the end of my last game with someone. I crawled up 3-4 squads towards a vl that was being held by an mg, 2 squads, and an AVRE. Well, the AI didn't give me the vl even though I had some men in the immediate area and I think this is a good thing. I didn't deserve it but wanted to see what would happen nevertheless. I haven't played enough games yet to know how the AI will respond in granting flags but I would hope it has the sense to realize that units crawling towards a vl while being shot at by multipile squads does not mean I have control of it. For some reason though, I have the feeling I will find out that gameyness is gonna come into play here. The thing is...I am against these self-imposed restrictions on what I can and cannot do and I will try every way to get that vl be it gamey or not. I don't think this is my problem to solve. I believe it should be handled by the people who made the game. Whether or not I think CM has a problem in this area is yet to be determined I think. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  21. I'm glad you brought this up. In fact, I'm surprised this hasn't been debated yet on the forum. As I can understand where you're coming from, I am against these self-imposed restrictions on when I can attack a vl. I don't think it's gamey if somebody has troops in the area of a vl and is in the position to charge the vl to take it, even if it's in the last turns of a game. I think it's the opponents job to make sure he has secured the vl so that final rush won't give the rusher a neutral decision on who wins the flag at the end of the game. If someone can rush the vl and obtain a tie for the flag, then that vl was never secure in the first place. It's obvious the vl was being held from the rear and was not emcompassed by the defense. So, in light of this, why shouldn't there be a neutral decision when there is a final attack? If you as the defense want to prevent a split decision on a flag, you should set up your field of fire so that it can contain a last minute rush and will result in a lot of dead bodies on your opponent's side. If your opponent though can easily rush in and run to the flag without their squads being seriously torn up, then it's my guess you never had full control of the flag in the first place. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  22. In my oh so humble opinion...I would like to see this new feature too as it would give people an added sense of security when playing a total stranger. Not only that but it would be nice to save as a text file so when writing your AAR's, you could cut and paste onto that as your intro to the battle. Of course, this is just my oh so humble opinion...And may I just conclude by saying that this is one hell of a game. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That was one helluva funny post. I don't know if that was done on purpose as an attempt at irony or it just happened as a result of your enthusiasm, but this is definitely a classic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree, it was funny as hell. In fact, Rob has become something of the court jester here. This forum wouldn't be the same without him and his spelling. ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  24. LOL! I second the motion. I have to say though, I couldn't quite make out the language on that website. It does look vaguely familiar to English... ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
  25. Apparently I am doing something wrong by suggesting things to be added in the next patch. Stupid me, I thought that suggestions were just that--suggestions. I didn't realize I was criticizing the game by making these seemingly innocent remarks. Perhaps to prevent any such confusion of tone of voice, in the future I should preface all suggestions with "Pretty please with sugar on top." ------------------ Youth is wasted on the young.
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