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Capt. Toleran

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Everything posted by Capt. Toleran

  1. Iron, only, from day 1, all games that I had the option. Not that I'm good or anything, I get my butt handed to me all the time...
  2. So far Russians, it is a nice change of pace, though US is a close second, and probably the easiest to use.
  3. Trying to make sure I adhere by the no-politics rule here -- There is a lot of fighting around Debal'tseve lately due to that city, and ones adjacent to it, being major rail hubs and central to a lot of stuff going on in the area. Apparently the Rebel side has been trying to close a pocket there. I myself have thought about doing a map but know others here will get to it faster and do it better. I would humbly suggest that it would make a good campaign for either side (or H2H), and there are multiple scenarios that could be set on this map or maps.
  4. Thank you, I was never satisfied with the stock CMSF sounds (especially the PKM) and these are great, just like your other work.
  5. Happy to play you (or anyone here) at CMBN or CMRT at pbem. Very open to setup, surprise me, can get you my e-mail for shared dropbox folder. Also playing CMBS if you are interested, we can have multiple going.
  6. For me, it is the best yet. I always loved CMSF, and this is CMSF done perfect. I really missed the kind of efficiency and ability you had with the modern C&C and tech, and this is so exciting to have T-90s, T-72s, and basically modified T-80s slugging it out with eachother and M1's. Battlefront, thank you so much for this, it is smooth as silk and rich like butter, pure tactical heaven. Now looking forward to mods and other UGC.
  7. Yes -- thank you, it is truly a work of art and the best one yet. Like art aficionados, some of us (me) get a little crazy about our art. It's perfect.
  8. I know I'm not the pick of the litter today, but I would love to take you up on it. I'm hopefully almost done loading here and I promise to behave PBEM preferred here, I can do many turns this weekend and Mon-Thu, at least one a night (kid here, long commute).
  9. Thank you -- please rip Citrix a new one for us. Also, apparently the more I shut up (I pissed of a lot of people today, probably not a great day for me) the faster it downloads, maybe I should keep it going
  10. Oh, I agree that it is always worth the wait for Battlefront -- they just frustrate me a lot sometimes, and I get too Type A with it. I'll still be lurking here, but since most of my contributions would be political analysis related, they are probably out of place here given the current rules. I also cannot claim the kind of impressive and extreme military/grognard expertise I see here in the forums -- Even all these years later, I'm still the tadpole, never the frog. It has at least helped me in terms of being better informed than the average civvie, and I love that they went modern again, especially because my AVG and Avast hate CMSF, so I can't seem to play that anymore. But I am very open to long-term PBEM games, I promise anyone who cares that I am 100%+ less whiny and a good loser, and I will probably lose a lot, given my track record against the AI in everything else
  11. Thanks -- I did end up rubbing some folks the wrong way today and coming at them wrong (and apologized to them in private), and per my hyperactive posts on other threads, I still have yet to successfully download the game, which is annoying but not worth me yelling about here. I will be very happy when I finally get to play this game, and I do appreciate your support, though I also know I complain waaaay too much and a lot of people here are sick of it. If i was them, I would probably say the same thing about me. This a big reason why I don't chime in on most threads, today/this week being a major exception.
  12. I'm actually glad I didn't take my chill pill when I had planned to, or I would have wasted it on this hassle A lot of us think this is something beyond the usual mess. In fact, we were assured the usual mess was gone, according to their own support page. The thing is, bandwidth is valuable, and something running for 5 hours at 400k-1MB/s (because we have had to do this over and over and over today) is not a great customer experience. I know I have been an especially whiny idiot today, and for me, that is really saying something. We would just like to know why things are so different today vs. other releases that have gone much smoother, of products like CMBN that had presumably a higher level of demand vs. this. And why is the cloud failing them/us? That's what seems to be the issue. if they would post "We're ripping Citrix a new spinchter now!", even that would be more satisfying than what seems to be dead silence after we paid money for a product we could download right now (as you recall from my other asinine posts, I was not a pre-order). Anyways, I might go ahead and take that chill pill now, I'm losing the evening and today has been a waste.
  13. It's the opposite for me, I'm slowing down vs. earlier attempts, that at least started at 1 MB/s and fluctuated upwards from that before going back down. I'm depressingly sure that this 2-3 hour download is going to fail as well. Anyone know anyone at Battlefront personally? They seem to think that a bunch of us are liars or something, because they are not responding. Will it take me doing a chargeback with my credit card company to get their attention? Because if i don't get what I paid for, I'm not going to let them keep my money. I'm getting more and more sour by the minute, and you haven't seen anything yet. Sorry to do this here, but I don't like this one bit, and this is the most I paid for a game in quite a while, as well as a big friggin waste of my home bandwidth. I surely could have done a lot of other things today if they had told us downloading today was futile. No communication means angry customers, especially when we follow their tech support advice on their own pages.
  14. How long did it take you, and how many tries? Battlefront's silence on this is deafening.
  15. When I ran into this issue on the CMBN patch, the fix that worked for me was disabling my anti-virus for 10 min.
  16. I think I would be a lot more understanding if it wasn't for their own support page saying bandwidth and numbers of people shouldn't be an issue due to the Amazon Cloud services they use, and that recent history had not been as bad as this in terms of any downloads from them. And we waited a bit longer than we thought we would this month, but that's water under the bridge now. Their words here: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127844 So a lot of us have been troubleshooting our connections, anti-virus, etc., but it doesn't seem related at all. I haven't had an internet outage in probably years, at least not one caused by my ISP. This is clearly an Amazon issue or something, but we're not getting any Battlefront responses on these threads. We did our due diligence on our side, but without support for downloaders, this is seeming increasingly futile. Once again, this is not a problem I run into with anyone else. I really hate being the squeaky wheel here, and I'm sure everyone else hates it too. It would be nice to have some communication back about our issues, even if it is "Stuff is broken, tomorrow it will be fixed." At this point I have 0 confidence that anything will be improved even if I try tomorrow, in absence of feedback.
  17. Mine died again, about 30% in again. This time it was in Chrome. I hate to be such a complainer, I would rather just be playing the actual game I bought right now, but is Battlefront reading their own support advice, and are they taking these complaints seriously at all? I'm disabling anti-virus with the hope that it helps, though it has never been an issue with any other download in recent history.
  18. Battlefront says not to use downloaders, per their own support page -- that's what is so frustrating: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127844
  19. According to this, servers shouldn't be an issue, or at least that's how I interpreted it: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127844 We cant even use download clients to save our place -- I'm on my 4th attempt to download after having it fail at well past the 30% mark every time.
  20. Anyone actually playing the game yet? There are a lot of us on other threads (no reply yet from Battlefront) who have been trying to download for the past 3 hours and it keeps crashing out. According to this, from Battlefront's own support page, this shouldn't be happening: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127844 I haven't had this issue since last decade with their files. Now would be the time for Battlefront to call Amazon Cloud support.
  21. Same here, Uverse on this side, and I have better than 99% uptime. Something is screwy here.... EDIT: ...and it crashed again, and now it won't restart, regardless of browser. Anyone from Battlefront on this issue? I see multiple threads, it seems to be a common issue. You might want to call your Amazon tech support before the rest of your customers lose their minds. Right now it is feeling distinctly like the worst of the bad old days, 2007ish.
  22. Given the explanation here: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127844 ..it makes me wonder what the issue is. It can't all be our ISP's, so is Amazon Cloud the problem today? If so, Battlefront needs to get a rebate against next month's bill.
  23. Just curious, are you using Firefox? I was, and now I'm wondering if it was part of the problem. I work on 2-3 machines, some PC, some Mac, daily, and Firefox is guaranteed to slowly die at least 3 times a day for me across platforms, sometimes 2-3 times per platform Sad, Firefox used to be the "good" browser...
  24. Seeing 1 MB/s speeds now intermittently...maybe they finally got an Amazon cloud account. Edit: 1.7 MB/s now.
  25. You made me feel better, at least. I was one of the people bitching about there not being a pre-order download for pure digital, but it looks like we are all in the same boat.
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