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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. Combat Mission is great for increased wine consumption.
  2. Many thanks Carrot! As can be seen from my recent internet visits here, I'm floating around airports in-between transfers - just like a real anorak...
  3. That's time lost tweaking, Hunter
  4. Wine [or your preferred tipple]. Patience. Virtue. Same goes for CMC. All in due time gentlemen. It will be worth the wait.
  5. Obviously the stashed wine was re-discovered...
  6. Will let you guys later know the exact details regarding commitment once CMC is released and people has played with it a little bit. My computer is in for repairs (the fossil @ work with the only internet connection) and typing this from an airport hotspot.
  7. Walpurgis, Ahem... I recall you won 2 sets of wine cases with that decidedly "old" engine. My wine *will* last another 4+ years on your shelf by the way...
  8. Nobody, AFAIK, seems to have the 'guts' to go for bridge #3 in their Russian attack, thereby cutting the 2 town/village objectives in half, if succesfull. Mined/barbwired Bridges #1 & #2 still seems to be the favourite for a Russian attack, probably because these bridges are closer to their own positions? Gaining a bridgehead @ #3 will prevent the Germans from rushing reinforcements from one side to the other. But with a lot of good German LOS to it - not more so than towards the other bridges though - it seems that the German Pak's scare everyone off from assaulting bridge #3, perhaps also because jump-off points near #3 is slighly less covered?
  9. Hectically busy, will update prospective players' list (on first page) later. I'm currently at the Mount Nelson Hotel in the 'Garden Room' tasting - a wine trade tasting to be exact. Cederberg's Shiraz 2004 and De Toren's Fusion V have so far emerged as outstanding! Will for sure include them as prizes for the CMC-RoWVI tourney! More to taste in a few minutes time ...
  10. Stoffel is reporting that he has firm bridgeheads at bridges #1 and #2. Have not looked at Stoffel's latest PBEM movie file, as I'm currently at the Mount Nelson Hotel, more specifically in the 'Garden' Tasting Room in Cape Town doing a wine trade tasting. Cederberg's Shiraz 2004 and De Toren's Fusion V 2003 have so far emerged as outstanding! More to taste (Botrytis wines too!) in 15 minutes time ... [ May 02, 2006, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  11. Your are welcome to forward the PBEM files with password so that I can view the carnage dieseltaylor Seems most Russians attack bridges #1 & #2, sometimes #4. Anyone ever dare to assault bridge #3? [ May 04, 2006, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  12. Hello dieseltaylor, Could swear that when I designed the CMBB Botrytis map and poured over the Russian operations map of that specific timeframe the Lithuanian countryside had unpronouncable Russian names, never mind German names! Lost that map and internet link when my 'puter crashed a couple of years ago, so no way of brushing up on my Cyrillic skills. Had to lay the forces out for you. I detest big scenarios where it takes me an hour+ just to re-shuffle my troops in some coherent structure, unless they were pre-placed + locked of course. Should have called it "hutjie" - now that would have confused everyone if they do not speak Afrikaans. Thanks for taking time playing it though. Stoffel is forwarding his PBEM files (with his password) to me so that I can witness the carnage. Sincerely, Charl Theron [ April 28, 2006, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  13. I'm away from home, but will update the potential players' list as soon a I get a chance.
  14. Dieseltaylor, Yes, Botrytis II was version 1.0 then. Currently on 2.2, though the briefing states Oct04 for the latest version, which is not correct. Been fiddeling/tweaking it until Dec05. Made it also easier for the Russian regarding traffic control, plus set-up zones extended for a lot of PBEM replay value. After extensive playtesting the following changes have been implemented: (1) I have added a substantial amount of extra flags in the German-held villages. Casualties (and unit points!) on the Russian side will be high. Therefor, the extra victory flags/points will ensure that the Russian player will achieve a "Tactical Victory" if he successfully holds the 2 towns, even though the Russian casualty rating might be 1:1 (or worse) compared to the Axis. [see Treeburst155's insightful "Scenario Flag Thesis" on the CMAK forum] (2) Removed all Russian Molotovs. Real anti-tank work can only start once the Molotovs have been used up. (3) Have unlocked certain units to give both players greater flexibility and PBEM replayability. (4) Have lessen reinforcement micro-management - especially the Russian side - by introducing more entry slots for said war material. (5) Feedback received suggests a not-too-experienced Axis player can easily hold the Russian advances due to scenario's inherent bottleneck terrain. Consequently, Axis war material reduced slightly. Scenario now in essence a Russian attack and not a probe. (6) Added extra smoke-firing Russian FO's and reduced high calibre German artillery somewhat. (7) Ammo load-out for Russian armor increased, as well as canister + smoke rounds for lend-lease Shermans. (8) Turn limit now 60 turns (variable). --
  15. Botrytis II (v2.2) @ The Proving Grounds: Had a few request lately for the re-posting of this revised scenario that went down in flames due to previous scenario host going belly-up. Be warned. It's massive and intended for PBEM play only. The whole kitchen sink for both sides and a lot of toys to play with. See original thread (3 years ago!) here. Slightly revised, as noted in the combined briefing.
  16. Botrytis II (v2.2) @ The Proving Grounds: Had a few request lately for the re-posting of this revised scenario that went down in flames due to previous scenario host going belly-up. Be warned. It's massive and intended for PBEM play only. The whole kitchen sink for both sides and a lot of toys to play with. See original thread (3 years ago!) here. Slightly revised, as noted in the combined briefing.
  17. Oh trust me, any undertaking as massive as a RoW tournament takes more than one person, patience and a lot of typing skills. KingFish, Cpl Carrot, Treeburts etc can attest to this. Thanks for the offer though.
  18. So noted and updated on my spreadsheet SpineRipper. I will post the list rather on the very first page of this thread for easier reference.
  19. List of names, on my spreadsheet, is as follows below. Please bear in mind that this list is *not* final. Since there are roughly only place for 40 players + 20 reserves, all listed players will receive, when CMC luanches, a 'thesis/questionaire' as mentioned earlier on this thread. NOTE: If you were part of a previous RoW and/or other campaign/normal tourney (or multiple RoW's) and your name is not listed below, then speak up. Non-tourney players can still apply. Likewise, if you want to be removed, please say so. Abbott Ace Pilot Andreas Andrew Kulin/Ankulin Bertram Big Dog Bigdogg944 Bigduke6 BigMac644 Bil Hardenberger Boris Balaban Brent Pollock c3k Capt T Combined Arms Cpl Carrot Dalem Dandelion Dangerous Dave Deadly 88 Denwad Diesel Taylor Dirtweasle Elmar Bijlsma Enigma Enoch Flenser Frenchy/Steve Dixon Frunze George Mc Green Hornet GreenAsJade Grimthane Heavy Drop Holien Hunter JasonC Jaws Joachim John Bertles John D Salt John L John O JonS JPS K.A. Miles Kanonier Reichmann Kettler KingFish Kip Anderson kump Lindan Londoner Lt Bull Malakovski Melnibone Mick Oz Mike8g/Marcus Bloss mPisi Nidan1 Other Means Panzer Twat Peterk Platehead RawRecruit Redwolf Renaud Richie rune Runyan99 Sandy Scott B Sergei Sivodsi Spanish Bombs Sripe Steve McClaire SteveS Stickypixxie Stoffel StoneAge Stryker/Kevin Grande Tabpub Ted The Enigma The_Capt tlKillerich Tom Travisano Treeburst155 U8led Victor Charlie von Lucke wadepm Walpurgis Nacht wellsonian Wreck WWB xerxes/Marc S
  20. So noted & marked within the 'multiple RoW' of my spreadsheet StoneAge.
  21. Ted, I intend giving each member of the winning team (of 20 players) at least 1/2 a case (6 btls.) of wine. Plus cases for those players, whether from the overall winning/losing side, that are in the possession of a 'wine flag' will be awarded a booty prize too. And a few cases to the hardworking winning 'staff' officers of the campaign. You wanna bankrupt me Teddy? EDIT: Oh yes, plus a few cases to the designers of the campaign and/or admin/tourney helpers. [ April 15, 2006, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  22. Judge van Rodin's article from his 1949 book is disturbing, nonetheless. Whether it comes from a 'holocaust denial website' is a moot point for me Andreas. Unless you were not sarcastic
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