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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. CMC is done. We are waiting for the wine prizes of the CMC-RoW VI tourney to age a bit longer before the game will be released.
  2. As long as the jar is filled in that liquid you have no worries that he'll be losing his edge KwazyDog. Remember the Sturmmorser Tiger in CMBB?
  3. Much obliged for the info Steve. Speaking of which, a few bottles of this 2003 Shiraz will indeed go with me to a massive Cape Town party tonight (in 3 hours time) with some Italian/Portuguese girls & friends. Prost! [ August 19, 2006, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  4. Any NEW ( ) info/news on the mechanics thereof for CM:SF to be divulged, or has Charles not yet finished programming this feature?
  5. The Daffodils! It's tickets for the Iranians too!
  6. BTW, I have updated the Synopsis thread (in sticky thread)
  7. Ahh, it was not in vain then. Good. My pleasure. We're a helpful bunch here on the forum, once you push the thorns away to reveal the roses. But even those thorns belong to a stem of a ... rose.
  8. Tarkus 'Dark Steel' UI Mod for CMBB is pretty nifty too.
  9. RTS screws my mind and gives me vertigo, especially when the mind is full of vinum. Veritas!
  10. And if your supplies have dried up, just let me know. Drain-O is a no-no.
  11. Apologies........... but when I wake up it's all still ugly questions, yes?
  12. Wait rune, there's still a place open for Monsieur Redskull to do the chicken & duck sound effects, no?
  13. Excellent. Roast duck apparently too.
  14. So you love foi gras then? I protest. The cruelty...
  15. WineCape


    I want cocks with melee spurs.
  16. I want a camera just above the chicken's head.
  17. I guess when featured products are ready to be purchased on BFC's website, it might be all at the same time.
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