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Everything posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: A boat full of explosives floats up to a Destroyer and blows a 20' X 40' hole in it... in an area that has been seeing anti-US rallies... and they are still saying they THINK it MAY be a terrorist act??? Terrorism is one of the most cowardly of human acts. My thoughts also to the crew.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They may be cowards but they certainly are patient people. Jeff
  2. Hey All, What movie do you all think is the best war movie made? We all know there are going to be a lot of Saving Private Ryan fans, deservedly so, but what other movies do you think could knock this monster from the top of the heap? Personally I really liked "The Beast" but I have others... Jeff
  3. I have always wondered why you can't see the map BEFORE you choose your units. It just makes sense to me that if I was a General and I could request certain units for an attack I was assigned I would at least have an idea of the terrain and the limiting, or beneficial factors it would impose. It just seems silly that for example.. You go with a mechanized attack and then discover that your map is heavily wooded. I suppose this problem can be cleared up by QB creators telling the other side ALL the map creation info they selected..but still... Rant over. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Thanks, I'm not sure whether I told my zook team to hide again or not after targeting the ambush marker. The fact still remains though that my enemy could see the line going from my unit to the ambush marker itself which is clearly a bug. Suffice to say, I'm not gonna be ambushing anything until they get this thing fixed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DeadMarsh, Yeah, but you can only SEE the ambush target line AFTER you have spotted the unit. Therefore your ambush is blown anyway. Jeff
  5. I would really love some feedback on this so..... Bump. Jeff
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mother Theresa: I think this thread could turn into a virtual witch hunt if we keep at it. Time to light the torches, I suppose a sherman on a stick will do the trick. -MT<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Back so soon, eh, Steve??? Don't forget to clean that carpet! (Whooo-pish!) Don't make me use my whip on you! Jeff Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Wow, that would explain why I die so often. No, scratch that, I just suck. "Hey, I didn't know you could buy armor!!!!" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jeff and Chup, Hey! What server you guys play on??? Mother Terrassa and I play on [dm]Dedicated, but last night for some reason I got banned.. Grrr.. The admin said he doesn't know what I am talking about. He said he didn't do it. I can still get in sometimes but not ALL the time. Another server I might Migrate over to is "Hostage Down". Mother's and I monikers are "Dad" and "Mom" respectively. Sometimes a friend of mine logs in and he is "Grandpa" plus there is this other guy that logs in as "Son" somtimes... We're just one big happy family. Jeff
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Well this has ruined my day. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really? If you think it is bad wait until we continue our battle. And I can assure you I am not exercising any unknown "feature" to crush you little SMG squads into the ground. Considering it took you more than a company of infantry to capture only 1 of the 4 flags I hope you bought about 2 battalions of infantry cause that is what it is gonna take for you to get the other 3. Jeff
  9. I think what Coralsaw is driving at PIllar is can you tell us what the result of the cheat it: For example: If i was playing someone that was cheating they woud be: a. Being able to see my forces during the game. b. Know what I purchased c. Have more than allowed number of points to spend. d. They have unlimited this... or that.. e. all of the above. Jeff
  10. Har Har... Pillar, keep it to yourself. The fewer people that know about this the better. Jeff
  11. Hmmm.. This would of coarse explain ALL my loses. Jeff
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: No, my zook team was in a foxhole in some trees and hadn't moved in 6 turns. Nor had his tank moved closer to them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That doesn't matter, unless they are actually "Hiding" they can be spotted. What you should do in the future is set up the ambush marker, target it, and THEN tell the unit to hide. They will automatically unhide when a target moves into the ambush area. Doing this makes spotting your unit ALOT harder. Jeff
  13. What happened was that your 'zook team got spotted and killed. Where they hiding or did you just have them sitting there with them targeting an ambush point? If they are not hiding they can be spotted eventually. That is what happened. But you ARE right about observing the ambush target line. I also have observed this in games. For instance: I spotted some infantry in some woods I was approaching. During my orders phase I could of coarse still see the infantry in the woods but I ALSO could see the ambush target line drawn to the point they were going to ambush. Wierd. I just chalked it up that my men saw the ambush and this let me know that it was an ambush. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coralsaw: It is always good practice to use windows boxes for file ops, wonder if BTS kept to proprietary boxes to keep the atmosphere going or to avert compatibility problems with mac vs pc (any lights here BTS? ). The issue of autoloading the last version etc, IMO you can overwrite the pbem file if you want to, or keep the naming structure to something that makes sense, eg Scenariox-Allies-Round1. All this sort of pseudo-features and unnecessary smartness would not add much, would it? Regards the lot <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The whole point would be automating the process and keeping it invisable to the user. So as long as you do this there is no reason to not add naming conventions and other features. Things like this, while not neccessary, add to the ease of use factor which can go a long way when you are talking about computer user newbies. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  15. Hmmm.. I used a couple of these in a battle a while back, and I actually used ALL the HE in them (applause). Anyway.... I would say that if your Wespe is firing from the get go it can get off about 3-4 rounds in a turn, if I recall correctly. Jeff
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: One point - How would CM "know" which game you were playing? I'd imagine that, to CM, one PBEM file is the same as any other. Input file, make orders/watch movie, output file. I think a standard Windows "save as" dialog box would fit the bill nicely. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The only part you couldn't auto-mate would be putting the file in the right directory but when you get the e-mail you can just "save as" into the correct directory. Then load CM and select your game. Heck, we could go even one further and let you choose the option of e-mailing the file right from inside CM. It would be a simple matter of keeping the information on each computer of where each game is and where to load the files from for each individual game. Heck, now that I think about it you could make a centralized folder where you put ALL your PBEM turns. Then keep in each turn file a key that CM uses to index an internal table to determine what game this file is for and where to move it. So, when you load that game CM looks for all the files associated to the game you just loaded. It then moves that file to a directory where all of the files for that game are, or not! Since you could configure the PBEM game to only keep the last turn and delete the rest. The system could be real dynamic and versatile. But I suppose to keep the hordes for rebelling you could make this an OPTION feature, right? Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  17. Ack! Steve, it's getting loose again!!! Slap the chains on this thread before it runs off and nibbles on some poor innocent hamster! Jeff
  18. Reece, Tank has a point. There have been times when the numbering gets hosed and it can be a real pain in the ass to get the files all straightened out, BUT if you just make sure you check which round you are on and what kind of file you are creating it is not too hard to keep things straight. I just like to be able to easily find past files since right now I am working on a AAR for a battle between Fionn and I. Thus it is VERY easy for me to find past turns to review them for the write up. If you are not concerned about this then a sequential system probably is the easiest method. i.e. <p1name><p2name><desc><file #>.txt For each person I play I create a directory and if I have multiple battles going on with him I make sub-directories. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-11-2000).]
  19. Hey Steve, Here is a pretty cool thing you could add to CM and it doesn't have to do with graphics, AI, modeling, or any of that other crap that rubs your fur the wrong way. What would be cool to have would be a configuration for saving your files for each PBEM game you start. For example, when you select a PBEM game it would ask you for the directory of where you want to save all furture files for this game and all the pertinent information. Therefore when you go to load a PBEM game all CM asks you for is which PBEM game you wish to load. You choose it from a list and then CM loads the most current file, which can be determined from the naming schema you configured when you created the game. Something like this would be REALLY slick and as far as code complexity it is not that hard to implement, but of coarse there is always that question of time, right? Heck, if ya want, I code write up a design doc on something like this. Whaddaya think? Jeff
  20. The system I use is pretty good for if you want to keep track of your orders and films. For example: Say I am the Axis. I do my deployment and then save the file. That file will now be called: USDeploy.txt Because that file I am now sending to my player is the file that HE loads to deploy his troops. When he is done he sends me back: AxisOrders1.txt Which represents the file that I am going to load to give my first turn orders. When I am done with my 1st turn orders I save it as: USOrders1.txt Because he will load this file for his 1st turn orders. He then sends me back: AxisMovie1.txt Because this is MY movie for the 1st turn. When I done watching it I then send him: USMovie1.txt He watches the movie and gives his 2nd round orders and sends me: AxisOrders2.txt I do my orders and then generate the movie and send him back: USMovie2.txt He watches the movie and then sends me back: AxisMovie2.txt After I am done watching it and giving my 3rd round orders I send him: USOrders3.txt Wash, rinse, repeat. With this method I can easily keep track of my past movies if I want to review them. Jeff
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Finally, there is no question that the US was more powerful than Germany, that is why Germany was performing aggressive war, the US had and has more Lebensraum than it knows what to do with. Whether the US would have entered the war is a seperate question but had they, regardless of whether it was Germany, Germany + Occupied France, Germany + OF + Italy or Germany + OF + Italy + Japan, the US would have been victorious. It's not pretty but it's true. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In any long protracted war production is always the key to victory. As much as I shudder to do it I have to agree with Elijah. Damn.... Hey, Elijah, send me my turn for our battle or are you still mourning the loss of your STuGIII? Come on, take it like a man! Anyway... a 100 meter bazooka kill isn't out of the question. But what I wouldn't give to actually do that when I play the Germans. Grrrrr... Jeff
  22. Bah! Anyone the believes that the US wasn't ready to bomb Japan or Germany back into the stone age is very naive. The US and our allies wanted the war OVER and basically they were prepared to doing ANYTHING to achieve that end. Also.. on the point that Germany "could have won the war if they did this or that etc etc...". Remember, Russia was basically, (without calling a duck a duck), an ally of Germany up to the Barbarossa invasion. Hell, I remember reading accounts of Russian supply trains pulling into Germany 3 days AFTER Germany invaided Russia. Russia had no idea Germany was going to invade. As far as Russia was concerned they were quite happy with thier slice of Poland and the war in Finland they were fighting. Let us not forget that Russia was an aggressor during WWII and was only an ally with the US,UK,& France because they were at war with Germany also. Personally, I believe that if Germany didn't invade Russia in '43 the war would have turn out ALOT different. How different? Well, that should be discussed over many beers and peanuts IMO. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-10-2000).]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gregory Deych: To whoever it was that said that Russians outnumbered Germans 5 to 1 - that is so wrong, it's not even funny. At no time did Russians have more then twice the manpower of Germans at arms, and that may have happened only in 45. By the end of 41, Russians were actually outnumbered, especially if you factor in the equipment. For most of the war,Russians and Germans had a rough parity within 30% of each other. What Russians did have was a superior ability to replace their losses.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the 5:1 ration was in terms of manpower. Therefore it includes the ability to replace losses at a fast rate. Jeff
  24. I had a Sherman 76 bounce 4 rounds off the front of a Panther at 800m. I didn't check to see if it had T rounds but it probably did. In the end my tank died and I killed most of the Panther crew with internal flaking. The Panther is now a pillbox that will be avoided carefully. All in all when I play the Americans I NEVER count on the T rounds or even consider thier existance when I plan a tank attack. A change would be nice but until it comes I will live with what I got. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-10-2000).]
  25. I think should answer all your questions... "The fired projectile of the Infanteriepatrone had a typical initial energy E0 of 3,700 Joule (sS - projectile of 12.8g at a V0 of 760m/s) but could reach initial energies of over 4,500 Joule (some V-Patronen) depending on the concrete ammunition type and firing weapon. Between 80 and 90 % of all 7,9mm ammunition produced was of the 7,9 sS (sS for schweres Spitzgeschoss = "heavy pointed bullet") type; the complete cartridge weighed 27g, it was 80.6 mm long and contained 2.7g of gunpowder; the projectile weighed 12.8 g and was 35mm long. When fired from a MG34 or MG42 (as well as from the other rifles using the cartridge) it had a typical V0 of 755 m/s. The regular sS projectile had the following penetration performance: 85cm of dry pine wood at 100m, 65cm at 400m, 45cm at 800m and 10cm at 1,800m; 10mm of iron at 300m, 7mm at 550m; 5mm of steel at 100m; 3mm at 600m." I recall a halftrack has more than 5mm of steel. Jeff
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