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Everything posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: [An explaination of his recent post.] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm? *Scratching head* I see... A simple misunderstanding. I assumed you DIDN'T have fun playing OGSF and that you were being sarcastic. Anyway, playing you always makes me tense, darn it. You are TOO damn sneaky and unpredictable. I other words I have to think TOO much when I play you. How many people would use an armor asset to lure other armor piece so that his lone AT-Team sitting out IN FRONT of his tank can KO the armor? I wouldn't. That is problem. Therapy? Bah! Why would one need therapy when one has CM and the Cesspool? Hmmm? Jeff
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: On top of that, I had 4 HTs trip a zook ambush in another pbem. The zook KOed 2 of the HTs. One of the HT crews (2 men) hid in the woods right next to my zook team. When the crew initiated fire, my zook team KOed the crew with his zook. That guy was taking no prisoners at all! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahem. You forgot to mention that your little old 'zook team was elite. I swear elite troops are like freakin' machines. They do not give up, pin, take cover, or anything. You literally have to run OVER them and kill them to be rid of them. Twas' a good ambush though, but I would geuss things would have turned out differently if that 'zook wasn't elite. Jeff
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: And Shandorf and I are having a greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaat time! I haven't had this much fun since I played OGSF in that first sandbagged, "Hey let's fight in the dark, I get the SMGs, you get a shovel" battle that he set up with me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sandbag! You must be daft or senile. I would reckon both, but if I recall correctly YOU are the Axis. Therefore you get SMG squads. Also the weather, terrain, TOD, and units were all picked by the computer. So don't be crying about a sandbag. Anyway, quit yer whining. The visibility is at 183 meters so I wouldn't call it absolute darkness. Maybe if you would actually stand up and fight instead of this "I will hide my troops throughout the board and wait until he walks into them" tactic the game might, just might mind you, be more entertaining. Bah! Why do I try? I am gonna crush you in this one. Jeff
  4. Okay.. To address two things.\ 1) I have seen the same thing happen with a HT of mine surviving a Arty hit nearby when I reloaded my turn and played the movie back. He abandoned in the original movie. 2) I have been playing paintball since 1990 and I am a vet of the game. I have my own marker a Glenn Palmer Typhoon. I love it and will never ever buy another PB marker again. Sadly enough I have been too poor as of late to play. Damn mortgage.... Jeff
  5. In some tests I did with Sharpshooters I found that they would not engage targets under 100 meters. I find this number a tad too high and would like to see it around 50 meters, but 100 is where it is currently at. Jeff
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: As to little Jefe's overly emotional reaction to my friendly ribbing, .... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha! If you even thought for second that your hollow barbs can penetrate the armor that I have built up after years of play ground madness, puberty, High School, and finally the whipped dog of some women, then you are GRAVELY mistaken. My true self is so buried deep within for protection I don't even know myself anymore! Yes! I love it! Who am I? Huh? I don't know! What the hell! Who cares? Not me! Hell, ya! So there! If you wanted to emotionally damage me you are YEARS late my pitiful friend! The damage is already done! Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-26-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: ...evokes images of Kermit the Frog humping what appears to be Hello Kitty. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahhh.. Meeks. Only a lowly pervert like yourself imagines muppets performing deviant sexual acts. Was it something from your childhood? Were you "damaged" as a young lad? Did the other boys laugh when you had to take showers with them in gym class? What was it, man? We're here. Just talk to us. Ya know, when you're alone with *gasp* a girl. Does she tells you that size doesn't matter? It's okay buddy *snicker*. I am sure lots of guys have your "problem". Really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of them *grin* *snicker* *giggle*. Jeff
  8. Cruuud-da, Seanachai the senile, & Meeky-boy, Tonight you will have a reprieve from the carnage I will wrought upon you. My GF will be about and I have no known attack plan that can penetrate the defensive perimeter she will put down around my computer. Consider yourself lucky. When she pulls up tent stakes and leaves later this weekend I will resume full operations against you. In the meantime I will be sending covert probe teams over the next few days to see if they can get a few files out. A dangerous mission but hopefully a few will get through. Jeff
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: shandorfffff: 10 turns remain, and you haven't really moved very far in. While you brag and rave about my men dying, the simple fact remains that your Hun host has only eliminated a few of my units, and those few units have held your Hun host at bay for what seems like light years now. If it takes you 6 turns to defeat 1 MG unit, how in bloody hell do you expect to beat the rest of my men and win this battle? And oh, that Sherman you like to talk about so much? He's not going backwards. And he doesn't need to go forwards. You will come to him. VL behind me + heathen Hun in front of me * Nothing but green between me and you = many, many dead Germans. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cruud-da, I don't understand this obsession you have with me destroying your forces faster. It seems almost that you are egging them on. 10 turns is PLENTY of time to dispatch you from the VLs I have my eyes on. Oh you may have 1 VL by the end of the game but I will have the other 5. Good, keep that Sherman RIGHT there. I'll have my men pop by and say hello in a bit. MEEEEEEKS, Your complete unorthidox style of play still suckers me in. I suppose after I play you enough all those silly little tactics you use will become second nature for me to counter and destroy. In the meantime stay where you are. My men are on the way. Seanachai, HA! Yes, my men scurry like cockroaches! And do you recall how HARD it is to kill a cockroach?! Hmmm?! Go ahead and try and step on them. The will continue to scurry until they have infested your very back yard. As I said to you before, I hope your can of Raid is big enough! Jeff
  10. Ahhh.. Croda, You forgot a profile for yourself, but it is understandable not to self analize being unethical and all. So I will do it for you. Croda - If not the worse case of a manic depressive I have ever seen. Most people confuse his behavior with a Bi-polar disorder but once one peels away the layers of deception the violent cauldron of emotions and "voices" are revealed. Croda cannot control his emotion sways. One minute a fun loving smiley poster who preens himself obsessively as he attempts the woo the "women" her in the cesspool only to get squarely kicked in the jewels as they rebuff his advances, understandably so. The next moment a vitriolic pile of ooze and bile that spats forth at any passer-byer. Whoa to he that prods this shambling mound of self-loathing and hatred with a stick or any other barb that strikes home. While these outburst can seem lucid they are merely delusion states of megalomania and self-reaffirmation. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-25-2000).]
  11. Lorak, If Elijah agrees I would like to register our battles... I have lost twice to that mangy dog and he has lost once to me. Any problem with that pogo boy? Jeff
  12. Chewy, You overgrown furry ingrown hair. I will pluck you from the hairy butt of the Cesspool and drop into a whirl-wind of hell. Beware my 300mm rocket batteries, you fool! The bocage is my home. I live in darkness. I eat worms. I am one with fauna! They speak to me. They tell me you are near. They whisper sweet nothings into my ear when I spill the blood of your troops to water them. For they are oh so thirsty. Yes... thirsty.. Muahahahahahha..hack..couch...wheeze...hahaha.. Jeff
  13. Meekies, You little mama's boy. I just recently fought an armored battle on a small map in the snow and I managed to only have a minor tactical lose and it was DAMN close too. So, quit yer whinin'! And the reason you surrendered in that last game was because you knew I was gonna drop your trousers and spank your heiney like the two year old sniveling brat you are. Besides if I recall correctly... YOU made that map. Now send me the turn for our current battle so I can burn down the forests your devil men hide in. Jeff
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by a huge ass bag-o-wind... And so, donning my cloak of real aardvark fur, I step back into the shadows, poised, ready to strike at the next fool to cross me... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Aardvark fur! What a maroon! Hey, Croda, why don't you lie down in front of my fireplace with that genuine, aardvark cloak on and give me a place to rest my butt as I roast the innards of your men alongside my chestnuts (it's that time of the year again), and I pretend I am jack-frost but instead of nipping at your nose I will be kicking you in the ass. You knuckle draggin', half-bred hominid. Aardvark! Bahahahahaha!!! hah! hah! hah! ahhhhh... *sigh* Oops, did I just cross you? Jeff
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune: The Army of the Porcupine needs two volunteers to playtest a new scenario. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OOOH! OOOH! ME! ME! ME! [Waving hand vigorously over head!] Can I be Chupacabra poor sap! Jeff
  16. Meeks to the Cesspool is like... An idiot to his village.... The town drunk to his park bench... A dog to his firehydrant... Ahhhh... I can feel the Cesspool change already. Wait a minute! Those are bubbles! Meeks! Quit making bubbles! What did I tell you about eating tofu and coming in here! Jeff
  17. Hi, This is Jeff again and I am a CM addict. I have played CM for the last few night until I went to bed. I can't get enough. I keep posting for more games when I know I already have too many, but too many never seems to be enough. Last night I was cauking the bathtub and all I could think about was CM minimized on my computer with my Outlook Express just waiting to signal me for that next e-mail. I have the speakers turn up real loud so I can hear the e-mail signal in case I am not in the room. But that hardly ever happens since I am almost always in front of the computer clicking the "Send/Receive" button over and over again, like some conditionally trained mouse trying to get his reward, cause 5 minutes is TOO long to wait for Outlook to check the mail by itself. At night...sometimes...when I'm alone...I think of CM. Jeff
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: I just wanted to say thanks to every mod-maker who's put together Hi-Res BMPs for CM. I'm one of those CMers that came from FPS-land and these mods, which take advantage of my fancy hardware, really improve my gameplay. Kudos to all you guys and keep up the good work. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Elijah, You mentioned to me before that you play Counter Strike? Where do you play so i can start kicking your butt in that game too. I play at www.teamplay.net and [dm]Dedicated, and at Hostage Down, or at Old School Gamers. My handle is "Mom". Look for me cause I want to shoot you many times over and over.... Jeff
  19. Cruuuuud-da, You failed to send me a turn last night? Why is that? Hmmmm....??? Send me that turn you girly boy! Your feeble attempts to avoid the unavoidable is only delaying the inevitable. Have I made myself clear? Send me my turn or I swear I will cover you in honey and beat you with a wuffel bat! And Seanachai... I understand your time is limited but I DON'T WANNA FREAKIN' DIE before I get your next turn so please be considerate and send that out right away. Thanks. Jeff
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: Elvis, I'm pretty sure a PAUSE order signals the troops that it's okay to disembark. As long as the vehicles are stationary at the start of the turn, regardless of whether they have no orders or a PAUSE order, the troops will disembark. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's what I thought. like I said before I am gonna play with this when I get home. Jeff
  21. I am not sure... I think it is suppose to represent that you men have spotted the ambush. Jeff
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Beman: jshandorf, what you've described (if I read it correctly) is the way the system works. If your troops have a pending disembark order, as soon as the vehicle stops (and remains so for a few seconds) the troops will hop off and go. If the vehicle comes to a halt only briefly the troops may not have enough time to disembark (more experienced troops may need less time to do this) BTS made the decision at the start to disallow the "move/pause/move" string in any one turn. Being able to tell your HT (or anything) "move for 15 seconds, then stop for 15, then move again, then stop" is too far from reality. Most often orders given at CM's scale were less minutely detailed than that. "Get into that house!" or "Behind those trees!" was the norm. Also, if the vehicle is moving at all, the troops will not even think of disembarking. I've had situations where a loaded HT will reach the destination I've set, only to discover a threat nearby. The HT will then being bobbing and weaving to avoid the threat, keeping the troops aboard. Usually, the HT gets whacked quickly, and all the troops inside die. Ah well. DjB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but this wasn't the case. I watched the HTs sit there for about 30+ seconds and the troops did not disembark except for one squad. That's wierd since they ALL had the same movement orders. Jeff
  23. I think someone mentioned this before but I have NEVER been SO addicted to a game before. My house falls apart around me, bills go unpaid, food is an afterthought, significant others go unwanted, the dog constantly prods me with his nose when I play, work is nothing but punishment. It is hopeless. My name's Jeff and I am a CM addict. Jeff
  24. Lorak, Cable modems ROCK! Just had to say that.. I am just giddy over my cable modem. Porn..err...uh.. I mean pictures download real fast. Jeff
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Hmmm....I wonder where that ambush might have come from...hmmm. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You only wish... This problem was in a different battle. Ya know.. one where the decision is still in the air. Jeff
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