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Everything posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Nope no diffrences between Spitfire's and Thunderbolts British= Rockets and 2cm cannons USA=50cal and 500lbs bombs Germany= 2cm cannons and 500lbs? or 250kg? bombs <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's too bad.. Cause a P-47 has 20mm cannons. Also the British Mosquito has a variant that has 37mm cannon, I think. I would think this would be a great thing to address in later versions of CM. Jeff
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: I don't think this is a purely US problem. I remember in being forced to give a seminar on Javanese epic poems i.e. Badad Tana Jawa, and started giving comparisons to Virgil’s Aneid, Homers Iliad in the hopes that it would strike a cord and highlight the similarities in purpose of 'Imperial' stories with what I thought would be known quantities to a Masters level Anthropology steeped in ‘western traditions, how wrong I was. Apparently Classical studies and History itself is grist for the mill of economics and accounting classes. And even in these the history of ‘economic’ ideas is considered irrelevant, i.e. Scottish enlightenment, its context and development. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow, I would think almost any liberal arts student worth his salt would atleast have passing knowledge of Homer's "Iliad". I am a Comp. Sci and Math guy and I have read a ton of Classical Greek Mythos and Poems. Sigh.. We are doomed. Jeff
  3. Hey, BTS. I am curious... Since aircraft cost so much and can be quite devistating on the battlefield are they modeled individually? For instance.. For the Germans do you differentiate between the ME-109s and the FW-190s? Also do you have different variants of each since the armorment layouts for each variant can be quite different? For instance.. The the P-51 typically had 6x.50 cal MGs with 2.5 inch rockets or bombs, where as a P-37 had 4x .50 cal MGs and a 20mm cannon. I am just curious since each plane has different capabilities. Jeff
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Yes I whole-heartedly agree Jeff. I think the worst bit for myself was when the frigging seamen was yelling at his mate on the gun to shoot the Jerry scout plane while his officer was telling them all to stand down. I remember thinking, even the Americans aren’t that ill disciplined. I mean it must be Kangaroo court time, a baggie arguing with a Rupert (Officer) in combat, someone has to be shot/hung. But no the little individualist redeems himself by dieing for the rest, bollocks more like. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Also... I looked up the Specs on U-571 and found out that it had only ONE aft torpedo tube NOT two like the movie portrayed. Such a simple thing but they totally didn't check it out. Also.. Tell me how an experienced U boat commander can look at a American S boat "disguised" as a german U-boat from 50 meters away WITH binoculars and NoT be able to sniff it out! It's beyond me... Lets not forget the German destroyer (Note: what the hell was a German destroyer doing off the south cost of England!?! Not to mention after 1940 Germany's surface Navy couldn't leave port for fear of being sunk instantly) blows up with one torpedo hit to the bow. Made me sick I tell you.. sick. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-16-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: YA! And you know something else? When I was watching Stripes, and Bill Murray was being a clown in Basic Training, I said "There's no way!" and I just couldn't handle it any more after that. Send that setup, Shandorff, I'm gonna git ya. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah! And when that RV of thier's came with a side mounted flamethrower, I was pissed! Everyone knows that that model of RV didn't have the side flamethrower as an option. Armored, fake wood, paneling yes, but not flamethrowers! My fight through trafic home will be more difficult and time consuming then the defense you're gonna put up. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-16-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadDog0606: I guess I should pay more attention to this forum and start reading all the messages and not just the ones I find interesting. In the particular thread that caused Henri to give up on this forum it didn't read like people were out for Henris' blood (so to speak). It read like Henri was loosing the argument. If a person has problems with being disagreed with in public (which is what this forum is) they should never start a discussion in the first place. There is always someone out there who will disagree with what you have to say (and I'm sure there will be somebody who will disagree with me on this). What one needs is an open mind and the ability for that mind to change. I've changed my mind about many things, just ask my wife. I know people who love to argue over anything and if you disagree with them they don't mind. That ability (the don't mind part) should be a pre-condition for posting something on this or any forum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That I can agree with, but I think Henri's leaving isn't because of his latest thread it apparently has to do with a series of threads he has posted. Mind you, I understand his frustration, but leaving in a huff is not something I would do, nor do I think it will solve his problem. I feel he will only encounter the same sort of reaction elsewhere. Also I only think there are a very few people here that take some sort of glee out of crushing someone's argument publicly, and personally I think they do it for that sake alone, which makes me sad. But alas.. I just avoid those people. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-16-2000).]
  7. The only thing that REALLY ticks me off with war movies is when they don't get the equipment right. For instance.. In Memphis Belle they would show the German FW190s coming in and you would see there wings lighting up from the muzzle flashes from machine gun fire. I got freakin' i-rate! Every war buff knows that the FW190 does NOT have wing mounted MGs. The FW190A has 2x7.92mm MGs and 4x20mm cannons. 2 20mms on each side of the fuselage where the wings connect, the wing root, and the 2 MGs on the top of the engine inside the engine cowling. Sometimes the FWs had under the wings extra 20mms cannons fix to the hard points but this was only seen in a ground support role. For the time the Memphis Belle took place they were most likely fighting FW190Ds or(Dora Nines). Which only had 2x20mms, one in each wing root, and I think 2x13.7mm MGs in the cowling. For me that one little point TOTALLY ruined the movie for me. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-16-2000).]
  8. All I have to say is that it makes me sad to see someone go just because he was lambasted in a thread. What happened to Henri is like having a huge pack of hungry chinchillas nipping and biting at your ankles. While their attacks may not draw blood they still leave wounds. The few times I have questioned modeling in the game most people have been civil but there are a few, some have posted in this thread, that seem to take some sort of pleasure attacking someone's argument as if it was on a personal level. You don't have to get personal to offend. Needless to say at one point on this board I actually felt like I was a contributing part to the game in some way. I liked that, but long before Henri left that all changed for me. Jeff
  9. And then of coarse a lesbian sex scene would be forth coming. Yuck. Jeff
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: P-51's were constantly used on the ground support role, but, with dire consequences for its pilot. Most of the P-51's sent on this role were shot down due to their radial engine getting shot to pieces by Flak. It was a dumb idea when there were plenty of P-47's to do that job. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tom, Actually all production models of the P-51 had an in-line V-12 liquid cooled engine. The P-51A had an liquid cooled Allison V-12 and all subsequent models then went to the Rolls Royce Merlin 68 V-12, which was by far better. The P-47 Thunderbolt had a radial engine. The benefit being that they are reliable and VERY durable. Jeff
  11. Now I remember a scene that really made me laugh in A Thin Red Line. Remember when Captain Dipstick (played by Woody Harrelson) reaches for his grenade and some how accidentally pulls the pin. Now the grenade is attached to his belt by the spoon looping through the belt. Obviously he can't get it off and it blows up. LOL! Tell me HOW can a grenade's fuse light without the spoon coming off the grenade?? How utterly stupid and comical. Jeff
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Also, as far as the house to house thing... juts put it down to bad commanding if it makes you feel better. I remember one of the battles described in "Blood-Dimmed Tide", the Germans were commanded poorly on the attack, so just sent wave after wave after wave after wave of troops over open ground at dug in defenders until the bodies were piled 3 or 4 deep everywhere. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but that is my problem I guess. In almost every war movie I have seen the Germans always use "bad" tactics and get there butts kicked. For once I would just like to see them do the smart thing. They can still lose but just not the same cliched way all the time. Jeff
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Comments on Pvt Ryan: Welcome to Hollywood. The problem is that if Spielberg (or any other director for that matter) set out to make a film that was true to war then they would find no funding as the audience would be very small compared to the general movie-going populace. A scene that had the Germans going house to house coming down the street would have been difficult to film, and difficult to understand when watching. Movie-goers want to get what they came for, or else the movie will get reviewed harshly and no one else goes to see it. That's commercialism. While I agree that the film after the invasion scene could have used an extra dose of realism, the fact remains that most people would not want to see that, making it very difficult for a film-maker to make that film. As it is, the movie remains one of, if not the best and most realistic film about war to date. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Compared to other war movies it has to be one of the best. I just get POed when little things don't make sense within the movie. If they could just change it a little bit here and there they could make it almost perfect. Sigh... Jeff
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: I dunno... last half hour of Saving Private Ryan kinda ticked me off. After the amazing opening, you return to the old cliche of the religious sniper, the farm boy, the pacifist medic.. the silent, stoic captain.. *sigh*. The Germans should have used more flames on them, the cardboard cutouts would have been easy to take down then. PeterNZ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> PeterNZ, Yeah, gotta agree with ya there. Also the fact that the sniper identified two of the approaching tanks as Panzers, or was it Panthers?, either way those other two tanks actually looked like Marders. Open topped, TDs. What they hell would you be doing attacking infantry close quarters with TDs? Also that comment from Pvt. Ryan after the Tiger gets blown up my the P-51. He called the P-51 a tank buster. What?? I don't think there was ever a P-51 made for the dedicated role of tank busting, not that they couldn't mind you. Also the P-51 hit that Tiger with at least a 250 pound bomb. I would imagine that bomb doing a little more damage then just killing the tank. Like killing Germans and Americans nearby and possibly damaging the bridge. Regardless, that whole battle at the end there seemed pretty dumb to me. Why did the German's just march right down the street when they KNEW that there were American infantry at the bridge? Hell, I would have had my men going hose to house with the Tigers backing them up so when they located an enemy strong point I would have the Tiger blast them to hell. Just my rant. Jeff
  15. Hey, All. Last week I started a thread on the best war movie and in reading that thread I occasionally saw some grumbling about this movie sucking or that movie biting a-s SO I thought I would start a thread where this pent up anger can be vented. Personally the movie that really made me sick was that recent submarine movie, what was it called, U-251?? God, I tried to erase the memory of THAT movie from my head. How completely inaccurate and wholly unrealistic. I won't go into details because anyone who has seen the movie should know what I am talking about. Ugh. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-16-2000).]
  16. Hey, BTS. In TCP/IP play after I hit the "GO" button will I still be able to fly around the map and check things out such as my units and such? I would think this would be a big help for the game other than hitting the "GO" button and having to stare at a frozzen screen waiting for the "other" player to get done. Atleast you could do something to keep yourself busy until you get to watch the movie. Jeff
  17. Okay... I am only tip toeing up to the edge of your pool to put the word out that I want Senior Meeks to send me my damn turn. It appears that once he perceives himself on the losing side of a battle his zeal for sending turns appreciably dissipates. SO, if you see that whiny mama's boy tell him to send me MY TURN! Grrr... Jeff Damn! The floor is sticky in here...yuck!
  18. Okay... Now that we are done "beating the dead horse" lets lock this thread up. Jeff
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by howardb: I'm sorry people but I've actually been home sick and very limp so I couldn't bare the thought of thinking tactics. I will remedy this over the weekend. Sorry people. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm... Considering your second condition I would assume visiting the GF is out of the question? Jeff
  20. Give it a rest, Dick. If all comedy and satire had to pass through your filter of being something that shouldn't be joked about there would be NO comdey or satire in the world. If it offends you, okay. Don't read it. You have that choice. I on the other hand find it humorous and darkly entertaining. You have your opinion and I have mine. I understnad where you're coming from, but if you are actually trying to make me care, then you are "soaping up the wrong pole". If you get my drift.... Personally I LOVE anything that is not PC. It makes me dance with glee. Tra-la-la--la-la. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-13-2000).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: A great view of after war life is "The Best Years of Our Lives." It shows 3 people returning home and how the have to learn to re-adjust. Great film. And how come no one mentioned the World War III epic, "Red Dawn?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OKay, I liked Red Dawn too, but to call it an epic film...ahhhh...no. Ben-Hur is an epic film. Red Dawn is not. It's good! Just not epic. Oh wait! Your kidding, right? Ha ha ha... You're a funny guy Croda. I'll kill you last. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-13-2000).]
  22. I also started a game not to long ago with him. I think we were on the 3 turn when he went AWOL. Grrrrr.... Jeff
  23. Heh.. Okay.. Okay.. I am not talking about the car manufacturer. I am talking about the land feature. I understand that it is a shallow area within a river that allows crossing BUT, I was trying to look it up in the CM handbook and I couldn't find a description for it. The reason I bring this up is cause I was wondering if vehicles can cross fords or can just infantry? What if you have a boat on the river? Can it move past a ford? See why I was looking it up now? Thanks, Jeff
  24. Someone in another post was searching for just only High-res mods for CM and since through your web-site you provide almost all of the current up-to-date awesome mods I was wondering if you could do something... Ya know how you have all the mods split up into categories? Well.. Can you make a category that ONLY contains Hi-Res mods? I know you would have some cross over with the other categories but I think it would be worth it. Whaddayasay? Pleeeeeease? With sugar on top? Thanks, Jeff
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