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Everything posted by jshandorf

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Feeble Update on the Toadies of Croda, attempting war in various parts on the Pool. shandorfffffff, henceforth to be known simply as The Bastard: blah blah blah... Whiny excuse 1... blah blah blah... Whiny excuse 2.... Blah blah blah... spanked me good but could have spanked me better... blah blah blah.. I am a dolt and a fool... blah blah blah... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just send me another setup you steaming pile of pah-tak! I will slice you open and gleefully bath in your blood and innards. Jeff DAMN! Stupid, stupid browser! Double posted me! [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Feeble Update on the Toadies of Croda, attempting war in various parts on the Pool. shandorfffffff, henceforth to be known simply as The Bastard: Blah blah blah.. Whiny excuse... blah blah blah... Spanked me good but could of spanked me better.. Blah blah blah... I am a fool.. blah blah blah... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just send me another setup you Pah-tak! I will slice you open and use you innards for a side dish! Jeff This time... though NO random force quality. Fighting Elite troops sucks.
  3. Yeah! And while your at it BTS can you add something to let my troops pillage? I mean hey! Who's gonna stop them from grabbing a new radio or sewing machine while they are taking that VL? A soldier has to live ya know... Jeff
  4. Hey! No one has talked about the unemployment bug! After I got done playing CM I found out that I was unemployed! What the hell happened there?! They really got to implement a "get to work" patch into this game. Ya know.. Something that you can set to remind you to go to work and stuff. And while they are at it they should set this up for everything from "Feed The Dog" to "Acknowledge Existence of Wife and Children". Jeff
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers: You can tell, Jeff, by highlighting a unit, pressing enter, and clicking on the kills button in the top right corner. Try it! And don't be so clever!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually I have had units that have gotten kills but it didn't register in the "Kills" log. A sniper CAN shoot at a distant enemy infantry? unit and not know if it got a kill but you might have. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]
  6. Just wanted to add to the pot that I have seen a sharpshooter take out 2 guys with one shot. So the ammo load out and the rate of fire IS abstracted. The only thing that REALLY bugs me is that a sniper won't shoot at infantry that is under 100 meters from him. THAT has caused some really interesting situations. Such as the sniper sitting in building with infantry that doesn't see it and just sitting there staring at them... Grrr... Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]
  7. Wow, How did I miss this for so long?? This sounds great! I think so far a lot of people have made a bunch of suggestions that sound really good. I especially like the one where you can put time limits of over 10 minutes. That I can see happening in a very large game. Has anyone tried to play a 5000 point game?? Good lord! I couldn't imagine being able to get all my orders done in 10 minutes let alone 20. Being able to set it to a range from 1 to 99 would be great I think. Also the audible cue for when you can play your movie is good idea. Ahhhh.. finally my roomie and I can play CM uninterrupted. Jeff
  8. This is definitely odd because I have had units right near the edge and I have never lost them... Hmmm... Hopefully this get looked at. Jeff
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Good lord, is 'Wussafies' an attempted deconstruction of Seanachai? Go have a bit of a lie down, the blood isn't making it to your brain. Can't say I blame it, as there really isn't much there for it to nourish. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn you! You know how hard it is to rhyme something with Seanachai you mindless git! You might as well steal Prince's gig and use a symbol to represent your name and if you do please choose a steamin' pile of dog dodo! Here lets try again... Sean-a-chai sounds like... Shake-and-fries... Too-fat-to-fly... Damn! Can somebody help here?! Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]
  10. Okay.. Just one point to make but I think it is pretty relevant. Did ANYBODY know that Lucas only has directed Episode IV and I???? Episode V and VI were directed by other guys. Lucas still had a hand in the writing but he did not direct. I think it really shows if you ask me. I say lets get George out of the directing chair and keep him behind the pencil err ahhh word processor. Then I think the movies will get better. Jeff P.S. Just looked it up... Irvin Kershner directed episode V and episode VI was directed by Richard Marquand. In all honesty... It is one thing to dream up a universe but it is totally another to put it in front of a lens. George just can't hack it behind the camera. [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-31-2000).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: What, pray tell, are your casualties? How will your pathetic forces hold that single VL that you have dashed for? How will that mob of soldiers caught out in the open manage to survive? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OKay.. I'll play doctor with you Mr. Leaks-a-lot. Your infamous arty barage has only crippled 1 platoon and a few support units. Other than that you know about the Firefly and the casualties I have taken attacking that platoon. That's it buddy boy. Hell, I haven't even brought in the reserves. I have PLENTY of men to roll over your pathetic little ambushes. In fact I just found another platoon of yours and within a few turns I should have them swarmed, destroyed or routed. That first platoon of yours is a gonner so you might as well write them off. Are those beads of sweat on your forehead you odious ignoramous, or are you out of meta-mucile? Jeff
  12. Damn! They are committing atrocities against our hamstertroopen! http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_98614.html Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-31-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: Armor should NEVER crest hills. Any tanker will tell you that the top of a hill is a rotten place for a tank. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What??? Are you nuts? I have had incredible success in using Tanks at hill crest. It is my SOP. The benefits are numerous: 1. You are hul down when you engage and thus harder to hit. 2. For enemy return fire you armor slope is greater, thus providing more protection. Conversely the enemy's slope benefit is decreased. 3. Your visibility is better. 4. You have an avenue of retreat so that you can displace safely. I think those reasons are enough. Jeff
  14. Now.. MY Cesspool battle updates: Rhoda: It looks as if I am playing the AI now. Apparently it will decide when all is hopeless for you. If that truly was the case it should have surrendered after your deployment. Chumba-wumbah: May my men move faster then O.J. catching a plane. Burger&fries: If my comments above do not suffice I would then like to add that I will level every house in that city. So make like the Jefferson's on welfare and "move 'em on out!" Leaks-Alot: How did you like my little mortar barrage? Eh? And I thought mortars would be useless in 180 meters of visibility. You are using the same defenssive tactic on me again. Do you think I will fall for it again? You are about as inspiring in your defense as a fat-man selling diet pills. As always I leave this space for new challenges from the pool. If your cahonas drag when you walk you just might have the luggage match me in a game. Send them my way. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-31-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Shandorf. Ah, Shandorf. Shandorf, and indeed, Shandorf. You are so...new. So untutored. So lacking in the finer sensibilities. But, because I have a generous nature, and because, however vulgar and useless you might be, you can claim to be a Landsmann, I will point out to you that in situations like these, all that is necessary is to parenthize 'Sit Down, Bauhaus!', and everyone (except my scrappy and polite Squire, Hiram), knows that you are asking people not to play on the concept of 'thingies'. We have certain tedious, time-honoured conventions here. Try getting a grasp on some of them. Did you get enough cuddling this weekend, or was that one of the other tidal wave of recent-arrival rodents (so sorry, but sometimes I'm bewildered by the fact that you all sound alike) that had his girlfriend arriving (rather than coming)? Hey, this world-weary abuse of new arrivals thing is rather a lark! Hmmm, now to try and put you in perspective: chrisl, wants to die in the snow; Shandorf, desires the illusion of conquering cities by scurrying in through the map edge flanks like a pack of bedbugs clambering from the wall cracks. Ewww, I'm playing two squires. No, it's worse, I believe I'm playing two squire wannabes. I need to wash...back again, has anyone actually spoken for these two hunchbacked, squint-eyed chimpanzees who've brachiated in here crying 'Sanctuary!'? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So noted... At least I am allowed to venture now and then into the world of carnal pleasure. I would say that your CM plays reflects a man with severe sexual repression, thus I pity you and your men. When the time comes to line up your men remind of this conversation again. I may be scurrying up both flanks but so far you have very ineffectual in stopping me for doing so. Did you think I would come up the center. Foolish, foolish Seanachai. Now you will pay for your lack of vision. (I love that line!) BTW where was my turn last night, you nigget?! Jeff
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: However, in my current crop of games I am beating you and everyone else into the dust. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Beating me into the dust, you say? Ohh pleeeeease. I think anybody that has played Meeks realizes that when he is on the defensive you literally have to walk your men over his before he will expose them and then exclaim about his "perfect ambush". Yeah.. When I have to go traipsing around the map for turns on end trying to scare up your pathetic little men I AM gonna take some casualties in the process. Our battle has just began. So climb off the fence post and quit making noise you bloated cock. (As in the chicken....*sigh*) As to your lose to me.. "It was the booze! I tell ya! The BOOOOZE made me do it! I just couldn't stop my right arm from lifting to my mouth. It MADE me drink! And then ya know.. It made me send a map to Shandorf and challenge him. Yeah.. And then when I did my orders it made me do stupid things with my armor and infantry so that they died in mass in the first 2 turns. It's not my fault. I am not incompetent. Noooo! No more beer...(Gurgle...Gulp...Gasp) It's making me drink again and post! Help meeeeeeeeee....) I suppose it would explain ALOT of things. Jeff
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Won't someone, other than Foobar the meaningless who doesn't even post here any more, defeat me! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I did, Meeks. 99 to 1. Don't you remember? You surrendered after two turns. Any of this ringing a bell in that dark and empty space that occupies the vacuum between your ears? Jeff
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chup-Chup-pa-doop-Chup-pa-doop-Chup-pa-doop-pa-doop-pa: Which would be more annoying for your opponent? Do that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You fool! Don't encourage him! As corrupted and twisted as his meaningless little soul is you certainly don't need to help him. I long for my return home, so that I can see what hell hath brought in my name to your troops. AND CRODA! What the hell is this talk about "the honorable thing to do" in the pool! This is no place for honor. Honor is found on the bottom of the pool with all the other slime and meeks..uh i mean muck. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-30-2000).]
  19. Hey all, I am not complaining about this so lets just get that clear. I am just pointing out something I have noticed. It seems that if you overwhelm a position with a variety of units I.E. Infantry, HTs, Tanks, etc... defending units just can't handle the flood. They constantly flip targets back and forth but never actually fire at anything. For instance.. An AT gun may target one of the tanks but then as it temporarily moves behind a house for like 2 seconds the computer switches targets only to try and come back again but then the end result is it not firing at all. I don't know. Just kind of a weakness in the AI I guess. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-30-2000).]
  20. The weekend comes and one finds better things to do with his life then post here and then I come to work monday morning and I find 4 more pages of endless drivel. Geeezus. MY game updates: Croda: You've lost. It is now just a matter of how badly you want to be beaten. Meeks: You suck. I hate you. The next time we play I am buying so much flippin' arty I will blow your troops back into the stone age. I will burn down every square inch of forest so that your little rat troops with have no place to scurry to and hide. You sir are contemptible and vile. Seanachai: I feel a lot of hot air coming from your way but I don't see any action. Do something, man! Or else I am just gonna blow up more houses. Chuppy: Both of us have no freakin' idea where the other starts so I have a feeling we are going to run SMACK dab into each other within the first few turns. If I loose this one I am blaming Wild Bill. Jeff
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanbaby: Whhhaaaaaa! Whhhhaaa! Entertain me! Make me laugh and smile! Whhhaaaaa! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Okay, you want to be entertained, eh? Send me a setup Wormboy and I will entertain you, but you won't be smiling. Jeff
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Yes, an Elite FO or 2 would have helped my cause. What I wouldn't give for a load of 105VT right now. It could quite possibly eliminate your entire center. As for my right, they aren't as low on ammo as you think. And that's the last time that I send old 'Thunderfoot Williams' on an end zook rush. That SOB is supposed to be sneaking! I needed one more turn to get by your Stug and get a flank shot. Oh well, looks like it's time to take a shot and hope his Elite ass can continue the trend that the others have started. And don't count on rushing that Sherman without getting routed yourself. Regardless, it looks to be a great finish. Certainly one of the better PBEMs I've played in. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but imagine how much an Elite 105mm FO would have cost. Geezus... My morale isn't THAT low.... Anyways, so you mean better PBEM as in the way you have played, or I as your opponent or the entire battle in general. Just ckeckin' There dammit! I used a smiley! You happy now? Meeks! Get in here and throw some vitrolic gas on this fire. It is about to go out! Jeff
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Jeff, regarding that zook, ambush...what a freaking great setup, eh? you ran 4 hts right through my ambush. Why is that? was it because of the wonderful use of barbedwire? did you think there were mine's on the far wide side of that opening? What an ingenius ambush. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No it was the simple matter of me not scouting out that damn position first. I scouted out that entire damn woods to my right of that hill but not the left. I should have checked it out first. Oh well. Not including the HTs I only lost a flamethrower and about 5 infantry. I never count on HTs to give MG support. They usually are too damn scared to do anything like engage infantry. Your ambush did hose up my timing. I was hoping to get up a litte closer faster and I planned to be in those woods with your infantry squad already. Oh well.. next time I will be looking for that. Jeff
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: You're not too far off. That HT alone laid down all sorts of madness. I'll have to post his stats, but he had over 15 kills himself. And I agree that if I didn't have Elite troops, that the whole thing would be long over. But that's what you get with autoselection. As for my current disposition...my right, though faltering, is holding strong. It will take you a little longer to break them. I've only lost one squad there, and the reverse slope and wooded foxholes are great cover even from your arty. I was hoping that my zook team would get one more HT, but he blew his wad and is now running for it. The center will live or die on the success of that squad moving from my left. And if you just hammered a house with a squad in it, that may be all she wrote. Either way, you'll have some problems getting past that Sherman. Now if I can just find a way to take out that Stug, things will look a lot brighter for me. I'm out of mortar rounds, and the autoselection gave me no arty (can you imagine Americans fighting without arty?), so it's all blood and guts from here on out. The T8, haveing suffered one casualty, will no longer fire his weapon, which is why he was sent on the mad, suicide run, which I'm sure you put a quick end to. My hope from here on out is to hold you in place as well as I can, and make sure I don't get swept from the field. If I can hold the positions I have, I should be able to earn a draw or possible a tac win. We're 2/3 done, and you have yet to overpower me. Let's here it for Elite troops! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In truth if I would have overpowered you already the battle would be over. Ahhh.. You haven't watched the last movie, eh? Muahahahahah! OKay.. It looks like you got impatient with my Stug and you sent some 'zook team on a crazy do or die mission. Unfortunately my Stug spotted them soon enough so he will soon be reversing and mowing that little team down. They DO have a shot but I would have to guess it is a slim chance, but still ya never know. That poor T8 car you sent off to it's death. I suppose it was either die by my infantry or die backing into the Stugs LOF. It was funny to watch though. You should get a good laugh. That Sherman is not invincible staying where it is. It has pretty much NO infantry support and considering he is within a 30 second run from my infantry from TWO different angles I wouldn't be betting on that Sherman sticking around long. Your right flank is holding for now, but they are outnumbered 2:1 and they are running low on ammo. So in 10 turns I think it would be safe to say I will have that VL. By that time I should have the center pretty secured which means I can send about 3 platoons to that flag on your back right. That will be mine also. Two other flags I already control, which leaves you dear Croda with ONE minor flag. I would be hoping for a Minor-Tac-lose if I were you. This look like a Major-Tac-lose for you if not more. Yeah, I was supprised you got NO arty. I was waiting for it for a while. It soon became clear that you had none so that is ANOTHER reason why I haven't pushed the attack too hard. Arty definitly would have made me put the step back into my men. Jeff
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: You need to lighten up a bit on shandorfffff. Remember, his girlfriend is in town for her mothly conjugal visiy. That means that he's most likely oversexed and can't remember a damned thing. This is obviously why he reacting to strangely to everything. It's probably also why he thinks he's going to push me back so badly. 2 MG teams have held him thus far, that fact that he thinks he's going to suddenly have an attack strategy coherent enough to overpower a Sherman with a commanding view of the field is evidence that the messages are certainly not getting from axon to dendrite. B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, not fair. You forget to keep pointing out that you have Elite troops. Those suckers just won't suppress. Did you notice at one point I had like 8 units firing at that .50cal in the house and he would NEVER put his head down? Geezus, they are like freakin' robots. Hell, and accurate to boot. Until your mortar team ran out of HE it was dropping murderously accurate fire on my MG teams. Also, you "had" 3 MG teams covering those woods. One in the first house, One in the second house further back, and One to the right in another house. Lets not forget the M3A1 HT and the T8, which have multiple MGs, and NOW the tank. Most HTs would have turned tail and ran considering how close you had them to my infantry, but that Elite HT just sat there and mowed through quite a few guys. Regardless, the reason the center section hasn't moved is because they don't need to. They aren't pinned down. They have the VL secured and they are keeping your units busy. Haven't you noticed the push right? Those two squads have taken like 2 casualties combined. They are walking through your guys. That left flank is a good battle but you are running VERY low on ammo. Soon I will push you right out of there. That VL on your back right.. Heh heh.. How you liking that 120mm Mortars? I have already spotted one whole squad wiped out. No telling how much the others are messed up. I would say pretty bad. And how is that platoon of yours on my right doing? Ya know.. The one you tried to move over to reinforce your center? They don't look like they are doing to well. My MGs on the hill are playing havok with them and my Stug just blew up that house a couple units were in. I told you before that you let me move up too far and that you wouldn't be able to manuver without me getting you in a cross-fire and attriting your troops severly before they get to where they are going. Atleast this is what I am seeing, Jeff
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