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Everything posted by jshandorf

  1. AS far as I know CM try to simulate real life therefore in the game 100mm or armor is 100mm of armor. They used the same penetration values given for the weapons in real life. Therefore check out this link: http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/8172/panzerfaust.htm Jeff
  2. Cruuuud-da! My god, man! It sounds like you are getting your ass kicked by everyone? What is wrong with you? Geezus.... Tell me, it must feel like High School all over again, doesn't it? All the big jock boys picking on you giving you wedgies, and the only girl you are interested in loves a Frenchman no less. I dare say you are venturing into pencil-neck geek territory. Don't go there, Croda! It's a bad place...a lonely place...a sad place...Hey! Just ask Meeks if ya want to know! My God! I just thought of something! You're not a role model to your children, are you? NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo........ I can see it now... "Dad!" "Yes?" "When I grow up I wanna get my scrawny ass lawn mowed daily by a bunch of bullies! And.. And... I want to pin over a girl that will have nothing to do with me because she loves a Frenchman! I wanna be just like you, Dad!" [Croda sobbing uncontrollably.] Breaks your heart, don't it? How about if I let you win in our PBEM? Would that help? Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-22-2000).]
  3. Ooo! Ooooo! Steve! How about considering towed AT guns being ranged in somewhat also in a defense situation. Also.. What is the reasoning that troops can't dig in before a battle? I can see in some cases where that can happen. But in a the majority of defense battles the defender atleast had sometime to dig a fox hole. Also.. will you be allowed to purchase foxholes AND trenches, since they both are different? Thanks, Jeff
  4. Something I think that could be added that would at least simulate bravery or cowardice is the chance that troops could act in such a way. For instance.. Say a unit is routed and there is only a 15% chance they will rally. Well.. Maybe there could also be a another percentage based off of the rally chance that they go back to alert status immediately. It could be a 10% chance of the base rally chance, so the unit I described above would have a 1.5% chance of this happening. This in a way could simulate leadership from "within the ranks" type of thing happening. You could also increase the 10% modifier depending on the experience level. You could also do this for a "cowardice" chance and maybe a "bravery" chance. Sound interesting? Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-22-2000).]
  5. If anything not having a HQ is simulated in the sense that any movement orders you give the leaderless squads takes longer to execute. As for fighting ability... that has to do with the experience level. The fact that US soldiers took the beaches of Omaha on June 6th was because a large number of them had NEVER seen combact before and didn't know what to expect, therefore they were gung-ho and took risks. In the end it paid off. Basically if you throw enough soldiers on the beach eventually there are some who will lead and take charge. That is what happened. A famous quote by some general whos name I can't remember went something like this: "An experienced soldier is a scared soldier." If those US soldiers had any idea what they were up against you'd really have to wonder what would have happened. Jeff
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Hehe... I wonder if it involves the two fixes that are in 1.1 IIRC, there was a strange "LOS Hole" having to do with tile alignments that was fixed. But the big one, which should be fixed, is the TacAI's incorrect logic that the Boccage is some sort of cover terrain like Woods. This caused units to "run for the boccage men!!", which didn't yield very positive results in terms of defensive manuevers Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent! Also.. Steve.. Like Mortars can towed AT guns be considered "ranged in" unless you move them? Jeff
  7. It really just depends on the terrain and what you are trying to accomplish. If you are concerned with close in support for your Infantry then you have to move you tanks as your infantry moves. If all you care about is overwatching then stand-off is good. Also the terrian is dependent on this. If you have heavy woods you don't have to worry about DF HE as much thus your infantry doesn't need as much close in tank support, and the opposite is also true. Jeff
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Who wanted to play you? I didn't want to play you. Anyone else here want to play you? Let me look around. Nope, nobody here wants to play you. You must be hearing things with your bimbo. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know where to shove it Hiram. Just make sure you push aside the Gerbils to make way. Regardless... I would crush you like a bug in a PBEM. In fact a slice of moldy cheese could probably put up more of a fight for life than your pathetic troops. So climb down off your horse you sorry excuse of a hominid and get in line to kiss my behind. Jeff
  9. Good. He's gone then. Cruud-da, kick his butt and make sure he doesn't drag his sorry ass back in here. I grow weary of the pool. It sucks the life from me like a jabby, airheaded bimbo I must stuff food into just so I can have peace while she chews. It drains my essence and leaves me an empty husk. In the meantime I will continue with the PBEMs I have but until some further time I am declining any new challenges. So if you wanted to play me.. go sit and spin. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-20-2000).]
  10. What???? I have never heard of this? FOs are support units and are not assign a particular HQ. Jeff
  11. Did I hear somebody say..."The CessPool"? Hmmm? Jeff P.S. Thanks, Steve. You guys are the tops.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Because although the weather's worse than here in Minnesota, there are no Shandorfs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow.... How completely lame and unfunny that was. I kind of..sort of...giggled. Well, on second thought I think it was just gas. Jeff
  13. Ahhh.. SS Hamstertruppen. The gerbils will quiver in fear at the sight of these master rodents! Jeff
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Aaarrgh! I look in here one last time, hoping for sappy sentiment or a single, "Hey, don't die you stupid bastard." and all I get is a bunch of secret agent jokes?!?! You suck, each and every one of you, in your own special way. First off, it's the NSF, that's Nation Science Foundation, not the NSA, which would be the National Security Administration (Right?), they don't do spy missions, they don't have agents, they just sponsor or give grants for expedition. Secondly, you still suck. Third, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Gah, lost - ability. form simple. AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHH!!!! You. I. When I get back, I will tear Jefe's arm off and beat Croda to death with it! YAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I hope they approve the expedition and then they keep me there so I never, ever have to read your inane posts again, you evil, evil, evil. Oh, whoops, time to go. See ya in a week. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that mean they don't have internet service in Antarctica yet? Sheesh, what a back water primitive place THAT must be. Why on earth would anyone want to go there? Jeff
  15. Snooch-a-koochi, Where the hell is my damn turn you crusty bastard? Don't make me drive down to Edina or whatever SimCity like hell hole you live in and kick you in the ass. Jeff
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: [LIES!!! ALL LIES I TELL YOU!!!] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Meeks, Hey, tell Mike "Hi" for me when you get to Antarctica. Make sure you ask him for the "Clean Food" when you give him your order, if ya know what I mean. Also.. when you get to 7,250 foot elevation mark watch for the 3rd step its a little tricky. Also the guys over at NSF asked me to tell you to make sure you bring your super secret decoder ring and some bird seed in case they need you to save the world again. I suppose this is part where I say see ya and have fun but then that would make it seem like I care and I don't. Jeff P.S. In all truth when you mentioned that you were going to be mountain climbing the first image to pop into my mind was of you plummeting to your death. I can see it so clearly now... It's a dingy, grey day with stoic dark mountains filling the background. You are plunging through the air. I think you are wearing some dark blue Columbia Parka with light yellow pants. If you could get close you would hear the rustle of wind as it passes over nylon. You are panicking. You claw uselessly at the air searching for a handhold that will never appear. It's long way down. Your fall takes several seconds. Your figure grows distant, smaller, less significant. Further... Further. Your screams reside, then...silence. Have fun! Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-17-2000).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Jeff, lots of clanking going on, and did that M4 crew change their underwear this turn??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What? You mean AFTER they wiped out one of your StuH-42s? You once proud platoon of StuHs has been reduced to a mear two vehicles and I hope to reduce it to one after this turn. Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-17-2000).]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: How about surgical castration. Keep him from spawning. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Croda spawns? Well.. It's settled then. To keep him from his breeding grounds we need only to build a damn up stream. That should stop him. Jeff
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Jeff: Let's process some turns already... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, watch it there old man, or else I will get all Geritol on yo' ass! I sent you your turn last night! Didn't you get it? Or were you to busy reading the book of the month from the "Men who love boys" club? Jeff [This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-16-2000).]
  20. Croda, Do you do this JUST to see who will respond seriously? Your odd. Jeff
  21. The only problem I have with the bocage is when a unit comes under fire and tries to run THROUGH the bocage to get to the other side since there is cover like a forest or scattered trees. This is absurd. Especially when all the unit has to do is fall back and they will be outside of LOS. I think BTS has to incorporate LOS into untis AI when they are seeking cover. I notice that vehicles move out of LOS but infantry doesn't do that. They look for cover, therefore you get these suicidal actions. Jeff
  22. OKay... I have mentioned one of these before but BTS never made a comment on it also this other bug I have seen someone else mention it and I am curious as to BTS's comment on this also. The first bug was during a night game where I could only see about 180 meters. After the deploy and during my first orders phase I could see a barb wire fortification that my opponent set BACK into heavy woods well out of my LOS because of night conditions and the fact it was back in the woods. There should be no way I should be able to see this barbwire. For the second bug during the game I was dropping some big arty on a section of woods in the back corner of the board that I didn't have LOS to. A large arty round hit, 170mm, and eliminated a german squad. Up to that point I could not see the squad and had no idea they were there but when they died they should up and I could click on them and see they were eliminated. Now I was thinking that maybe at one point I had seen them at one point and had some limited spotting on them but then they pulled back and hid in those woods. I never saw them retreat to that point and I had no german symbol to represent that I had spotted them nearby that point at any time. Thoughts? Jeff
  23. Ooo! Ooo! Tell me how you are gonna pin down Kitty and make her purr for mercy!! Jeff
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: I AM WOMAN! HEAR ME ROAR!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Geezus, you would think I was talking about forcing women to wear shoes that cause back problems, and clothes that gnaw into their bodies, and to apply paint to their face to make them appear more attractive. Oh wait.. They already do that.. Bugger it then. When did that senile bastard give you a title? Damn that fool, I told him to lay off the grain alcohol. Jeff
  25. Ahhhh Ha! I got it! How about we have only ONE Lady of the Pool, eh? Then if another woman comes along they can fight for the title. That would pit Kitty and YK2 against each other for the right to claim the title. The loser would be so titled "Pool wench". Jeff
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