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Everything posted by Pud

  1. I was going to have a go myself as well. Anyone looking for a home for their version, fling it my way. I still have some hope that when the final version of CMBB comes out this wont be needed but Im not holding my breath
  2. For the axis flag just grab one of the existing CMBO flag mods from CMHQ, 440.bmp is the axis large flag, 420.bmp for the small flag and 400.bmp is the unit marker in both games. http://www.combatmission.com/mods/interface2.asp [ September 06, 2002, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  3. M.Bates has tweaked his shockwave mod for CMBB and is now PC compatible. This works surprisingly well and the image doesnt do it justice. If you are lamenting over the removal of shockwaves from arty rounds, grab it here. M.Bates has let me to host it. [ September 06, 2002, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  4. What happens when the KV1 runs out of ammo for forward facing mg(s). Will it rotate turret around to use rear mg? Im hoping not?
  5. Thanks Dan. Am I mistaken or do you seem to have more time to be around the board Anyway enjoy the footy tomorrow (if your into it)
  6. Just woondering can something be tweaked? If you target infantry behind your KV-1 and say "no" to use main gun, it will get 1 or 2 shots off with its rear MG then turn turret around to use its front MG. Any chance of making it use the rear one instead? I expect this would be a engine rewrite issue but I thought I would ask, be it a big one.
  7. Ahh yes the old "charge a tank with the sacrificial squad" trick. very gamey.
  8. not correct. I have lost a churchil to a stug <100m away I was exchanging rounds with when he charged my churchil with a squad of men, the churchil stopped firing on the stug to fire at the squad, i lost my churchil to a side shot after it turned to face the charging squad :mad:
  9. Spoons, i thought it was quite well done. I think there is no point writting a review for forum members to read. A review for the unintiated is what is needed and whats was given. Well done mate. PS although you should have mentioned lack of shockwaves as a bad point
  10. I just downloaded them and they are still in bin format. Send them to my email in some graphic format (photoshop is fine) and i will redo them for PC's Thanks mate [edit - M.Bates .I have saved them in a PC format, will email you the file if you like?] [ September 05, 2002, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  11. Love the idea of a shockwave mod, gives alot of people on this forum hope. Thanks.
  12. Thanks guys. Looks like the crash itself is due to my-soon-to-be-reinstalled system (mumble, mumble, bill gates, mumble ...) But that CMBB remains resident after alt-f4'ing does mean it is in need of a fix. Alt-F4 - the trusty panacea for all windows apps
  13. I'm not sure if this has been pointed out but CMBB will totally crash my win2k system (quite an achievement), ie it reboots, if you try and start CMBB if it is still resident in memory from a previous gaming session. CMBB does stay in memory if you alt-f4 to close it, they lazy mans exit.
  14. Great look for the steppe terrain! Love it.
  15. Its not the expanding shockwave from a house i miss but the small shockwave from HE shells, they have gone too. Cant tell me these are unrealistic? OK cant see them in real life but in a game this is a good way to represent them. Without them HE shells appear to do very little damage.
  16. Portraits - moddable, ok, have to wait and see to what level of individual differences between units can be achieved. Shockwave - not a case of being upset by some minor grog thing, the shockwave had a large impact of enjoyment, a "woohoo" sort of thing. If theres anything that will be remebered (and missed) from the good old days of CMBO it will be the shockwave.
  17. I have to admit the lack of shockwave is depressing. Gone is the "woohoo" factor.
  18. Im was beginning to think Im the only person not that happy with the direction CMBB has taken? Removal of "shockwave", this is bad, very bad. Takes away alot of the feel. Now its feels like the HE just doesnt have any effect at all. I know Matt has said that its definately out, but I think thats a bad move. Removal of "portraits" - unbelievably bad. I was hoping for more individual differences between units, not less. This makes the units seem like amorphous uniform rather than "men". From the demo i do get the impression it wont be winning many new players over, and given some of the changes it may very well be losing some. Just my 2 cents worth.
  19. Do you use P2P programme (eg kazaa-lite), perhaps some people could make it available through that. Should be able to achieve your max bandwidth as it will download from various sourses to make up to you bandwidth. Just a thought.
  20. Yours is alive :eek: ! Im sure mine is a member of the undead. Some sort of evil hell spawn.
  21. Im on a dailup 56k, i see this as a good chance to clog up the phone line so the Mother-in-law cant contact us for a day. Every cloud has a silver lining. [edited typo] [ August 23, 2002, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  22. If you get no better offers from the more high profile sites, i can host it.
  23. Heres a page of WW2 sounds if interested, some are quite good, some are ,hmmmm, not so. ww2 sounds
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