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Everything posted by Pud

  1. Impressive list of what "may" be in the game. I think I am going mad waiting for CMBB...... Sleepless nights.... Sitting infront of my monitor with CMBB screenshots as backgrounds....
  2. No didnt get a green line as per LOS retarget but the change in target still only took around 30 seconds, perhaps a little longer but it certainly didnt take double which would have meant no arty for at least 1 round, which didnt happen. I dont have the save file for that turn so I cant check. Sounds like it isnt an error, given your test. May have been some rare anomaly in either the game or my brain.
  3. Im not sure if this is a bug or is intentional or it didnt happen like it seemed but here goes; I had a FO on a hill that had LOS to a building with axis troops. I targeted the building, 2 mins later it began to rain arty. The same turn it began he sent a platoon heading up to my my position. Next turn I began to run my FO away down the other side out of sight and continued to run for the next 3 turns (I didnt cancel target order). During my run I could still control the arty as if I was sitting ontop of the hill with LOS, eg it kept falling and adjusting it only meant about 30sec delay before it commenced again (same as LOS delay). This makes me think that a gamey tactic would be to place a FO in LOS of target, give the order to fire and then run into safety because you can still control it by remote!
  4. Just letting you know that CM Bits N Pieces is back online at my new ISP. I have updated: 1) my dirtroad(plain), the diagonal road tile had a error. Just grab the addon file to fix it, or can download the complete file. 2) my bocage/hedge mod is online. 3) negative waves mod. 4) Flagmod 5) some sort of "Ungamey guidelines" [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  5. I also tried my hand at the daimler a few months back, and it also sits on my drive. Bloody mirroring of left and right sides just makes this one a pain in the bum to do, if not damn near impossible. Best of luck and hope you can work some way around the problem.
  6. This has prob been done before but I replaced the sound file of US officer raising the moral of subordinate with the words "Fight you coward" with a very famous saying from an equally famous war moofie about some blokes heros, I cant be sure for legal reasons you understand I resampled it to 16bit @ 44kHz so it works now. If anyone is interested drop me an email. Its only 1 wav file zipped (70k). mudansha@iprimus.com.au
  7. I dont think it is possible to do a decal on the helmet (I tried it last night) as the lip of the helmet uses the same area of the helmet image that would contain the decal. So the decal shows up on the side ok but it also appears on the lip of the helmet. Bummer!!
  8. My mod pack ie my bmp directory is 182mb in size, I expect most other players are in the same boat. There is no shortcut to being a modslut, you really have to do a bit of researching on whats available via screen shots and download them piecemeal. Most websites have bandwidth problems with a 2mb file let alone a 180mb file. :eek: Must haves - would be to have a grass mod and building mod. Then next time you play a game and have choosen your units, go looking for that units mod. This way you can build up your collection as you need them without resorting to spending hours downloading and searching. [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  9. They both look very promising. Im still using good old Kumps tree bases, but that autumn leaf litter look might be the replacement im hoping for. Edited - Do you have a link to the tree bases yet? [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  10. Looks great. Looking forward to driving some armour over that one. Dont you just hate when people ask this but.... whats the sky, with the hills in the background and the tree bases. I dont recognise either of them.
  11. Philippe Drop me your email address so I can send you the an update I did to one of the bmp's tiles in dirtroad.zip(v3) when I was working with Gyrene on the track/road crossing. [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  12. Over the last year or so I have developed a fetish for blowing buildings (up) containing Axis Inf. I generally buy at least one unit for this purpose. Until now relying on a 105Howitzer or Churchill VIII or 105 arty. I noticed the other day the Sexton, being a 105mm, also has an absolute enormous loadout of ammo (around 100HE). Does anyone use this vehicle, it would appear to be a bit of an underrated unit, what are people's opinions on it?
  13. one to go please. mudansha@iprimus.com.au looks great.
  14. Could be an arguement to the missus for an upgrade! "honey , my CM doesnt run very well anymore and a computer upgrade will be needed soon" "What ever keeps you happy" Yes im dreaming.
  15. OH....MY.....GOD!!!! What we are seeing here is the next evolution in mods. Mods with files resolution 1024x1024 etc. which allow the detail. Given new machine have the grunt, this will be a great change for the power users.
  16. "Not one of those bloody things!!" cries my opponent...yep its got to be the Churchill VII, can withstand a direct hit from a Panzerschrek, big gun for buildings and inf and a few "C" rounds for any armour that want to party and no annoying smoke rounds!!!!! For things that dont go "BANG!!!" i love the MG jeep, great for being a pain in the botty for uncovered guns. Was even better until they reduced its carrying capacity to 0, that sniper has to walk now [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf: ..but it might be that a 12-men squad suffers the same morale effect from loosing two than a 8-men squad. If so, you can break a 40-men US platoon with the same losses than a 34-men Birit platoon (PIAT and mortar not in front).<hr></blockquote> ..but the brit had 4 killed out of the 5 compared to 0 out of 12 in squad A and 1 out of 12 in squad B. I would expect the moral to (should) be based on % casualties. 4 out of 5 should be worse than 4 out of 12. A squad should be paniced for sure (%80 casualties) and the 12 man team should (the 12 man team was also veterans in my case) be perhaps shaken (33% casualties). This was not an isolated case, it happens all the time, when ever i play US. Perhaps my CPU has one of those Floating Point Errors in its architecture PS Global moral in the US game is higher than in to Brit game, in case the thought is that aspect.
  18. I keep finding in my games that US inf seem to break moral far more often than Brit troops. In a recent game 2 Full squads of veteran US Engineers in a house came under smallarms fire ( from a couple of sources 200m+ ranges) and began to falter, by the second round they had broken. by turn 3 both teams were on the run for the hills. Only started taking loses when broken and running across the open. In my other current game I have a one half of a split squad of Brit Reg Rifles (out of C&C) come under fire from 45m away from 2 SMG squads. After loosing 4 out of the 5 it was still just pinned. this happens everytime I play US troops. Half of them will break and run, but it rarely happens with British no matter how bad things seem to get. Is it something in the tea? Is this some freak of luck (to happen so often) or do US troops have a tendancy to run?
  19. Being a modder and a webmaster I agree with Manx 100% and can appreciate Scipio anger 100% at what happened. As said Public domain does not distinguish copyright, however I think the case here is what can be done to stop plagiarism. Most are us are not wealthy enough to take these issues to court, not that any of us would want to. The only real weapons against this sort of thing are, as Manx said, removal from websites, although this wont work in the case of the violator having his own site to distribute the copied work. We as a community have quite alot of power in that most modders appreciate praise (whether they admit it or not) for what they have done and its possibly this very "praise" is what the plagiarist is trying to receive (sorry, yes Im a Psychologist graduate). If we as a community continue to do the opposite these sorts of events will diminish and will deter others from doing the same, eg remove from websites with comments as to their removal, even to treating them as an outcast here on the forum, berhaps even banning. I suspect this may bring comments regarding similarities to schoolyard behaviour but unfortunately its all we really have. As a community we need to stick together, modders need our support or else you will find there will be few mods in future. Who would want to do a mod with the knowledge that it will be taken , changed 1% and then released to be taken and used by us in place of the original. A central modlist (like manxs) would help, if a mod is in dispute/or proven to be stolen it can be removed from this "register", this would in turn not give the sort after recognition that the plagiariser is seeking. Sorry for the long post. [edit - this doesnt apply of coursewhen there is discussion and agreement between the original work and the new works artists] [ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]</p>
  20. many thanks guys for the quick response, confirmed what I thought to be correct.
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