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Everything posted by Pud

  1. what on earth are files 1595.bmp and 1596.bmp for? They look like shockwaves!! (ever hopeful )
  2. In a similar vein to Scipio's transfer of CMBB files to CMBO, I thought I would show the reverse. You know this, original Throw in some well know CMBO winter trees, thanks Tom. And some weed man, thanks Murpes. I like it! PS I hope I havent stolen anyones thunder for upcoming mods [edited a typo] [ November 12, 2002, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  3. Nope, it wasnt the case in CMBO for sure, I made a map with a river coming down to a central lake. Also able to make water falls with a high tile/low tile combo.
  4. I havent done a great deal of testing since I was trying to make a map and it wasnt working for me. I tried making one tile hieght 15 or something and the other 6, it just dropped it down to the 6 so I gave up. It may have been because I was also using river to water tile rather than river to river so that may have complicated matters.
  5. I now that arty has been increased in effectiveness , but.... Im playing a game with a friend. I had a soviet platoon in some trees. He opened up with 3 50mm motars and within 30 seconds (what was left in the round) %50 of my whole platoon was killed. Ok airbursts etc but thats a bit excessive isnt it? I could be wrong but it looks like arty are overpowered given this result?
  6. Nope, you are correct, this I hope is a bug and not intentional. Not seen any remark on it from BFC though????
  7. Just to be the square peg in the round hole, if the CMBB demo didnt grab you, try downloading the CMBO demo. I am one of those weird mob who actually prefer the first game. Is also alot cheaper and it served many on this board with 2 years of continuous gameplay. By the time you get tired of that you can move onto CMBB in a year or two Puts on helmet, ducks a under table awaiting the "barrage".
  8. I have been playing CMBB for a month now. Still dont like it that they removed shockwaves, call them "silly" , "not realistic" or whatever, they are one feature thats makes CMBO better than CMBB. Every time a round lands in CMBB i think, . I prey each time I start a CMBB game that in CM3 they will be returned. PS I am referring to the HE shockwave, not the nuclear french oven, although I do like them too
  9. I think you have struck the reason why its not available for download. People who pirate the game and get no free manual from BFC will find it hard to play thereby forcing players to buy the game and manual from BFC. Suggestion? Sell it on ebay for $20 and put that money towards buying it from BFC. Other than that just play by the seat of your pants and learn it the hard way through trial an error.
  10. Sorry Sloan, Cd and Manual are both covered by copyright and hence must be purchased. If you want the manual you need to buy the game from BFC. Sounds like you were ripped off mate. CMBO has been discounted in price by BFC.
  11. yep, there is a very large discussion over http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=002845
  12. My suggestion? Download the CMBO demo play that (to death) to get a feel of the CM system. If you like it download CMBB to see the new commands, the CMBB demo (IMHO) doesnt give you a good feel for the game. Then go and buy the bundle!!
  13. I use Murpes light snow from CMBO, just have to rename the 20 or so bmp files and Bobs your uncle. You could do the same with Toms if you liked them.
  14. But it will be a King Tiger shaped Hotdog stand. "We have ways of making you buy our hotdogs" [ October 30, 2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: Pud ]
  15. Jason If you read this can you contact me please. Its to do with your graphical excel database. If anyone knows his current email please let me know, his old one (guachi@bayou.com) fails.
  16. Jason If you read this can you contact me please. Its to do with your graphical excel database. If anyone knows his current email please let me know, his old one (guachi@bayou.com) fails.
  17. I have converted many mods from CMBO to CMBB. The only ones that can't be done 100% are most vehicles and guns. I have done walls, buildings, grass, snow and some trees. I am looking at doing some vehicles (eg Jeep) and checking out some sky. They nearly all require renumbering as the CMBB numbering index is different to CMBO.
  18. Im sure this has been raised but a search didnt bring anything up. When I purchase a regular company of Infantry, most will be that but there may (in fact a good chance) also be a green and/or a veteran squad amongst them. I tried purchasing a Veteran company and the same +1/-1 experience thing doesnt appear to happen. Was i just lucky/unlucky or is this a feature (a good one mind you) that i couldnt find in the manual.
  19. Brilliant stuff! Any chance of renaming your files to something like mrnoob-kv1.zip? I do it anyway but then there will be no standard file name for your mods floating around. Thanks mate.
  20. I know there are some in the pipeline.
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