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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Kingfisher found the source, 3 VP for recce ability. Some interesting designs, good webpage on Russian military stuff Yes 76mm Enjoy
  2. Hey I saw a well motivated E7 get 42 men into a single 2 1/2 ton truck! So yes trucks of that size could carry two squads. In WWII were most trucks that size or 1 1/4 ton and like? 2nd item. When you click on a Platoon leader you get the squads to ID. But when you double click on the company commander you get nothing. I recommend that the Platoon leaders should be ID. The same for the Battalion commander, ie double click on him and his company commanders would be ID
  3. To reuse a phrase I used years ago to demonstrate the difference between the CMBO demo and the full game: CMBO is the first kiss CMBB is the honeymoon
  4. I found this post a few days ago......"Friend and I are moving one month at a time through the war.We are now in oct 42.Using QB's with our own random set up parameters.Fight a meeting engagement.Winner goes on offensive till he loses and we use a point system..." Might work
  5. Small bug with unlimbered crewed served weapons being unable to move thru wooden fences.
  6. So pillar you are saying that guns would never need to move thru a fence? I assure you that in a fence strewn world a gun crew or two moved asside a wooden fence or two. The problem is a mortar can move thru it, a jeep, an heavy machine gun but not a gun with a six man crew. Russian fences look no more substantial than "split rail fences". Just an oversight by the good coding crew I believe
  7. In reply to Michael Emrys ""Interesting observation. Perhaps you know this was done in practice? I have read of at least one specific instance in the Italian campaign where Shermans were positioned on bulldozer-created ramps in order to be used as indirect fire artillery. Not sure how they managed to sight them in, but it seems to have worked."" Tank did carry a gunners quandrant, with the help of an artillery survey team it would be possible to "lay" your tank and fire it just like artillery. You would need a distant reference aiming point etc. It was done a lot, you can even lay in an MG for indirect fire.
  8. wooden fences If they are anything like the fences we use to encounter in Europe they can be easily dismantled. Even kicked down/ Most guns have an axe as part of its entrenching tools/kit. I wonder what type of fences they meant! Mortars move right thru
  9. Excellent idea, will implement once my CMBO buddies upgrade to CMBB........yes they are neanderthals.
  10. I've found that crewed served guns, flak, infantry guns etc cannot pass over a fence. Tested this by putting a number of crewed served weapons to move over a fence. Just the above mentioned cannot penetrate it. Might need a little attention Hans
  11. I had this problem once. I found it was because the mines were visable to the trucks. Don't know if that might be the problem! Damn italians, hey try someone elses trucks just encase there is a strange bug there.
  12. No problem there Chief, gathering info on the Italians on a scenario for CMBB is nearly complete. Fortunately the info for these has some transportability to the SCW. Once I get the "Raid on Madrid" play tested I'll put it up at Keith's scenario site. Hans
  13. Thanks for the info Have made up an initial battle scenario involving T-26s and other armour as part of the offensive around Madrid during the summer of '37 If anyone would like to see it and give it a play test post those email here or email me. Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Not play tested yet!
  14. A quick review of the Spanish Civil war turns up a number of interesting scenarios. However tank on tank is not one of them. Please correct me on this But the Italians and Germans do not appear to have sent cannon armed tanks to Spain. The Soviets sent a number of T-26, BT-5 and a few BA-3. They did sent ATGs and the Germans trained up over thirty AT companies. I suggest a republication tank/infantry assault against one of nationalist strongholds around Madrid in '38.
  15. I too had had that thought when the original CM came out. I'm just finishing up a Nov 42 Italian scenario, "Savoia counter-attack". I think A Spanish Civil War battle would be interesting. Unfortunately at this moment I don't have any info on a tactical level OOB/situation suitable for "scenario'ing". Would a fictional one be ok? Meeting engagement between two mechanized columns somewhere in Aragon? Perhaps a classic over a bridge? As Madrid is placed under seige? I'd also (in the future) like to do one using the Lincoln Brigades. Hans
  16. Finished three more fights One with Finns defending a wooded area, wild action and a wood line that allowed only one entry for vehicles into my area (covered with a captured BT-7 and a funny look 76.2 short barrelled something maruther). Slaughter A Soviet assault defensive - I do like trenches. One concept for Germans, don't attack trenchlines filled with SMG squads who are behind a barbed wire fence outside of grenade range. Very painful. A good first day with CMBB
  17. With a little help from FEDEX.... Despite an initial hiccup (the game wouldn't initially load and my heart stopped - a reload fixed that) I played my first game of the new CMBB Did the basic Quick battle and got Your not going to believe this! A meeting engagement in May 1942, myself as Axis in the South of Russia. That was the good news the bad news is I ended up with ITALIANS. Nice piece of terrain, a low ridge on my side with some houses and trees going down into a deep valley and rising up on the other side to the objective. Behind the objective was another valley. A road ran straight from the objective to my start area and back to the Soviets rear area. The weather was clear but damp. I received: 3 L6/40, light tanks with 20mm (interestingly they were yellowish in color) the armour was equivalent to stale pasta 1 Conscript Platoon of Infantry, 4 squads 2 x Green Breda MGs 4 x Conscript Anti-tank rifles Considering the weather and the poor rating of the L6s I had them advance up the road in conjunction with the platoon array in front and to the flanks. The MG and ATR formed a base of fire on my ridge were they could target the objective. The first two turns were good, no contact. Third turn, a single Soviet T-34 showed up. Made mincemeat of the first L6. Fourth turn. Tried to outflank the T-34, which was at the top of the ridge near the road. Ran into an advancing light tank and 2 Platoons plus of conscripts boiling over the ridge. The T-70 knocked out both L6's but took multiple hits from the ATRs, often 10-12 a turn, many partially penetrating. To the credit of the Italians their two MGs nearly wiped out the attacking Soviet infantry while the T-34 just sat their dominating the road. Turn 12, with the Soviet infantry smashed and the light tank retreating tried to sneak up and close assault the T-34. Canister fire and Tank MG fire routed the Italians in short order after offing the LT. Remnants kept to the woods. Game ended on turn 21 when I put in a ceasefire request! Draw. The Soviets had: 1 Green T-34 (bogged down and the crew buttoned up and shaken) 1 Conscript T-70 (discovered the gun had been damaged by ATR fire) 2 Platoons of conscript infantry 3 Conscript anti-tanks sections 1 Green 82mm mortar (the MG took this out when he topped the ridge) 1 Green HMG (done in again by the MGs as it sashayed over the ridge line) 1 Conscript ATR (never saw this guy) he was hanging in the rear for some reason Italians took 20 casualties with 5 dead, the Russians lost 42 men with 18 dead, all three L6s were abandoned but not one crew hurt. Analysis. L6's really suck - even for 1942, I look forward to the desert war! The battle was 'won' by the two Italian MG crews supported by the ATRs. The Italians probably weren't wiped out because the T-34 bogged in a position where it couldn't see my support units on the ridge. The Italian conscript platoon was pathetic, but of course grenades are not that good against a T-34. T-34 canister is very nasty. MG fire is back to a reality level. Good fight and thanks to the 'boys' for developing this.
  18. I don't have the game until tomorrow (ggrrrrh) so I have no way of knowing about arc except in theory of course!
  19. The blood of well squeezed hampster made particularly juicy by daily tormenting.........actually I might fire up a 1000 pointer (I get the game tomorrow) armor vs armor and pour a shot of vodka for each Soviet tank and schnapps for the Germans. When one brews up.........to heavy casualties (place pillows around computer chair to cushion falling out of chair impact)
  20. Four thoughts 1. A RECCE command that combines stealthy movement with a "no fire mode" unless you are caught at short range and no cover exists. This would allow you to move units that wouldn't fire at units they spotted. 2. A TRANSIT command in which you move between two points maximizing cover and concealment and a "no fire mode". 3. A DISMOUNTED move in which a vehicle would follow slowly behind the vehicle commander who would be on foot, again maximizing cover and concealment. (This probably would need support of the CM II engine rewrite)The crew would be manning any small arms/MGs 4. A SASHAY command in which 5% of the units could move in an odd way, regaining morale.
  21. Hmmmm Basicly under stress the crews will do a variety of things I would say they would: Abandon Panic and abandon Panic (but stay in vehicle) Stay in vehicle but do nothing Fight on as best they could Based on crew experience I'd also say the better they were they more they would tend towards the bottom of the list (?) However it would depend on the situation. In an attack they would abandon more readily that in a defense I would suspect. Sounds like you'd need a complex algorthms with random factors included. ie some crews would fight on, some would cower some would abandon
  22. Big thanks there technical S Ended up getting a different video card, works GREAT. Thanks for helping in sorting out what might be the problem Hans
  23. Hi I have the retailer/builder working on the machine. Will report back on their "findings" Thanks for your help Hans
  24. I realize everyone probably already knows this but.............I've noted that you can change the "Play balance in the choose sides" window. This gives you more men and equipment per one side. If you also set free to place units under computer player setup up you get a very different game. Tried this on the demo as German and got a few extra squads and a second 37mm, will try and stop those russkies.
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