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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldiers, It seems to me that you've missed the most important facit! Those trees have NO SNOW on them! Seems like some one dl'ed the battle of the bulge mod.
  2. Sir, I use OS X sparsley if ever. I find it to be an annoyance at best. Nothing runs on it, and its slow, and "Windows like" :mad:
  3. Sir, Refusing to accept OS X are we? Good for you!
  4. Soldiers, Let me the first to say- My God! CMBB has already blown away my expectations, and THERES STILL MORE Matt ain't showing us! WOW! :eek: Not to mention sounds, of which we haven't heard any, or how the game with actually play out. Take all the time you guys need with CMBB, it will be well worth it!
  5. Sir, Matt: Two days till you tells us that big secert you've been keeping....
  6. Sirs, What mods are included on the CD?
  7. Soldier, Want to fight a duel fronted operation? It can't be done!
  8. Soldiers, There is only one correct way of adressing ones troops! Hehe....
  9. Soldiers and Sirs, WOOT! :eek: Way cool! I love this! Everything that we've been bitching and whinning about has finnaly ended up in the game! Tiger As i recall Steve saying; all the bmps will be open- as they were in the IBM version (Yes! That means that macs will no longer have limits in file space!) Matt You old dog you! I'll play along. Roof! Roof! Give me another bone!
  10. Soldier, I've written a semi historical fiction story; which can be viewed here: Story
  11. Soldiers, Wow..... If I haven't all ready, I'd like to nominate the Major for a Grog award!
  12. Soldiers, Mark me down as one of the waiters. I recently purchased Fly! 2, and found, like many who have purchased it, that it is really a poor half finished game. I felt ripped off. I find that the best game is the one worth waiting for! I can wait as long as it takes for CMBB- and can gaurantee a massive rush to buy, once its finished. Three possible problems come to mind: 1) Will there be pre ordering? I assume that BTS learned a lesson from CM, and will stock MANY more copies; but, I'd still prefer to pre order. 2) Will there be a demo? I hope that BTS will refrain from releassing a demo, until CMBB is published. Giving away the games features, and surprises before it is released is a big downer. 3) Will CMBB be the best game released to date? I think no answer is needed here... but lets let the SSNs decide for themselves, eh?
  13. Sir, Matt: "You can't come here and spam my furom..." [outraged] Your furom! I thought it was "our" furom! [/outraged] This will not stand, I'm sure. [ February 26, 2002, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]
  14. Soldiers, I'll put PENG down for a mark. [X] Peng [O] Ryan's Mom [O] Saki
  15. Soldiers, You seem to forget the most important point: The Grog Who Makes You Vomit In Annoyed Rage, And Gives One The Urge To End There Live. To this overly lenghtned award; I would nomiate David Atken. He seems to have this amazing skill of causing ones brains to turn to mush- at least by page 10.
  16. Soldiers, Who do you think is the best CM Grog amongst us?
  17. Soldiers, [stevesvoice] Squads take far to long to gain experance. Therefore it is out of the scope of CMBB. [/stevesvoice] [ February 24, 2002, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]
  18. Soldiers, Ahhh.... The tides are turning! The Peng thread is deleted- yet my utterly worthless "word assoscation game," lives on! Take that Peng! I hope that this will be a sturn lesson to Peng and his demented followers: The fickle gods of chance, and luck, are on my side!
  19. Soldiers, I'd bet dollars too cents, that this furom is now the number one source of undiscovered military theory, and knowledege. Somebody should go through the furom, and collect all of the theroy posts, and threads, and then see how much the've got. I'd bet one heck of a lot! For over 2 years, people have been collectively adding to this theroy (wether they know it or not)- this theroy; or bible as it would be called. Battlefront: THE source of miliatry theory.
  20. Soldiers, CMBO= 1944-45, ETO CMBB=1940-1945, Ost Front CM II=1940-1945, North Africa/Medi CM III=1939-1940, The Blitz CM IV=1941-45, WTO Correct me If I'm wrong....
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