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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldier, Ahh!! To gamey for my ears! Translation: "The tank fired round things, which don't work against other tanks. Then a great big Tiger II 'took it out'"
  2. Sir, That ones pretty good. "I took a stuka out with a pellet gun..." That line strikes quite a tone with me, its hard to tell if the author is being sarcastic or not (Consider the mentailty of the person who 'takes out' anything with a pellet gun, let alone a model stuka!)
  3. Sir, Wow.... don't go starting anything now Tom! That's pracitaclly hersey!
  4. Soldiers, I'd like to ressurect the funniest CM threads, and batch them together... for the simple reason of.... ah... why not? I know that Gustav has a nice collection at his site, and have been going their when ever I need a laugh.... but we need some newer materail!
  5. Soldiers, Reviving this oldie, 'cause its probally the funniest thing I ever wrote.
  6. Soldier, I imagine that your are adressing this in the same way as LMGs in rifle squads? So basically, we can pick them for external use (seperate teams), or for internal use (added to the squad, increasing fire power). This is all good, and well, but the real question is simple: Wouldn't it look wierd to see three men squads spewing fire?
  7. Soldiers, Don't go running away just yet! I'm hopping that this operation will actually be "fun." If you're interested, lemme know!
  8. Soldiers & Sirs, I'm amazed that I've survived both the hiring of Matt and Dan (barely) ....but now #5! Best of luck to you Moon! Hope you get your name up on the, "Moderated by" section soon
  9. Soldiers, Shop to you drop. More like: Bump till Matt locks this page.
  10. Soldiers, OFFICAIL COMPLAINT: Why is there no winter wheat texture? And why is there only one tree base winter texture? I don't know if this has been adressed in CMBB, but it sure seems like a scam to me....
  11. Soldiers, Andrew: That was just chaff. I needed a reason to bump the thread Those veggies are grrrrreat! I'm thinking brush....
  12. Soldiers, Ocam's Razor: Why is that T-34 comming this way? Becuase it sees you! Why are those Russains shooting at me? Becuase they see you! Why is that fighter straffing me? Becuase it sees you! Why are my pants on fire? Becuase you are wearing the infamuos explosive underwear designed late in the war to react to urine, which was captured by the Russains, and brough to the front....duh. (All SSN's who have no idea what I'm talking about, do a searh for: "The infantry blowed up")
  13. Soldiers, The way I see it (and THAT really doesn't matter much...), snow is bland: There's only one tree base, and guess what? It's white! All the houses are tonned towards white, with the roofs matching to ground. Wheat is white.... Ice is white..... All the trees are blank or white!! Think about that compared to a summer game! Complete contrast (Save for the hedge and bocage of course). The trees are even multicolored in the fall.... Some may argue that the summer trees are all green; I know modders who went out of their way to change the tone on trees, so that they are not one tonned (Gary Kump, BIG DD, Myself...).
  14. Soldiers, My contribution to the "Tom" winter:
  15. Soldiers, ...which I do hardly enough. Anyway: Who actaully preffers winter games to summer/fall games? I try to avoide playing winter games, as they are simply to harsh on the eyes, or too bland. Now then, Tom's mod will change all this. Once more we get some more green on the awfull fields of white!
  16. Sir, Copyright isues? Juju stole both his rubble, and his shell impact/foxholes mods from CC2, but you don't hear anyone complaining about that.
  17. Sir, I can't seem to find your email, and their is a matter that I need to discuss with you. Please contact me.
  18. Soldiers, I'm thinking.... new plain german uniform full set (No cammo.... just the plain old goods, for every unit).
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