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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldiers, Tom has definetly hit on something great here. I cannot wait for this mod much longer. Of course, I wouldn't want it to be released if not finished.... Those trees look awsome. [waitingpatiantley] dum...de dumm... dede dumm... [/waitingpatiantley] GIMMIE!!
  2. Sir, WOOT! Drool..... Gahh....Drool....
  3. Soldier, Blah blah blah, gamey, blah blah blah. Sounds like some exstansive research, which I'm much to lazy to actually read. Hold on, I think I just heard Fionn...
  4. Soldiers, Tom.... please get that one off your HD and into my car! I want that mod BADLY!
  5. Soldier, I think I settled his hash. Anyway, back to the poll.
  6. Soldier, Dam right Panzer. MBJV Get off the furom and we'll talk.
  7. Soldier, MBJV Keep this off the furom, please. Maybe YOU should get back to work.... finish the bloody screenplay perhaps?
  8. Soldiers, Peng Gonna rid ethis one all the way to the bank? I'd let it go.... The so called "Oldeones" will soon start to die off, and a new genertation on mid member number (MMN's for short) will begin to take control. For years the MMN's will rule over the SSN's... until those SSN's become MMN's, and the MMN's Oldeones, and so on. The point is... I'm a MMN, verging into "Oldeoneisim." My day will soon come, leaving Peng to wallow in worthless ranch dressing and zuccini slices.
  9. Soldiers, Well now that Peng has spoiled the moment, I might aswell add something useful. All machine guns are worthless, durring any sort of advance. I'd buy shreks. MG's are useful once mounted on a halftrack :evilgodlesslime:, or an AFV.
  10. Soldiers, Im leaving the MBT, for reasons obvius. I'm taking the addive set forth by many of the 'pools patrons (i.e. SOD OFF). I shall return at a later date, bu tplease do not rush me... Byby poolers....
  11. Soldiers, Tom, Have you seen the new imacs? I'm all for the LCD screen
  12. Soldiers, How do you pass the time waiting for CMBB? I play CM! I'm sure Mace spends the time debaiting with moron wether or not he "Does inflatbles." Chef clearly spends it by ignoring my posts that demand that send a turn... BTW: SEND THE F'ING TUNR YOU TWIT. Anyway...
  13. Soldiers, I just realized that my member number is the lowest here...hehe. :eek:
  14. Soldier, CHEF: Where the heck are my turns???? You're not getting out of a fight that easily.
  15. Soldiers, Were can I find this puppy??
  16. Soldiers, That's some great stuff Tom. I loved your "S" grass, and this is even better. Can't wait for the release.
  17. Soldiers, I believe that the most popular, yet dienned addition to CMBB, are the famous, or infamous if you will, Polish TD's. I seem to vauglly recall Charels speaking of includding these lumberring behemothes of steel, and greese. Yes, yes, there was the "Madmatt," four hundered tons of alluminuim foil, and "Miracil" hair growth formula. Steve was speakign of includignt he Polish "Ramming" oder, which makes the most of rounded frontal armor.....
  18. Soldiers, I think that it's time we all had a nice little chat about CMBB. Or what we think WILL be in CMBB. I'd like ot hear any speculation, any at all. Example: Will CMBB include the kitche sink, and will it be modled propperly? What do you think? Is that so? Bogus I say.... and so on.
  19. Soldier, Gordon, Im Mr. Bill. What is all this CMMOS hub ub?
  20. Soldier, Since my battle with the COMMI has yet to begin, the taunt lines are still free for use: My cat's name is mittens.
  21. Soldier, CHEF: you want your dam turn? You got your dam turn.... just be paitent.... Theres lots of time for me to kill...
  22. Soldiers, Is it just me or is this the first 'Pool X-mas? Wow... a whole year and going strong (hopefully not for long though... yes... soon i will wreck a terrible vengance on this place! none shall be spared... a screw it. Happy holydays!). BTW: PENG is a worthless zucinni.
  23. Soldiers, Gotta love that artistic tallent Dogface.... I suspects something in punch perhaps?
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