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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Those infantry look awsome! Very realistic. Those tanks; supurb... I'm most impressed by the terrain still, it looks amazing. But I gotta know: Are reload sounds in this game yet?
  2. Yah.... thats it. Stupid time differances. I'm totally out of it.... kinda....
  3. Arr, must be the 11 hour flight.... Britiain realy takes it out of yah.....
  4. Hey! I pulled that prank already! You can't do it! It was my idea, and I got banned for it! This is bogus.
  5. Ahhh, so I see that let your brain back out of the lab eh, Seanachi (or whatever). Better get the suringe.
  6. Hmmm..... I like yer style kid. Needs some more enphasis though. Your could improve it slightly by jabbing yerself with a rusty nail... realy brings out the exclamation marks.
  7. Err.... What have I been missing? CMBB release announced (!!!!) Kump is back (and the outpost to boot) More previews then you can shake a fist at (and then some) EDIT: Oh and of course: my alter ego (and his badass attitude of pre-anti-soldierism-germanic hummor, or lack there of). WHATS GOING ON HERE?? And I've been missing it by trudging around the British War musuem..... what a shame.... [ July 25, 2002, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]
  8. Little late on that one Panzer, it's been said...
  9. GUYS: I'm not comming (living in Vancouver) but- Can you check for these features while you're there? 1) Reload sounds 2) Tank speeds (slowing) 3) Method of judgin arty raduis (steve mentioned something about this earlier) Thanks
  10. Just to set the record straight, I don't care anymore what happens to CMBB, in my mind BFC already has my money. They can change it up all they want, I don't give a hoot, I'm buying this game. So: Who's buying CMBB? ME
  11. I've got a plan. I'm gonna take my money here, and give it to Steve over there. Now, since I've already paid, let him go and change the game all he wants, he's already got my cash. You see, the matter is this, how many here are gonna buy CMBB, regardless altimatley of what is IN the game? I'd say EVERYONE. So waht does it matter anyway? BFC bassically already has our cash in hand. I mean come on, We're drooling left and right for this game, and we still keep bitching? I think we're in no place to whine, BFC has done an incredible job, I think we all can agree on that. So: Take my money now, so that I won't be able to whine about buying the game, or changing features, or whatever.
  12. Hell, maybe I'll take over Canadian distrubition.... Yah I can see it all now! Hundereds of CDs with big "SALUTES" posted on them, followed by "DISTRIBUTED BY LGMB" in huge letters. Heck maybe I'll just drop the title all together! We'll call it, CM:Beyond the Lord General. Hmmmm.... I like the sound of that.
  13. Ohmy, I'm suddenly glad I live in Canada. I had no idea there was so much controversy over this issue. Well well, an eye opener no? By the way, Manx- I like yer approach! I'm assuming you'll get first CMBB dibs of course.
  14. Actually, I'd prefer to never download the demo; would spoil the game to much for me. I'd rather just buy the game, and enjoy it straight out fo the box. With a demo I'd have an idea of how the full game would look, which I'd rather not do (a surprise kinda thing).
  15. Ahhh, so we've got some ego going here now.... excellent. This thread is like an archive for me- look at all the "Soldiers" and "Sirs" Creepy, no? Of course the kicker (talking ego here) has to be my Matt MG sound post. Love that one.
  16. Actually, I think we got an AAR in operation bone throw. Do a search!
  17. On the topic of doodads- As I recall doodads themselfs have no effect on the actuall mechanics of the game, only on the feel. They are soley a graphic repersentation of tiles (i.e. adding more depth to a wheat tile, graphicaly). They cannot block LOS therefore, as it is the "tile" that actually blocks LOS. And my question to the lucky bastrards out there: Are reload/tank acceleration sounds now in the game?
  18. Will you people PLEASE stop harrasing Matt about the bloody release date so that he can get back to work on CMBB! Do you guys ever went the game to finished? If you keep asking, IT NEVER will. Let the man work for crying out loud. BTS will let us know when CMBB is released, what do you people think; they're gonna have a specail 'secert' release so that you can't get yer little grubby hands on their precuis game? Come on now! Stop asking about the bloody date!
  19. Yes..... but then again, we WERE done with this nonsense. In the past that is.
  20. Soldier, Hmmm.... Seems like the news just keeps getting better to me!
  21. Perhaps you should go down;oad all the "Old" mods first. That should keep you busy for the good part of a year, then when CM2 comes out, you'll have no reason to complain.
  22. (If I may) Soldiers, Thats right! It says 'soldier' in it! My ego is bursting I say, bursting! (once more, if I may,) Salute! [ July 06, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]
  23. I'm simply blown away by the quality of these shots. It's amazing. By the way, what type of grass are you using?
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