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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Soldiers, Just wanted to be the first to say it, on Xmas (and since Steve, Charles, Matt, and of course Dan are probally drunk off their arses, why not post?) HAPPY HOLYDAYS
  2. Soldier, You wanna make something of that threat you worthless Commi? I'll have no choice but to gouge out your eyes, and use them for a new pair of testicels! Unless.... how about a PBEM to determine sole trademark saying rights??!! [ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
  3. Soldiers, PENG GOD DAMMIT! *Just* when I get the upper hand you come out of your half drunk zuncinni state, and kick my arse. Mabye next game.... CHEF Eat 76mm!
  4. Soldiers, COMMISAR Dont go ripping off my "Hi, Mom," thread lines now... Anyway: [nixon]God DAMMIT mittens! [/nixon] EDIT: Stupid UBB [ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
  5. Soldiers, My "WILL" if you will, has come into seruis question. i'd like to take this moment to consider this strange notion. Okay done. I pray that some day this entire thread, and all its history, past, present, and future; not disclossing all possilbe kin-dead or living, be, in anywich way, ground up into zuccini paste, and covered in mild, "ranch" dressing. thenforth this tastless mix of diced clods, and wankers, shall be devoired. Of course no human could actually, devoir ranchy zuccini paste, so we shall supply this blend of ****e, to worthless three toed hill billies, who, I'm sure, will have no dissagreement to eating goo-worth less then the skunk, or pussum he ate that morning. He will then take it unto himself to SOD OFF. PENG You worthless wanker. I'll staple your ears to my art deco wall, and nail your tounge to my toaster! I'll play darts with your eyes, and use your nose as a pencil holder, you stifhless Lenin zuccini! I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head.
  6. Soldiers, A bluffer that PENG is. Will he not yeild to his inner desire of humility? He refuses to humilte me.... the fool! Am I not worth the humilty? The insults? Am I that low? Anyway, I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head. Die alot now.
  7. Soldiers, PENG claims that I will be humilaited (again, and not just for my spelling) soon. He claims that the release of certain "whinniny emails," will be the source of my demise.... But it also seems to me, that I'm winning the current game: Perhaps a desperate attempt to save himself from destruction? CHEF You are a slow, fetid, piece of zuccini. Send me a turn or die a thousand deaths!!! EDIT: Me no shpell gud. [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
  8. Soldiers, So then I say to Woody Allen, "WOOT!"
  9. Soldiers, CHEF Get me a turn so that I can get around to killing you! PENG Burn baby.... thought I'd buy all Tigers? Hehe....
  10. Soldier, Too much egg nog perhaps?
  11. Soldier, My cats name is mittens.
  12. Soldier, Jeff You dare speak that way to me! The Lord General himself! (Ahhh its good to be back, those insults still sting). I will wipe you up soldier and through you out! Private, you are desmissed!
  13. Soldier, Was that some kind of tuant Jeffy? I've had better from bloody SS Hamsters! You need a major lessen on SSN trashing!
  14. Soldiers, Think I'll take another dip in the 'pool. I just loved that last romp of insults sooooooo much. Anyway: Merry Frikin' Christmas you bunch of worthless hamster truppen! WOOT!
  15. Soldiers, I love you guys! Your just such a bunch of great sobs.... I'm gonna cry! Wish the best of holydays to you all! Have a merry christmas, and a... not so.... (wait...) merry new years. And remeber: Play CM!!
  16. Soldiers, I don't know if it's been pointed out, but BTS has updated the Battlefront main page!!! Theres some CM2 info!
  17. Soldiers, One must look at these pictures and smile, for all of our nasty bitching about graphic enhancements have been returned, in kick ass DOODAD form. :eek: Ps. I must have spent 5 minutes wipping the drool off my screen. Theres a huge roll of paper towl next to my computer, just incase Matt posts anymore screens
  18. Soldiers, I know that this is a far reaching question, but what kind of graphic enhancments will CMII include? All I've gathered are some very vauge notions....ex: Many many enhancements will be made; spanning both time and space. Thow shalt see only if thy art of pure blood, and one of the soldeirs of the light.... As you can guess it is quite hard to gather any information form this kind of random info. NOTE FOR SSN's ------ CMII is not CM2
  19. Sir, Doesn't sound like to popular of a suggestion
  20. Soldier, This has been discussed into the abyss. The general response is: Forget it.
  21. Soldier, I'd say that it's quite clear that he's never been outside. Probablly never even left his computer...... Edit: Becuase its hard to type and eat at the same time. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
  22. Soldier, I'm stealling the format form one of Matts posts. Check it here, and have a good laugh. Post
  23. Soldier, I think that this is being encluded as inhanced FoW, but I'm not sure.
  24. Soldiers, Yah.... sheesh Dogface. But that does raise the question of were Matt will be getting the sounds... His mouth noises may have to safice. It turns put that they have in the past.... *Flashes Back* Yes... the past.... Studio guy: "All right, lets do this." Fionn: "Dont you think that the MG42 should be elevated slightly to allow for the recoil off set counter? We may have trouble hearing the ammo feed click if the off set is greater then .03 degrees." Matt: "What?" Fionn: "The elevation is not being properly modled! You have to correct for this negitvie demeaner." Matt: "Shut up! Lets just get this recorded." Fionn: "Over my dead body, you balding excuse for hamster trouppen! There is no way a negitive feed click modled, MG42 sound is going into this game." Matt: "Ohyah- what if I did this." Matt hits the MG42 tripod, sending it spinning out of control. Fionn: "You idoit! Now I'll have to re align the co-axle intercept. We'll be here all day!" Matt: "And what if I were to do this." Matt pulls out the ammo blanks and throws them across the room. They bounce off the padded walls. Fionn: "Thats it! I'm taking you down!" Fionn jumps 8 feet into the air, pauses, spins around and plants his feet square on Matts head. Matt flips backwards, and up; bringing him into Fionn's fists. A quick one-two punch and Matt hits the padded walls (Upside down mind you). Matt: "Ouch. You little detail grog!" Fionn lets out a premortal scream and then rushes Matt. He grabs him by the feet, and begins a hammer throw manuvear. Matt: "AHHH!" Studio Guy: "Holy Sh----!!!" Fionn: "And now to release at the last possilbe second. Countering for wind speed, cross wind, tacAI coding. AHAHHAH! Fly baldy fly!." Matt soars into the padded wall head first. He falls backwards, crushing the MG42. Fionn: "NOOO!" Fionn jumps onto the wall and begins running along it, up onto the ceilling. He hangs from the roof, in a sort of cat like readyness. Enter Steve. Steve: "What the hell happend here?" Matt: "Ow. Ow. Ow." Fionn: "Hissssss" Steve: "Ah! Get the stick! Fionns on the roof agian!" Matt: "Gurgle...ah,ahh,ahh...Gurgle" Steve: "Hey, thats the sound we need for the MG42! get a mic on him, while hes still in pain!" The recoding ends at this point. EDIT: Me no shpell gud. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ] [ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>
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