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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. Damnit Maximus, you have to LISTEN to your doctor! Coffee is bad! BAD! No...NO, GET AWAY! Eeee!!
  2. A beauty as always, Tiger! May I ask, does the Super Pershing use the same textures as the regular Pershing? Not that I use the Super a lot, but its nice having all my tanks modded up pretty... ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  3. To do so would be follishness! Remember that infantry can hold VL's much better then armor can! Especially if said VL's are in the midst of a town, wood, or some other terrain which vehicles are afraid to/cannot enter. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  4. ...the ones who seemed intent on humping their legs and pinching at their ankles as they passed by - a common version of penguin foreplay. Speaking of humping...
  5. ...dine on penguins with spider-monkey side dishes, penguins being the delecacy of his home town, which was called...
  6. ...and in the USSR this was called "a coward and traitor to the Motherland". A 30 second visit to your local frontline commissar was the last prescription you were ever going to get. I cant wait till CM2! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  7. Must be a bug. I dont think CM models something as minute as arty duds...could be wrong of course, the game has impressed me before Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-28-2001).]
  8. I wonder if the reason BTS refuses to make their over-all sales public is that if the big guys found out, they would offer BTS more money then they would know what to do with? I can just see Bill Gates buying out just about anyone (not to mention a 4 man indy publisher like BTS) with the spare change from his right pocket of his K-Mart shirt. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  9. Its for the PC as well, PX2 boy! *puts on overalls and a straw hat, gets into beat up old pickup truck with country music playing* All right ya'll - LEZ GIT EM' !! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  10. Excellent point, Griffin Cheng! I believe that all game genres eventually reach the low point of their cycle, and either rebound or continue to stay in the way, way bottom of the barrel. Adventure games, although boasting some excellent titles, never really rebounded well, sales wise. I never thought I would see wargames rebound with sales to boost, but then I saw CM. In fact, this game may be the "Baldur's Gate" of the Wargame genre, as BG was for RPG's. It takes one very good game to get people interested and craving for more. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-26-2001).]
  11. And now for a special treat, gaze into my crystal ball to reveal the future of a promising, albeit multiplayer, WW2 game... A typical day on WW2OL server: $uPPa_nAzi666: wazap dood! gUnz_rUlE: YO SONN! ME AND MA HOMEBOYZ WENT ON DIS MISION TODAY IT WAS DA S@%&T YO! $uPPa_nAzi666: you kicked @$$? gUnz_rUlE: naw we PK'ed the LOOZAZ who were actually trying to play da mission for pointz! IT WAS FUNEEE!!! $uPPa_nAzi666: LOL! ya i do dat last week! i took my Me666 plane and kept crashing it into this air base! da doods dere were all like yelling at me and sh@t! i was like F@CK Y'ALL MOthA F#@!ERS! ROTFLMAO!! gUnz_rUlE: dat b wack! i do sh@t betta den dat every day sonn! like yeserday i pretended to be part of a team and rode in a King Tiger and instead of playing i ride to our own base and blow up our own stuff!!LOL!!! $uPPa_nAzi666: word up! i did dat sh#t a week ago and da admin mother f#^%@ banned me! so i was like f@ck dat and i got another hacked account gUnz_rUlE: LOL! dat b yer 3rd dis month! wanna go kill sum newbiez? $uPPa_nAzi666: i b down wid dat! lez go! ----- This concludes our featured presentation. Please continue to look forward to civilized online entertainment in the not-so-near future. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  12. The beautiful part about BTS and their wonderful game is that although it started out looking none too impressive (visually, compared to other games), thanks to the fans, the game now looks as good as some of the better visually-stunning games on the market. I think that BTS has found a virtual well of talent by making this forum and getting so many people interested. They have a collection of very creative people here! Just look at the employes they recently hired - both fans! What if BTS concentrated on upgrading the engine (with scalable levels of visuals, as Elijah suggested) and let the fans do the "skins"? No offense to BTS - but some of the stuff Marko Bergman and BIG DD do look much better then the BTS originals. I think BTS should open up to the fans more. Find a few people willing to help out from these very forums. Are the two artists I have mentioned being paid? No! Are they still making great looking stuff? Heck yes! I dont think that volunteering full time would suit anyone, but if BTS needed help with some skin work for future games, Im pretty sure some would be willing to get their hands on the models. Of course, not being a modder myself, I cant speak for others. I just have a feeling that people like them would jump at the opportunity to contribute to a game we will all enjoy immensely thanks to their efforts. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-26-2001).]
  13. Why buy new computers at all? Do what I do and upgrade in parts! It costs much less the buying a brand new machine, and you can buy specifically what you need (ie: a faster processor) ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  14. Heidman, Responding to what you said: The average system today, let's say a Pent 3 500MHz, will be worth very little in 18 months. Its not worth a lot today! In 18 months, I expect the average system to be what todays super-hot-stuff system is. A 1.5 Gig maybe. If not higher. Just making a point. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  15. Tom, I was obviously joking. However, I stand by my point. When CM was released, just about anyone had the specs to run it. If you didnt, you can find a used 200MHz for under $20. A 4Meg 3d card? Even less. In fact, to support my original point even further, thanks to the ever-quickening advance of computer hardware, prices will go lower as hardware specs go higher. Now, again, think about it. If you cant afford something in the area of $50 for a gaming experience that will blow you away, you're just a whiner (no offense to you directly, tom). Im 16 and I can afford $50 by working part time. Since most of the people on this board are older or the same age as I am, Im assuming (incorrectly for some, maybe) that you have jobs and get a suitable income with which you can purchase the low-priced upgrade. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  16. All you nay-sayers, consider this: Right now (Jan, 2001) I am about to purchase a Thunderbird 1Ghz processor w/ mother board for $250. I will also buy a new GeForce 2 pretty soon for about the same price (maybe less). Now, lets hop 18 months in to the future. That 1Ghz processor will cost less then $50. The GeForce 2 with its gigantic (for our time) 64MG RAM will also cost much much much less then it does now. If you cant afford an upgrade that will cost you less the $50, you shouldnt be playing CM! Buy yourself some food and re-furnish the cardboard box you live in! Don't believe me? Lets look at technology that was hot stuff a year ago (not a year and a half ago, just a year...barely). Pent 2 450Mhz - $82 Voodoo 2 (12MB) - $88 Now, these prices will go down further and further until you can buy these upgrades by begging for pennies on your street corner for the entire afternoon. I agree that looks dont make the game. They make the game a helluva lot more fun to play, however. I am not asking BTS to go head to head with publishing houses that make games which push out 10zillion polygons per second. I realize a development team of 4 guys cant do this. However, if CM ends up looking a "bit" better then it does now in 18 months, thats no go either. YES, this game is a wargame. That doesnt automatically mean it has to look like crap, now does it? ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  17. Ive recently discovered (dont laugh...much) that the "grenadiere" bit in all types of infantry from the Napoleonic times meant basically "Rifle men". Now, why is this? I always thought (ok, laugh at me if you want) that Grenadiere had something to do with grenades. Anyone care to explain? ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  18. Well, as aka tom said, BTS do have a foundation to stand upon. All they need to do to the graphics engine is touch it up a bit, higher textures and more details to suit the current standards (CM was for 4MB Video Card, make CM2 for 32MB cards) and add graphics and variety. The interface is done already, IMHO, really no major improvements needed. The only thing left is to collect data and make scenarios. That should take up the bulk of their time. All the standards and formats into which the data would go into is already complete. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  19. Scooleen is right on. Before CM, I considered Myth the best game ever made for some 3 long years after its release. Sure there were flashier games, but Myth surpassed them in every aspect. Now CM has toppled it and took the crown for best damn game ever released. Long live the King! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  20. Tiger, My point exactly. At 800 maximum range, you would figure that the damage one can do at 600 is limited, even if the gun WASN'T in woods in a foxhole, which it WAS. Sometimes what the the Tac AI considers a threat couldnt kill a fly at point blank range, resulting in irritation on the players part. BTW - So far, Kitty takes the cake for the most careless treatment of her poor saps. I could take lessons from this lady! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-22-2001).]
  21. Well, look at the bright side: In CM 2 we SHOULD have Commissar and NKVD (Im not sure if it was around yet) troops accompanying Soviet regulars, just for that special occasions like the ones we mentioned. I wonder if BTS will make them regular additions to a platoon/battalion (like Company Commanders) or make them a unit you have to buy seperately? Matt? BTS? Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  22. Oh. My. God. Im Psycho! Err, I mean Psychic! I predicted people would compare CM with "Real Life" !!! I had no smoke left in my spotter, used it all up unfortunately. Oh, and the machine gun was down to one man, immobilized in a bloody clearing, and the machine gun is very very far away. Too bad the AI isnt up to it to understand why I give the orders I do... Mr. Johnson, How did you kno - I mean, no, of course not! Note to self: KGB have a job to do tonight. russelmez, T'least I made someone happy... Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  23. Well, there was this one time... Picutre this: I'm on the defense, and a group of my infantry accompanied by an 105mm Howitizer are guarding some VL's. The attacking infantry are holed up and suppressed in a light house, unable to move out, with one "*" of damage. There is at least a platoon in that there building, and all I need would be for the my dim-wit Howitizer to fire off 2 rounds into the thing for the blast to wipe out most of the enemy platoon. For 4 turns I tried to make the idiot do what I wanted. I tried direct fire against the troops in the building, and indirect fire on the frekin' house itself. My Howitizer, which if it had lived, would have won the highest Medal of Uselessness award, keeps switching targets to a useless machine gun 600 metres away. Each turn I keep redirecting it, and each turn, after about 15 second of turning towards the house once more and reloading, the Howitizer looses interest and turns on that machine gun which can barely even reach it, much less damage it (since my gun is in a bloody foxhole in the woods!). So, after 4 turns and the enemy infantry finally evacuating the damaged house, I got so ticked off I accidently gave my 105mm FO the wrong coordinates. Woops... BTW: Not the best tactic, I know (I won the game), but have YOU ever got so frustrated with a particular inefficent unit that you wanted to see it die? Hehehe...quite a rant I got there, sorry. Had to get that off my chest ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 01-21-2001).]
  24. This one Now that Im hooked on wargames, im epanding to the Hex-wargames as well. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
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