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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. That would be a good idea if the AT teams weren't hapless morons who can't hit the broadside of a barn while standing inside. Sometimes it went as far as having Vet teams not being able to score a kill at 60 meters or so, until the 4th or 5th shot even. Boy would I be pissed if after shot 2 the cross eyed idiots went and hid, letting the target skip away the next turn.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ciks: WOOOHOOOOO! ...how do i live these two weeks ...<hr></blockquote> Tat tat, young ciks! Forget you not that the master said "couple of weeks"! The key word here is of course couple. In the language of BTS representatives, this could mean anywhere from tommorow to 2 months after the game hits the virtual shelves!
  3. Chad, From what I've read, the "sharpshooters" most of the Western Allies employed were quite different from "snipers" which were used by Germany, USSR, and a number of other countries. A sharpshooter was just like you said, a good shot given a scoped rifle. It is not gamey to use them as scouts, because thats what they were used for. The scope on their rifle made them especially effective of sneaking into a positions and getting a good look at the ground ahead. Of course, since I doubt they also carried bulky radios, they would have had to get back and report. In CM this does not happen, so I suppose people who feel this is a gamey tactic are somewhat justified in their opinion.
  4. *best Marelyn Monroe voice* Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mr Moderator... Happy Birthday to you!
  5. *Stuart attacks KT frontally at 300m* KT: Abandoned! "Crew got out of tank to roll on the ground, laughing hysterically"
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by EricM: OK I am not familiar with Der Kessel's site. What's the address? Thanks, Eric<hr></blockquote> http://www.derkessel.de/ There you go. Enjoy!
  7. When it comes to download sites, I would definately choose Combat Missions. A work of beauty, not only for the graphics, but the content. When information sites come into play though, I would tip the hat towards Der Kessel. Very nicely done. Looks good without the barrage of flashy graphics and effects some people mistake for good apperence.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: i realy have ot start re-reading some stuff, its been awhile, but the ME-252 pilots were very good. yes it was hard dogfighting slower planes with them, but they did not dogfight them, rather they made fast runs thru formations of them. they were'nt the classic dofights of manuevering and outrunring ect... but it still classifies as dogfighting. the pilots had to be quik on the trigger since they came up so fast on the prop planes. but then blew right by them before they cold realy be hit. yes the me-262 had some severe growing pains. but it was the worlds first operational jet. all fighters are of the interceptor class as well. plenty of BF-109's and FW-190's intercepted bomber and mustang formatoions. you may be right about galland i am very rusty, but i will check up on it sometime. <hr></blockquote> No, they made quick runs through formations of bombers. Due to the fact that most of the Allied fighter planes were more maneuverable then the 252, escaping them was not very difficult to do, if you flew a fighter that is. If you were in a bomber and one got behind you with no friendly air cover, you were as good as dead. Not so with fighter aircraft. As already said, the cannons were not ideally suited for fighting, but for intercepting bombers, which were the real threat to the German industrial machine. The 252 was designed for this in mind, while the 109 and 190 only served in this role until a better alternative was invented or if there was no better alternative was to be found. Once again, to recap, the 252 had one main purpose. All of the other fighter planes of the opposing powers were multi purpose aircraft with the ability to carry bombs, cannons, and machine guns for whatever role they were called on to serve. [ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>
  9. SuperTed has apparently been tied to a chair and subjugated to Chinese water torture while Matt posts some more of his little mind game posts in Ted's good name! :eek: [ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>
  10. Wicked skeleton mod! Nice work, Mike! Do you have it for download somewhere or can we coax you into sending it by e-mail?
  11. I think the flame graphics in Wolfenstein (the multiplayer test of this game is a favorite past time of mine now) are particle based and are fairly high tech. I would imagine that it would take longer programming those graphics then plugging in half of the new graphics BTS is using in CMBB currently. Not only because such flame would require an engine rewrtie, but because making them look that swell takes a lot of time.
  12. Im surprised this thread is still hogging the top of the list. What's the problem here? What prevents BTS to announce the game the same exact way they announce anything else, like CMBB screenshots or CMHQ updates? Im betting they will update the new on the BTS site that no one but newbies visit anymore, and post a big fat messege here on the forum. That's it, problem solved. Word of mouth will do the rest, just like with the first game.
  13. Thanks for the correction Chef, put up the only stats available to me. Im just getting into the whole air combat scene, no tech books as of yet.
  14. Michael, Ju-87 D-3, 1942: Arnament: 2x 7.9mm (MG-17), in the wing. 2x 7.9mm (MG81Z), location not listed. My source is the IL-2 Shturmovik sim by 1C Maddox games. Unless this was a typo, I trust their sources, as the rest of the game was very well researched. [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  15. 1 and 2 are very good suggestions. 3, as far as I know, the two planes were intended for different roles, but later in the war the experienced Stuka pilots were asked to do anything needed of 'em and could probably pull it off. The IL-2 was a ground attack air craft as opposed to a dive bomber like the Stuka. The early Stukas only had 4 machine guns and could carry a number of different bombs. The Shturmovik on the other hand had 2 machine guns, 2 cannons, a number of different rockets, bombs ranging up to 600kilo, and a sort of "napalm" bomblet. I believe later in the war the Stuka was modified to carry a cannon, but don't trust me on that. 4) No, BTS has said that there will be no aircraft representation. I think the main reason is that this will require a lot of work graphically, and since aircraft are used quite rarely, probably wouldn't be worth the effort.
  16. Just checked, and you guys are right. It was Sevastopol. However, the Marines did not fight just off their ships - they were in the city, defending it, albeit of course with support from their ships. Could be a fun battle, IMO. Took the Germans months to finally capture the city, but only a day or two to loose it. Got to check those books again...
  17. I agree with Michael. The three categories he presented seem to be quite balanced.
  18. Soviet Marines should be included, IMHO. They played a very important defensive role in the siege of one Soviet city and then the recapture of the same city after it was captured. Anyone remember the name of the city in question?
  19. Go to the General Forum. We have a thread there relating to this very game.
  20. Manx, How about making a banner section? Are those still being proffitable, because I know that most of us mod whores are loyal enough to open up them banner 15 times a day if it keeps the site up. Of course, the subscription thing would work too. Hell, most porn sites charge more then $5.00 a week! Not that I would know or anything..
  21. He's the Axis too? Ay Caramba. For your sake, I hope you agreed on limiting Volks SMG squads, or that Jason decides to not use them in the game. If he does, he will have more troops then you, who will inflict more damage, despite being on the defense. What are the experience levels of your own forces, may I ask? Oh, and don't underestimate Greens. I used them to good effect in a Probe engagement, while on the attack. They perform nearly as well as Regulars so watch out.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: "veteran" will include reg, crack, and elite.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How curious. Why would it go from Reg to Crack and Elite? What ever happent to Vet?
  23. I think redwolf is up to something here when it comes to randomizing the make ups of a company (or platoon, or batallion). I think this could be used to represent the effects of battle very well. Unless you buy either of the two extremes (Conscript or Elite), some of your squads will be of higher or lower experience level. Say you buy a Regular company. While the majority of the squads in the 3 platoons will indeed be Regulars, maybe a few will be Green (to represent replacements getting thrown in) and some Vets (to represent a few die hards present). The reason I said it might not be good to do this for Elites or Conscripts is because each of them represents the extreme. A conscript is a guy thrown into battle not only without preperation, but also without previous battle experience. Likewise, the Elite are those special few men who have reached the pinacle of excellence. Everyone lesser is rooted out. Thanks for the ideas, Redwolf. EDIT: Just wanted to add that IMHO, the best scenario designers are the ones who perform the method I described above, and have platoons and companies have slight variations in experience. Makes for a much more interesting match up. I fondly remember battles where I would be holding the important objective with that one Vet squad from my Reg platoon.. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  24. Commander, Beware! If Jason has experience with handling Greens, it could really spoil your day. Greens are very good in experienced hands, because on defense, the troop gap is not as wide as you are used to against troops if similar experience. What does this mean? It means that if he knows how to defend, he can have more successful ambushes and you cannot afford to defeat him through attrition. Even Greens can absolutely liquidate you in a series of successful ambushes, so beware! Scout well! However, if he is using Greens and you are not, it means that squad to squad, he is weaker then your men. So use that to your advantage. Use good recon and try to get down his throat in a concentrated thrust. If he is using all Greens, his arty may not be quick enough to catch up to you if you follow Patton's advice and "Go like Hell!" Similarly, his infantry will not be able to reposition to counter such a thrust quickly, due to the long command delays. However, if Jason knows how to use Greens, he will have a reserve ready to move out from a middle position which can reach any part of his line relatively quickly. Once again, be very very careful. In summary, don't let his quantity overpower your quality, which in a attack/deffense is quite difficult to do. Good Luck!
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