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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. WOOOT! OK Treeburst, I sent you an e-mail to this adress: Mikeman@cablelynx.com Hope its correct. Anyway, I requested Scen 1-3, and I hope you will get said e-mail soon. Thanks a lot, and let the carnage begin!!
  2. Can't wait for those terrain screenshots - since BTS said most of the artwork seems to be done, does this mean these screenshots will be what we will see in the final version of the game?
  3. Well, Ill take Kannoniers responce to WARHAMMER and plug it in for my own needs...also, I seem to have messed up the scenario list for 2 of my opponents. My opponent list so far: Cpl Carrot: Scenario 1, PBEM, Nov 15th Warhammer: Scenario 2, PBEM, Nov 8th (official start date specified, since no other date provided) Lopaka: Scenario 3, PBEM (as preffered), Nov 8th. Kannonier Recihmann: Scenario 4, PBEM, Nov 8th. Wreck: Scenario 5, TCP/IP, Nov 8th. BTW Wreck, when you get the scenario (you'll get it first as the German player), post on this thread and let me know when you'd like to meet in the CMTH forum. Cheers!
  4. Ive dreamed about this update, and now its finally here! Hooray!
  5. Seems like I need Kannonier Reichman on me list: My opponent list so far: Cpl Carrot: Scenario 1, PBEM, Nov 15th Warhammer: Scenario 2, PBEM, Nov 8th (official start date specified, since no other date provided) Lopaka: Scenario 4, PBEM (as preffered), Nov 8th. Wreck: Scenario 5, TCP/IP, Nov 8th. BTW Wreck, when you get the scenario (you'll get it first as the German player), post on this thread and let me know when you'd like to meet in the CMTH forum. Cheers! Kannonier, speak up!
  6. Well, we CM'ers originally wanted CM2 for the date when the Germans finally surrendered to the Soviets at Stalingrad. However, seeing as how things are now, it might very well be in the summer of next year - hell, the date for the commencement of Barbarossa might be the official realease date for the game! As for the beta demo, BTS said no. They won't do one, and when they do release a demo, it will be at the same time and stage as the full game.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lopaka: ... and whatever little we do have our Tiger do it for us."<hr></blockquote> Well, I dont know about your Tiger, but mine is usually kept busy killing various Allies from twelve hundred meters off...
  8. BTW, just wanted to say to Treeburst that me and all my opponents seem to be ready, so do send out those file when you're ready. Just wanted to make sure you weren't sitting there waiting for our e-mail confirmations of our readyness to arrive!
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MyNameW: I am ballerina!!! Anyone believes this?<hr></blockquote> lol... Homer Simpson: You go, girl! Ralph Wiggum: I'm a boy. Homer Simpson: *patting RTalph on the head* You can by anything you wanna be... Until you give me solid proof that this webiste is engineered by people who practice the ideals of fascism, I won't believe you. BTW - Calling someone from the USSR a bolshevik doesn't count.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JAK: Oh.....my.....god! Its here!!!! Its really here!!!! oh, be right back (got to change Jake<hr></blockquote> Darn you...made me look even though I knew better!
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: And another bump. But seriously, folks.... We have finally turned the corner at CMHQ and the long-delayed announcement will be forthcoming in no more than twelve hours!<hr></blockquote> OK, everyone hear that? 12 hours! And if it ain't there, I've gots me a tire iron for Mr. "I live in Madison, WI U.S.A and not afraid to put it in my profile"!
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Paul Lakowski: I even seem to remember that this was based on Wellingtons similar tactic at Waterloo...where he deployed his less capable troops between the folds in the ground to avoid exposing them to the fierce French artillery. Has any one else read this?<hr></blockquote> Well, it might be a similar tactic which was deemed effective under the circumstances, but I doubt it was "based on Waterloo". The Soviets at Kursk and the British at Waterloo simply used a similar way of keeping their troops safe from getting blasted to hell and losing their effectiveness.
  13. By god, you're right! QUICK! Get Al Sharpton on the line, we have a lack of negroes in CM!!!
  14. I don't see why someone decided to say this was a Nazi site. Disclaimer taken from site home page (click the house icon to get to home page). "Предупреждение! Данный сайт посвящен истории Второй Мировой Войны и не пропагандирует идеи нацизма." Which translates to... "Warning! This site is dedicated to the history of the Second World War and does not preach the ideas of fascism."
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael emrys: Okay, gotcha! In other words, Steve and Charles are now rolling in dough and can afford to market CMBB at $15 a pop. Cool! I think I can afford that. Michael<hr></blockquote> Estimating how many people are not registered with this forum, one can get a picture of something like 10,000 copies sold (at a minimum), which ammounts to a nice half a mil. Of course, spending for CM2 and paying off debts for CM1 probably takes a chunk out of that ammount. I wonder what sort of day jobs Steve and Charles have?
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: $45 is the cost to buy the game. <hr></blockquote> Bingo! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: While I am sure that more than 7,000 copies were sold, I am also sure that there are not 7,000 forum members. Some people register with more than one name, sometime with many names. <hr></blockquote> I gave this some thought, but I doubt this accounts for more then perhaps 50 accounts or so. We are talking about mostly the people who got banned or wanted to agree with their own posts for whatever strange reason. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: Some are forced to re-register when the forum crashes. <hr></blockquote> Are you sure those count? If those "lost" accounts do, then yeah, there are a few hundred less people then there are accounts. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: In addition, it is possible for people to register with the forum and never buy the game, but those people are weird. <hr></blockquote> Yeah, all 5 of them who escaped our cunning trap. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: Maybe not as weird as the rest of us, though. <hr></blockquote> If you call me weird again, I'll blow up your house useing the King Tiger I made entirely of bubble gum wrapers. Oh, and as a side note, the largest member number I saw so far was something like cloe to 7500! :eek:
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ricochet: Is there any guestamation on the size and length of the scenarios. Are some huge others tiny that sort of thing.<hr></blockquote> I was also interested. Treeburst?
  18. What's even more exciting is the realization that many CM players aren't even registered on these forums! Also, try multiplying 7000 by 45. No wonder BTS was happy about this game
  19. Just bumping this up a bit. All my opponents that can play have responded, and I have 3 PBEM's and 1 TCP/IP. Bring on the 8th of Nov!
  20. Well, tss mentions that some 200 of the things were destroyed in just one bombing raid. That already beats the production numbers for such beasts as the SturmTiger. Mix these glorified go carts with ski troops, and it could make for a really cool recon/flanking force in a winter scenario!
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by WARHAMMER: kurt155kurt@netscape.net<hr></blockquote> Good to see you now have a stable account. As far as my experience with netscape, it has been very stable and reliable. Im sure it will serve you well. E-mail change noted.
  22. Treeburst: Ive got an idea to make the load easier for you. How about you send things like our briefings to us early, so that when the date comes, all you have to send out is the .cmb files? Less work, more play! Or maybe even start early (the Nordic tournament guys dont have to know, wink wink, nudge nudge) My updates opponent list so far: Cpl Carrot: Scenario 1, PBEM, Nov 15th Warhammer: Scenario 2, PBEM, Nov 8th (official start date specified, since no other date provided) Lopaka: Scenario 4, PBEM (as preffered), Nov 8th. Wreck: Scenario 5, TCP/IP, Nov 8th. Also Wreck, would you like to meet up at our luxury TH chat room on the 8th (or whenever) to begin our engagement? OK, only need to hear from Dogface now. Speak up! WARHAMMER: In relation to which E-MAIL serivd to use. I recomend icq mail. It is my service of choice. Failing that, get netscape mail. ICQ mail: www.icqmail.com Netscape mail: www.netscape.net Just wanted to add that both of the services above offer 3MB's of storage space each, and you can attach files of this size to your e-mail as the max ammount. [ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Luftwaffe: Will CMBB have italians because I have been dying to play as italian soldiers! <hr></blockquote> Well, with Italians you'll certaintly be dying alright [ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>
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