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Everything posted by aleader

  1. Admittedly, I haven't played CMBN much. I recall a time when I had 12 PBEM games going at once in CMBO/CMBB (to my wife's disgust:-) and was so disappointed by some of the bugs/missing features when CMBN came out, that I held off until the CMBN/Commonwealth bundle to buy it. That first campaign was so frustrating (bugs/gameplay) that I've basically shelved it until the game was patched to 2.01 (Panzer Corps was a lot more time-friendly too), so I haven't been very deep into it yet. I'm wondering if the issue with the arty effectiveness isn't that I keep resuming from a saved game? I'm thinking maybe the game somehow 'saves' the general pattern of the bombardment for the battle, although I would think it should be a new 'roll of the dice' each time I plot it, not? It also doesn't seem like the AI is ever using any spotting rounds (not at the TRP's obviously). Am I imagining that? Don't know why I never tried before, but I did test plotting another waypoint for the engineers and see that it works. I recall reading somewhere that the proper way to blast was to plot right through the target (maybe in the manual?). I also recall trying to plot the blast 'up to' the target and having issues with the engineers blasting beside themselves or off-target. I will try what you suggest though, thanks. Other than these snags, I'm really enjoying the game now and am looking forward to getting 'PBEM-ready', which I find is really the strength of the CM games. Next order of business is figuring out the usefulness of the 'XO' and 'HQ support' teams...
  2. After reading through this post again, this is likely the best way to beat it. I think my mistakes may be: - waiting too long to send the rifle squads across (granted this issue is compounded by the seemingly relentless mortar barrages all over the place, and the reinforcements showing up a long ways apart) - relying too much on timing the smoke with the advance - as you said, smoke seemed to hurt me as much as it helped - not keeping enough fire on ALL targets when the infantry are advancing. - taking the tanks over the bridge...may be no point, other than to improve accuracy. Even though the engineers blasted one set of AT mines along with the wire, there was still one left when I crossed over as it immobilized my lead tank. You need to clear both sides too as there are mines on the other side as well. May try it again once I let some time pass ;-)
  3. Have you played this since the 2.01 patch? - I've used both of the 105's at the same time (in 2 of the plays) and when the barrage lifted, there were still 3 - 4 MG's firing both times. - As for the engineers, I quickly move them onto the bridge the 1st turn after the pre-planned barrage, and they are usually able to blast once before being pinned by fire. In any event, if this were your first playthrough, you wouldn't know this and would be unlikely to rush your engineers up there without knowing the enemy positions. Very gamey if you have to play it through 2 or 3 times to 'solve' it IMO. - So you're saying there is a 'quirk' (god knows I don't want to say the word 'bug' here ;-) with engineers killing themselves in a hail of bullets after they've expended 1 demo charge? Tried this on the Panzer Marsch campaign and they do the same absurd thing, running right into an ambush on the other side of the hedgerow every time. How is this to be prevented? I never tried, but can I give them a waypoint after the 'blast' order? There seems to be no way to clear the other side of the bridge as by that time they are within range of 9 or 10 foxholes worth of fire. Giving up on this one for now, although I would like to see the next battle...
  4. Thanks. I have a Radeon 6755 G2 card (laptop) with the newest drivers. Checked and it was set to 'on'. It must have switched to on when I applied the last patch, because it was off. I'll check to see if it helps.
  5. First, the word 'easy' should never be used to describe this scenario, because it's not. Maybe if you managed to get a lucky roll of the dice and your mortars manage to take out the AT guns early. My mortars can't seem to hit them very often even with direct LOS. Also, visibility changes as the battle goes on, so there are eventually no 'hidden' spots from the AT guns where you can still provide accurate fire. At least, none that I've found in 4 plays through it now. One AT gun seems to move each time too (the AI must be able to place one?). The biggest issue (obviously) is getting across the bridge without having everyone pinned by fire. Nothing on your side can reach the MG bunkers with suppressive fire until about the 20th turn, which means you have to either put smoke in front of them to cross, or have your tanks move up and try to destroy them. I've found that the arty is totally inadequate for knocking out anything on that hill. In my last play, a single SMG was able to pin my squad of Engineers with one burst, which was immediately followed in less than one turn by an ultra-accurate mortar barrage that destroyed them w/o having the chance to blow anything. You also need to be careful with placing the engineers so they actually blow the barbed wire and not the walls beside them, which they do with frustrating frequency in this battle. They also run directly into fire or onto mines after they've blown the wrong thing. Why don't they stay put! You also have to use move commands or give pauses to get your infantry to the bridge without tiring them out, which gives the AI plenty of time to have a barrage waiting at the bridge. Haven't been able to locate the spotters yet, although I seem to remember them on the hill in one of the trenches from my playthrough a year or so ago. Smoke or a lucky arty hit is all that could slow them. I'd love it if a few others could play through this again with the 2.12 patch and see what your results are. I think if you can win in this one, you shouldn't find anything else difficult!
  6. Wow, funny this thread came up as I'm trying to get through the 'School of Hard Knocks' mission in the campaign. Playing it through from an early save for the 3rd time now. There was a bug I ran into in this mission when CMBN first came out and I never could finish it. I think subsequent patches have made MG fire far more brutal than the original release, but this battle must not have been re-balanced. I didn't realize they lowered tank spotting, but it's apparent in this battle that tanks have a real hard time seeing anything buttoned up. Unbuttoned is suicide in this one. Tanks panic right away, even without casualties. There's also an issue with not being able to select units on or around the bridge. The only way I've been able to do it is by using the Shift-select and hope to get the right unit. Armchair General actually has a training video of this battle on youtube: Of course, he makes it look easy, and I think it was pre-patch. My infantry get tired crossing the bridge, suppressed instantly by any incoming fire, and hammered by the constant arty and mortar fire. There must be several TRPs for the germans because it seems that they can call strikes in within 1 min or so of my units showing up. Add in AT guns with huge FOV, and it is a brutal mission. By the time my tanks get over the bridge (two of which were immobilized last time by mines on each side) they're out of HE rounds too. I think you need to use the engineers to 'blast' the ground on both sides to destroy the AT mines. It seems you hit them sometimes and injure you engineers when blasting open the barbed wire. If anyone has any tips, I'm open to suggestions. Gonna give it another go tonight...
  7. Got it, thanks. Been playing and enjoying SF after a 4 year absence. The patches have fixed much of what was wrong with it. One question though, what is the TF Thunder campaign bug that I keep hearing about? I'm halfway through the campaign and am wondering when I'll run into it...or was it fixed?
  8. Ok, I see, thanks. Files 1-8 are for SF base game, the rest for the modules. I cannot find a file #9 however (on the repository after a search through the whole thing). Files 1-8 and 10-11 are all that are on there. Is there no file 9?
  9. Thanks! Been playing SF for the first time since '08. Really enjoying it with the patches/mods. I find it a lot easier now that I'm used to the CMx2 engine...was very different from CMBB when it first came out. I don't have any of the modules however and will have to pick those up first before I can play these. Also, there doesn't seem to be any M1A1 mods out there, unless I'm missing them?
  10. Still have not received a response for my license activation. I submitted it this time through the 'ticket' thing. Really annoying having to do this and chase my license around for a game I paid for.
  11. (I've also sent this on the e-license support email - Martin?) Trying to install Shock Force on my laptop after a long hiatus (Win 7, 64 bit). Was thinking of getting the 3-in-1 module bundle for it, but I want to be sure I'll even play it anymore first. I originally received the d/l and print version so I installed off the CD this time, but see there is no license in the game manual or on the CD for some reason. I think it was installed on my old computer which isn't even hooked up anymore, and I don't even see my order in my account info on the site, so no key there. Also, the game won't launch when I double-click the shortcut (1.32). Just gives a quick hourglass and then nothing. The troubleshooting guide links are out of date (mentioned something about Windows DRM?). So I guess I need a new license and before that a way to get the game launching so that I can input said license. Thanks. EDIT: figured it out. Need to right-click and 'run as administrator'. Now I just need my license...
  12. I will say that other than what's been mentioned, the in-game KT looks 'bigger/blockier' somehow than the real-life pics. Not as 'sleek' maybe if that's the right word...
  13. Isn't this the 'shadows' issue that the engine has? I find it so unrealistic that I just turn them off. Agree with the infantry movement too. While obviously much improved over CMx1, needs improvement. I'm willing to take these things in a patch further down the road as the changes included in CM:FI are much-needed.
  14. I think I have to agree with you. As wetted in my drawers as I am about the rest of it, the Shock Force 2 in a European theatre is something I've been dreaming for a long while.
  15. Usually starts with the unit setup. After a string of kamikaze foolishness...it's all downhill from there...
  16. Doh, never realized that, thanks. Just realized how horribly I've misplayed this scenario ;-)
  17. In the Courage and Fortitude (***possible spoiler***) campaign (brutal bridge crossing scenario with the seemingly invincible AT gun) I get a message 'Reinforcements have arrived - cannon company ready,' but there are no reinforcements apparent, nor are there any additional arty/air assets available. What is this 'cannon company'?
  18. Try turning shadows off. Shadows are not well implemented in this game.
  19. Excellent, thanks. So the download only option (for the bundle) will be $75 when the game is released, correct? The '$90, $80, $65, and $10 more' gets a little confusing. More clear when the game is released I guess.
  20. Thanks for the response! I'll be polite enough not to nit-pick your grammar. Lord knows we Canucks don't really associate ourselves with the Commonwealth these days anyways...
  21. First, will there be a demo for Commonwealth? Wondering more to see if it will run well on my laptop (A6 3410MX, Win 7, 4GB RAM, 1 GB 6755 G2 Vid). I'm assuming the changes aren't big from the original game, but weird things happen with PC's. 2nd, is there a download only option? Doesn't mention it in the announcement or show in the pre-order drop-down. Not interested in having it shipped.
  22. Didn't ignore them at all actually. I asked for real world examples of tankers sitting in their tanks when being directly fired on. You brought infantry/arty into it, not me. Artillery is indirect fire, and I'm pretty sure those soldiers did not stand up and pour some tea while the barrage fell all around them. They likely headed for cover\foxholes, whether they knew what type of arty was falling or not. I can also think of several instances of soldiers staying put under continual arty fire due to orders not to retreat (i.e. the Hurtgen forest), but it's not relevant to our discussion.
  23. Not sure what you mean here. We're talking about AFV's with CAs in CMBN, right? In any event, artillery falling in a CA would make no difference whether infantry or AFV.
  24. That's the Brits for you ;-) He did pull back going against orders though, right? If the game doesn't have that logic at all, all the tanks would have been lost. And infantry dug in under artillery fire is quite a different thing. Covered arcs have no bearing there. That's player stupidity, or suppression...
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