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Everything posted by aleader

  1. Just wondering if this feature will make it in or not. I heard rumblings that it would be a new (much-needed) feature. Also, will we have better control over terrain conditions in QB's? For instance, now we're only allowed one type of snow cover and the weather is always clear when you choose snow in a QB.
  2. I paid the $82 CDN as well, and I've never regretted it. Pretty much the only game I play now, other than the odd session of No One Lives Forever, is PBEM Combat Mission. I'd probably pay over $100 for CM2...but if they charge that, I will be pissed...but I'll still buy it dammit! [This message has been edited by aleader (edited 03-03-2001).]
  3. Those are probably the best shots I've seen of scenery (esp. the sky) yet. PLEASE keep up with it and give it to us in sweet HiRes!
  4. Ok. I assume this means BOTH of us have to save it when we receive the file, not just the person who currently has the file?
  5. This may have been covered already, but how does the patch affect ongoing PBEM games? Obviously we should both be using the same patch, but will it corrupt files or anything?
  6. You just sent me a PBEM file (Scenario was WILTZ) but like an idiot, I erased the message after I copied the file, so now I have no idea what your email address is to send you the file back! Please email me with your address if you're on this board. Alan Leader
  7. The best: Saving Private Ryan, hands down. Runners up: Apocalypse Now, A Bridge Too Far Notables: Stalingrad, Das Boot, Platoon, Patton
  8. I'll add to this, which tires the troops out more, Move, Sneak or Crawl?
  9. I nominate every war movie as pure dogsh**, with the exception of SPR, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, A Bridge Too Far, and, marginally, The Thin Red Line. Some particularly rotten ones: The Longest Day (I don't care what anyone says, it sucked), Battle of the Bulge, and the all-time worst, Battle of the Last Panzer (where they actually used American tanks with Swastikas on the side as the Germans!).
  10. Regina (Not the damn vacuum either Americans), Saskatchewan, CANADA (UN voted #1 in the world again!! - shameless plug)
  11. Ah, I see. I have lost a crewmember, so that must be it. It's actually the Churchill with a 100m range, whichever one that is. [This message has been edited by aleader (edited 08-04-2000).]
  12. Just a question about Crocodile tanks. How do you get them to flame a target? I can't get them to use anything but main gun rounds and the MG's, even inside of 100m. Is there something special that you must do?
  13. Russia's where you wanna be for CM2 anyways. I can't imagine anyone not wanting that.
  14. My favourites are: CM, Half Life, AOE2, CC Series, Madden and NHL, Silent Hunter, Panzer Elite, Delta Force, EAW, Mig Alley, and the General series. I hate roleplaying games with a passion, and do enjoy UT now and then.
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