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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. Er, I'm pretty sure I've seen vehicle MGs jam... ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  2. Folks, calm down. I don't think the original post was meant to start a flamewar, nor should people be forbidden to have their own opinions. If someone doesn't like CM, for whatever reason, that's completely within their rights. They don't know what they're missing, but hey, different strokes. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  3. UPDATES! Shabandandalorf sez: "Blah blah blah, look at me, I'm winning! Hi mom! Blah blah winning! Yay!" While his enthusiasm is admirable in the face of his obvious mental shortcomings, about the only thing he's winning is the Take Your Own Advice award. JDMorose His "buy many German tanks, place them on the most barren, lifeless goddamn map I've ever seen, and point forwards" tactic is unsurprisingly bloody, but how effective it is remains to be seen. I've now lost one TD and about half a platoon in return for one Panther, 3 ACs, and what I can only assume is a fair amount of infantry. The numbers have favored me so far, but we'll have to see what happens next. Scrota is hemhorraging units by the dozen. No more tanks, the infantry's making desperation runs into my MGs, and things are generally looking very, very bad for the Amis. Like, 'cut off your own nuts and swallow them so the other guy can't make you do it' bad. Choco Taco Aren't weak spot penetrations fun? Aren't my zippy little Stuarts hard to shoot? Aren't you wondering when my re-enforcements are going to make their appearance? SeanWayansachai About bloody time, mate. Now hurry up and die. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Question: If you cross Red Russians with white Russians, do you get pink Russians? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, dead Russians. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  5. Whereas you, ScoutPL, have a habit of taking things, and yourself, a bit too seriously. It's a game, lighten up. If you employ tactics which differ from someone else's, fine, where's the problem? You seem to be taking considerable offense that others could dare to be ignorant of, or act in contradiction to current US doctrine. If you are running out of metaphors, as you say, why bother with the barbed comments and "Nobody knows the trouble I seen" attitude? Just let it drop. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  6. The French also had some very good generals in Vietnam. I'd suggest Vietnam, by Stanley Karnow, as a good place to start if anyone's interested. He covers the First Indochinese War in more detail than any other general history I've read. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  7. Does anyone know a way to set WinZip so that the default destination directory (hey, alliteration) is the same directory in which the zip file is? Don't know if I'm wording that very clearly, but it's the best I can think of at the moment. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  8. Is there a chip that says "2+2=Chup always wins?" I'd like that one, please. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. Steiner: Chup, no one is suggesting they would ride them into battle. All the bikes were for was getting up to the front a little quicker than walking. Once there, the troops dismounted, and were the same as any other infantry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why would we need them, then? At CM's level, the map you're playing on is the front. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  10. I question whether they would add to authenticity. As folks have pointed out, bicycles were not ridden into combat. Hell, I had a hard enough time aiming squirt guns while riding a bike, I can't imagine what shooting an MP-44 would be like. Also, as for improving mobility: Would units ride their bicycles offroad? In my experience, it's quite difficult to ride a bicycle offroad, and that's on a modern mountain bike, not carrying any sort of load. I shudder to think what a pounding ride one'd get on a 1940's-era bicycle with a heavy load. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  11. While we're at it, let's model the effects of nicotine addiction! Units which are out of supply can suffer from withdrawal, reducing their fighting ability. Perhaps, in a wee tip o' the cap to the RTS genre, BTS can include randomly placed 'Powerups,' including Lucky Strikes and Hershey Bars! The possibilities are limitless! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  12. The difference, as I see it, between having the AI automove troops out of collapsing buildings and having the AI attempt to evade indirect fire is this: you can anticipate and correct for DF HE against buildings. There's no way to anticipate a hidden mortar unit dropping shells on your AFVs. Also, it's fairly rare for even a light building to go down in one turn unless they're really getting pounded, so there's usually time to move your men out, even if you did get caught with your pants down. Whereas mortars seem to get the range in less than one turn. Kaboom. No chance to move. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  13. If I'm not playing you, can I still ask you to give up? Anyway, on to the Updates! Blandorf is in for some hurtin', American 1944 doctrine-style. JDMorose is dancing with me. He seems to have bought a buttload of tanks, which is fine, as it means less infantry to kill. Speaking of killing infantry, how're those guys in the forest liking their arty barrage? Shame I lost that Hellcat, but 1 Hellcat for a Panther and 3 Pumas doesn't sound like such a bad trade to me. BleaterNZer...yawn. Choco Taco has resorted to making 'witty' penetration jokes. Yuk yuk. Some of your Mark IVs are in for a whuppin' this turn. Senility...still waiting. Don't fret about the philosophical implications of your unit placement, just get on with it, eh? Scrota Nothing new. I'm still winning, he's still stinking up the place. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  14. Yep. If there's no sign, your guys don't know there's a minefield there. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  15. Since I assume the CM1 beta team all want to be on the CM2 beta team as well, I suspect BTS isn't going to select any new beta testers. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  16. I was thinking this could work something like an HQ unit. All Italian troops within hooker radius get a morale bonus. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  17. Like Mikeydz said, this isn't a witch hunt. Go back and look at the 500 post long 'gamey recon' thread and tell me this is a witch hunt My growing lack of interest in 'gameyness' is because, like pornography, I can't define it, but I know it when I see it. I attempt to use historical OOBs and tactics in my own games, and I most enjoy playing those who attempt to do the same. There's really no reason to play those who you don't enjoy playing. Threads like this convince me more and more that there never will be a common consensus on what's 'gamey' or not, and I think a better criteria would be what's personally fun for you. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  18. Yeah, Spook's correct. I was a bit unclear in my post. The bow MG in a Sherman is located in a semi-flexible sponson (made out of what looks to be rubberized or otherwise weatherproofed canvas), and as far as I could tell from eyeballing it, has about a 20-30 degree field of fire, both horizontally and vertically. Again, that's just from looking at the thing. I'm no tank grog ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  19. Bow and coax MGs are fixed forwards. They can only fire in the direction the tank is facing. The flexible MG can be fired in a direction other than the direction the tank is facing. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  20. Tom - it's quite possible to play QBs, and to purchase your own forces, using historical OOBs. It takes a bit of research, but nothing that can't be found on the web. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> We travelled for three days and nights to cut off the Italians convoy, 7 miles long, consisting of tanks, lorries, shower caravans, mobile brothel and, I think, about a dozen women.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My emphasis A. Flanagan, as quoted in Neilands, Robin. The Desert Rats (London: Orion Books, 1995) p. 60 Now, I reckon those should be worth a few points, eh wot? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  22. You all have to remember that console games are (hopefully) optimized for their system. Ever tried playing a straight console-to-PC port? They usually run terribly, even with the PC's beefier specs, because they're not optimized for the PC. PC developers have to deal with a bewildering array of hardware compatability issues, console developers don't. Which means that Timesplitters is gonna run the same on every PS2 in the world. Dealing with a console is typically easier than dealing with a PC. No rinstalling Win9x every few months, no clearing up incompatible hardware, no reseating graphics cards. And consoles are cheaper by quite a bit than buying a cutting-edge gaming PC. I don't own a console. I never have. I probably never will. But I do think that the console vs. PC debate is very silly. Both do different things, and do them well. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  23. The more I play CM, the less I worry about 'gameyness.' The answer is really quite simple. You play people who you enjoy playing. No complaints then. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  24. One platoon isn't going to shift a flag that's that that well-protected. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Yeah, we are stupid enough to plow our profits back into these dumb wargames, so sue us Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whereas instead you should be plowing your profits into hooking me up with a working flame halftrack. I reckon the videos you'd get of a maniacally laughing American doing doughnuts in Picadilly Circus and spewing napalm at black cabs and double-decker buses would be worth the price of admission. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
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