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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. KV-2. There's something about a 150mm howitzer that says "get out of my damn way." ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Ya, punk. I'll take an Alt-U from you anytime, seeing as my lads are in full retreat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sent, anyone else? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  3. I'm not going to be able to return files to you until Sunday evening, unfortunately. Sorry about the delay. If anyone can't wait until then, let me know and I'll send in a surrender. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  4. I hate to bump my own posts, but... ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by deanco: Well, I'll mail Todd and tell him about this thread. DeanCo-- <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I suspect he'd want to stay out of it. Check out the "who uses scouts" thread. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Is that a threat or a promise? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You asked for it... English: They desire a promise, with stack? How in me that I promise to place the arrays dese in its mouth, I place YOU yes dese of the arrays in its mouth..., I have me to it it taste with that one? I counted expensive this monkey to it. Queira-lheo yes. They are a youngling of good dog that you she is not you. Of Ooh it has it the taste of the inoperative white men. Necrophilia is not also its thing is full it. The paper sink was not a stroke here, I for threats. The threats are for the girls as. The threats only mean something, if you dislocating in the high one in the direction of the back part will be able stops with the arrays dese in its mouth. Has the taste of them thus apples? How you have the taste of them the apples in its mouth? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  7. Alright, what the hell are you bunch doing out of the Peng thread. Get back! Or perhaps I'll have to get babelfish on your asses! They group lousy the wankers. It receives an other relative time to the ass from prat when Peng begins, soon. They do not know that they have the serious subjects in phase of development in the applicable world? A disposed man is fixed white man in the point to the relative president selected of all the section, doncha. And it is a lot meant. And folded people are a lot. Possibly therefore he is better from lasciarla is to this a lot to mean the thing more. Or bond eccentrically decapiteranno and and a good bleeding disonore, would be not only. Here they have been polished ** Time-out ** not ven starter shaft ** moment towards the outside ** if you for divid group dov to hit to right the right skillful this it freaking part like d job station, violent I strapp in on for being personal jed relative diaphragm the body and for divent viscous for us d distil d something ordering more liquer tenebrous moron, than I then seppell all divid relative will profollow in order too much trem, bloodily body. It then is forced, it for the advanced side, those, in order to roll to all the similar extension traditional Salo d ' Antonioni here over. Hour moves it -, parasits! That was just a taste of my full power! Now move it, or you'll feel my sting once more! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: The Senate Judiciary first holds hearings on Supreme court nominees. Then they approve to go to the floor for approval. Jeff if you were truly a Republican you would not vote for Algore or be accusing the religious right as you do. Bush has not run around discussing overturning Roe V Wade. You talk just like a liberal, wanting to divide people not unite them. Bush will selct Judges who interpret the Constitution not redefine it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you talk just like a true party flack. "OK children, let's see how many buzzwords we can use in our post!" ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -tink-: Ok Bush is an idiot and Gore is a liar, who would YOU elect? The only REAL candidate for the people was Nader. He is truly against all of this one world/globalization/NAFTA/ socialistic garden path that both major parties are leading us down. There is not one whit of difference in the ultimate goals of the republican and the democratic parties, and if you think otherwise you deserve what you're going to get.<-tink-> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I voted for Nader in '96, so I have nothing personal against Nader, but... He never had a shot. Never has, never will. Like it or not, America's a two party system. No one has yet proven that there's a viable third party option. Given that, I think that Nader acted extremely irresponsibly. What do you think's going to happen if Gore loses this round because Nader stole the Democratic Party's left-wing vote? The Democratic Party isn't going to say, "Hmm, let's go left to try to get the Nader vote back." They're going to say, "Hmm, let's go right and try to steal the moderate-right vote from the Republicans." It's a lose-lose situation. I voted for Nader in '96 because I lived in a slam-dunk Democrat stronghold state (NY), and because the overall election wasn't hotly contested. I wouldn't have done so this time, because I'm honestly quite annoyed at his behavior. And by the way, where'd all this "socialist garden path" stuff come from? I'm sorry, but I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who honestly thinks that either the Republicans or the Democrats sponsor some sort of New World Order, black helicopter Globalism. It's a myth, and it's been a third-party bugbear for years. No such thing will happen, nor could it. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  10. UPDATES - Scrota The end is near, squire. Care to surrender, or are you going to make me come hurt you? Come on, just admit you learned your tactics from Cap'n Crunch, and we can all go home. JDMorose A nailbiter of Shakespearean proportions. I've traded a platoon of inf. and a Hellcat for two Panthers, 4 armored cars, and quite a bit of infantry. Looks like he's got 3 platoons of effectives, 2 ACs, and 2 Panthers left. Piece o' cake. Lawyer boy will soon be filing for mommy. Sha-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na-nandorf ran into the wrong end of my reenforcements. Can you say, ouchie? Advantage, Chup. Senility Still no action, but at least he's sent me a file, which is an improvement. Choco Taco I haven't had a chance to look at the file yet, but I'm sure it displays all sorts of bad things happening to your men. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  11. Basically everything in there's good. The actual AARs are a bit outside of CM's scope, but there are a few battalion-sized engagements described, IIRC. The Combat Lessons guides are fun. Again, there's not a whole lot there that can be applied directly to CM, as those tend towards micromanagement. But the line art in the Combat Lessons is worth the price of admission. And there are some useful items. The Handbook on German Military Forces (TM-E 30-451) is probably the single most useful thing I've found there. OOBs, comments on German doctrine, you name it. The trouble is, it's freaking huge. The site's split it up into three 200-page chunks. Since the files are all in .pdf format, they can take a good long while to load. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  12. http://carlisle-www.army.mil/usamhi/DL/chron.htm ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  13. Hrm, okay, yep, I should've taken my own advice and stayed out of this thread. Seeya. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  14. Jeff - Yeah, that's true. And yeah, I had forgotten. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  15. Appetite for Destruction, baby! Yeeeeeeeeaaaaah! Oh, and my first CD was This is Our Music by Galaxie 500. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-08-2000).]
  16. I'm American, and I think it's boring. Both Bush and Gore are centrists. They've tried to appeal to the same constituencies over the same issues. In the end, I doubt the next four years will be much different no matter which one gets elected. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  17. From The Onion: AUSTIN, TX, OR NASHVILLE, TN--In one of the narrowest presidential votes in U.S. history, either George W. Bush or Al Gore was elected the 43rd president of the United States Tuesday, proclaiming the win "a victory for the American people and the dawn of a bold new era in this great nation." "My fellow Americans," a triumphant Bush or Gore told throngs of jubilant, flag-waving supporters at his campaign headquarters, "tonight, we as a nation stand on the brink of many exciting new challenges. And I stand here before you to say that I am ready to meet those challenges." "The people have spoken," Bush or Gore continued, "and with their vote they have sent the message, loud and clear, that we are the true party of the people." With these words, the crowd of Republicans or Democrats erupted. Bush or Gore attributed his victory to his commitment to the issues that matter to ordinary, hardworking Americans. Throughout the campaign, the Republican or Democrat spoke out in favor of improving educational standards, protecting the environment, reducing crime, strengthening the military, cutting taxes, and reforming Social Security. He also took a strong pro-middle-class stand, praising America's working families as "the backbone of this great nation." "During this campaign, I had the good fortune to meet so many of you. And I listened to your concerns," Bush or Gore said. "And do you know what I found? That your concerns are the same as mine. Like 64-year-old Rosemary Cullums of Wheeling, WV. She said to me, '[Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore], we need to restore a sense of values and decency to this country. I have three young grandchildren, and I worry about the filth they're exposed to on a daily basis from TV and the movies. We need Hollywood to take responsibility for its actions and stop peddling sex and violence to our young people.' I told Rosemary I agreed wholeheartedly and gave her my word that when I became president, I would demand accountability on the part of the entertainment industry. Would my [Democratic or Republican] opponent have said the same?" "The greatest thing a president can do is set an example for the people," Bush or Gore continued. "And as a devoted family man with a wonderful wife and [two or four] wonderful children, I promise to make the White House a place Americans can feel good about." The crowd erupted again, with thousands of delirious Republicans or Democrats waving signs reading, "America's Families For [bush or Gore]" as a blizzard of red, white, and blue confetti fell from the ceiling. During his 30-minute victory speech, the president-elect also praised his campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh or Donna Brazile, for refusing to resort to the "negative smear tactics of my opponent." "Unlike my [Democratic or Republican] counterpart, my staff and I insisted that this election be about the issues," Bush or Gore said. "We refused to take the low road and stoop to dirty tricks in order to get elected. While [Mr. Gore or Mr. Bush] was busy with cheap innuendo and unfounded accusations, we were out there taking our message to the American people. And, judging from what happened today at the ballot box, you heard that message loud and clear. And I thank you." More confetti rained down from the ceiling, this time accompanied by balloons. Waving to acknowledge his supporters, the Ivy League graduate and scion of a political dynasty called for "a time of renewal and rebirth in America." "America has always been the land of promise and possibility," Bush or Gore said. "And never has that been more true than today. The opportunities that stand before us are great. The challenges are many. But I am energized by what lies ahead. Make no mistake, there is much work to be done. But we are more than up to the task. Remember that I am here to work for you, the people. Because you are the people who put me here. This is a fresh start. Our children are the future. America is ready for change. And new ideas. And a fresh start." ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  18. Would you rather I have brought up Stryper? Or Ratt? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Blah blah blah blah blah good god I'm verbiose and even nationality of a minor consideration. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now this I must disagree with. I feel that nationality can provide an ever-so-unkind barb to add to any taunt, put-down, comeback, or belittlement. For example, SquawBroon is a sissy little croque madame. It must be interesting to live in the only country that doesn't revile Jerry Lewis, n'est pas? Squirminboy and Stensch are Krokus-listening, Love Parade-marching schnitzel-eaters, who I'm sure both belong to the David Hasselhoff fanclub. Pengachu, El Vez, and Scrota are apparently from some strange Pennsylvania hippy commune, where the women are plain, hairy, and constantly screeching Indigo Girls songs, and the men spend the majority of their time trying to figure out how to make peyote using melted Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. And you, Senility, are a lumberjack, and that's okay. How much was your inflatable plastic moose, by the way? You see? It's really that easy, and fun! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  20. SPL - I'm sorry you feel that way. I did appreciate your input in what I thought was an interesting thread. Interesting in an academic sense only, in fact, because I employ the same tactics you put forward. I had no idea they were current American doctrine until you and others brought it up, but there you go. I am a bit baffled however at your claim of being called a moron, or that anyone on this thread has in any way belittled either you or your experience. I did suggest that you not take the subject so seriously, and in light of your last post, I stand by that. This is, after all, a forum for discussion, made up of (for the most part) highly intelligent, well-educated people. If you post an opinion on an intensely debated topic such as tactics, I feel you have to expect to have that opinion questioned. I realize that it's easy to become frustrated in such situations, God knows I get frustrated with certain people/topics very quickly. But as you say, it's best IMO to realize what topics are going to set you off and get out quickly. Cheers, Chup. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  21. CM:BO is CM's full title. It's not an expansion, there's no earlier product to worry about. And yes, it's only available through Battlefront.com. You can order it at www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/cm_order.html And like you said, why the hell didn't you order this a long time ago? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  22. Patience, I wouldn't count on seeing CM2 or a demo for a while. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>1.) is there a bug with unidentified vehicles in the kill screen?? I say this cos several times, Ive had units kill enemy vehicles which weren't identified. Later on though, the destroyed vehicle might be identified but the kill screen still lists the vehicle as unidentified. Is this a bug and will it be patched. I like knowing the tally of each individual AFV.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's a feature, not a bug. Basically, it's a FOW issue. You may find out what the unit was, but the guys that killed it still have no idea. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>2.) Will CM1 vehicles, textures and scenarios be compatible with CM2?? Will it be possible to have hypothetical, joint US/Soviet ventures for example??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath. CM2 may be backwards-compatible with CM1, but no definite word's been given. As for mods - is sushi 'worth it?' Are A-Team reruns? It's all personal taste, download the ones you're interested in, if you don't like them you can always reload the original BMPs from the CD. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-07-2000).]
  24. I'm having the same problem Harv seems to have had a few threads ago - CM seems to randomly freeze, usually during the orders phase, but occasionally during the movie. The mouse still works, but the video is otherwise frozen. Unfortunately, the fix Harv found (disabling AGP texturing in dxdiag) doesn't work for me. I'm running CM on a Dell Inspiron 3700 laptop. It's a Celeron 433, 96mb ram, Win 98SE. The video card is an ATI Rage Mobility-M1 AGP 2X, with 8mb of VRAM, and the sound card is a Maestro Direct Sound Driver. My drivers and DirectX are up to date. At this point I've tried: -different weather/smoke settings within CM -turning down both video and sound hardware acceleration in dxdiag -reinstalling CM -reinstalling my sound, video, and touchpad drivers -installing older versions of the drivers -reinstalling DirectX -reinstalling Win98 No joy on any of these. The problem is exactly as Harv described it, but his fix hasn't worked. The problem is sporadic, but it happens often enough to be frustrating. This problem is also fairly recent. The only change I've made to my computer recently is to install a new LCD, but I haven't had problems with any other apps, and I'm not sure how that could affect this anyway. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  25. IMO this board isn't the place for political discussions. They're completely OT, and devolve quickly into flames. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
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