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Everything posted by Fuerte

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Does my opponent also have to use it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not necessarily. You can send also zip files or plain txt. When receiving files, PBEM can still help you putting these into right folder, if you use the additional working folder feature (C:\My Documents\PBEM). And PBEM helper keeps track whether you should send the files or play the turn, it compares the file dates to the sending timestamp. But to get the full benefit, both players should use it. Then you can use the PBEM.PBM file format (actually a zip file). The idea is that you can open the attachment directly in e-mail program, and it will launch the PBEM helper, which will extract the game files automatically into correct folder.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape: I am using it against 19 opponents at the moment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow. :cool:
  3. Here is a quick fix: http://www.sci.fi/~fuerte/pbemexe.zip (only 121 kB, PBEM executable 1.0.132) The full release is still 1.0.130. I will make a full release later.
  4. That is some kind of bug. It should appear only if you press Ctrl while pressing Play. I got it once, too. Tapping Ctrl helped in that case. I'll have to fix it...
  5. It seems that you don't have the 1.0.128 release. It has support for numbered files. Numbered files must be in format FILENAME###.TXT where ### are digits. All other files are treated as separate games (you have to set the password for every game) I have not personally used the numbered files feature at all... so you have to have exactly three digits in the end, no less and no more. The latest PBEM release is 1.0.130, btw.
  6. That's pretty normal stuff. Microsoft Package & Deployment Wizard setup programs give that message when some of the system files are too old. I would say that it is VERY safe to click OK, but I'm not going to insist it.
  7. Thanks for the kind words! Yes, the automatic loading of the correct CM game and automatic entering of password, that is KMans code. Thanks again! I just converted it from C++ to VB. Let's hope that the forthcoming CM2 has a command line support for defining the game file and password, it would make it a lot easier. And yes, in One Click the file names are numbered, in PBEM helper it should be always the same. One Click has a preference to numbering so that all the turns can be played back in one big movie (that's another KMan's utility). I think. PBEM helper has support for MAPI as well. Another difference is that PBEM helper is designed to be as general as possible, to support many different PBEM games. In fact the SPWAW 5.0 has PBEM helper included in the cd.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Philistine: you don't need a copyright notice to afford a work protection. Any item is covered at the time of its creation, regardless of whether it bears a mark or not<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If I understand this correctly, then the mod CREATOR has the copyright to the mod, not the web site owner. So we have a problem here, Madmatt thinks that he owns all mods in his web site: Technically anything that is posted on CMHQ becomes my property as the owner of the site and server (and the submitters are aware of this) But again this is not the point of this thread. Downloading and trying the mods was fun in the beginning, but after that I installed some user interface mod, which was much worse than the original (fonts were unreadable, etc), I got a bit scared, because it was not trivial to uninstall it. Also because there are so many different vehicles, it is just impossible to try them, because you don't have each of them in the same game. You could install some awful mod that you notice only after a couple of months, and then it would be very difficult to uninstall it. And there are grass and tree mods that are really not compatible with each other, making it again very difficult. To me (and I'm sure that to many other average users as well) MDMP-3 would be a very good thing. The fact that there is no MDMP-3 just proves that deciding the best mods is difficult, and even impossible for the average user.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx_CM: There is a list! ....just choose what YOU think is best for YOU!.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But the point I was trying to make is that it would take DAYS/WEEKS/MONTHS to try every possible mod out there, and since some of you have already done that, maybe you could share your experience, and build a list of the best mods. Or at least the list of the mods that you PERSONALLY use. I'm sure that there are people other than me who would appreciate it a lot. Me, personally, I have only installed the MDMP-2 and some grass (I forgot which one) and a couple of winter vehicles. I have not downloaded anything for about four months now, so I'm completely lost. There are too m any choices now.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: And I think Manx already has that resource<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Manx has a list of best mods? Where? (Direct link required... )
  11. Hehehe... that was a good post, Clubfoot! Madmatt is taking this too seriously I understand what you say about "courtesy" and "hungry egos". I vanish from this thread now. But the list of the best mods... it does not hurt anyone, does it?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: If you don't like that, than fine, don't visit my site. I won't lose any sleep over it as I will still get over 3000 hits a day just fine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is just childish... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now, to get back on the original point, you can NOT just assemble collections of mods and make them available without the express permission of the mod authors and hosting sites administrators. Welcome to the real world, but thats how these things work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't think so. I have read no copyright statements anywhere. Anyone can make a collection of those mods, that's how I think anyway. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The mods are free to download and use in the game as you see fit, but making a profit from them by making some sort of CD collection is against the law. Also remember that Big Time Software and Battlefront.com are the real owners of this stuff as it requires Combat Mission to work and is all based on that original code. You can't even use the Combat Mission name in a product without their permission and any for profit add-on product would have to have their express permission.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But to make a cd collection of mods WITHOUT profit, there's no law against that. Also I don't know what law prohibits selling those cds. I see no copyright statements anywhere... But this has gone a bit far from the original idea, having a list of the best mods out there.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Technically anything that is posted on CMHQ becomes my property as the owner of the site and server (and the submitters are aware of this)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh, this IS scary. I had no idea that this has gone so far. I thought that we are all doing this for fun, for benefit for us all, not for profit, or not for property.
  14. That is bad news indeed... I thought that the mods were meant for the benefit of all people, not to make any profit or something.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: But, since the other webmasters I've dealt with tend to be in agreement, any hopes for a 'Mega-mod pack' or 'Mega-scenario pack' can probably be put to bed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This can't be true... Aren't all those mods in the public domain? You can do anything you like with them, collect them in cd and even sell them if you like. It's sad if you think this way. At least there should be a list of the best mods available. It would be a benefit for everyone.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx_CM: Although it would be easier to do that, i have no intentions of EVER linking directly to another sites files. It ain't the done thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps you could download all those files to YOUR site and link to them instead? And, it would be great to have a mark in those files that you PERSONALLY use. I'm sure that I would be happy with all of them.
  17. If you mean the mod list: http://www.combat-missions.net/workshop/modlist.htm It's ok, but it does not have a direct download link, and it does not tell which one of the 30 grass or 16 Tiger or 9 Sherman mods is the one to use.
  18. Exactly, there are so many graphics patches that an ordinary guy like me can't possibly decide what to download and install. Maybe someone should try to build a list of the best mods. Otherwise all that hard work is wasted. I guess that there are people who download and try them all, but that is just too tedious for me.
  19. I mean, there are so many graphics patches out there, no-one knows what to download, because they can be uncompatible with other graphics etc. Isn't it time for MDMP-3? :confused:
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