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Everything posted by Noba

  1. From huge to normal? Yeah, it's hard to keep it under control for the masses. Noba.
  2. Don't be too hard on the poor thing. It's very slow in the paddock over winter, bits turn blue and the thistles have yet to spring into life. Add that to the rubber gnome being all stiff and perished, it's not a good time at all. BTW. How did M'Lady Patch manage to slim down your gut in that photo? I knew she was very skilfull, but oh my! She has done miracles this time. Noba.
  3. Oh dear. Been watching "those" movies... again, have we? Noba.
  4. Meanwhile the faux_scot has taken a leaf out of joe blow's tactical manual and is leading with his weakest armoured units. Must be a soak off attack, or somefink. Noba.
  5. What is wrong with you Yanks? Too lazy to get out of bed and save the thread from page 2? Gawd, it's hard to get good help nowadays. Noba.
  6. There is no such thing as a canny, carefull Scotsman. And you, Sir, are a ratbag grab-bag nancy boy, who fauns to any country that you can con into thinking you are an upright citizen worthy to be allowed to stay. No wonder we kicked you out of Oz. WE were on to your tricks! Sent a set up your prancing pony, I will show you how to lose, yet again. Noba.
  7. And in more jaw-breaking news, OGSF has found out that if you try and check behind your sporren whilst bending over backwards, whilst fondling a haggis and taking the cork out of the whiskey bottle with yer teef, you WILL find your PBEM file.... Idiot. Noba.
  8. He told me the sun shines out of his... well, you know. Noba.
  9. Oooh, I like that pic of a Collingwood player using his head to tackle a magnificent West Coast Eagle Player - who is just protecting himself from the ravaging magpie's attempt to dislocate his arm.... Noba. ps. Turns out later. Busy atm.
  10. Of course it's a battle wits. we recently awarded Emrys 5 out 10. That's full marks for him; because he is a half-wit. (cue Basil Brush) Noba.
  11. Gee, Emrys missed having a whole page without his crap posting all over it... I wonder... maybe he pinin' - or maybe he's passed on, or sumfink! 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This Emrys is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the chair 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-EMRYS!! Ahhh, the stuff of dreams. Noba.
  12. Good Grief. The Donkey and Dalem are back, and one is leering at the other! Stand back eveyone - it's going to get messy.... Noba.
  13. He's a Dingle massq... mass... pretending to be a Donkey. You are just a Goat. Noba.
  14. How long did it take you to line those dead flies up.......? Noba.
  15. Notice: In a game in which Speedy lost most of his toys, I gave him a draw so his tears wouldn't gum up my email account. My troops gaily waved goodbye to the bodies and burning wrecks, heading forth-roightly for the German Border and stuff the victory conditions. I know, i'm a nice, thoughtfull and a very considerate chap. Thankyou. Noba.
  16. Dandy: From the 17th Century, A fancy nancy foppish dresser. Something of which Michael has first hand knowledge. Both the age and clothes. Prat: Again, something which Michael is. Noba.
  17. Don't forget to mention that you like using your Puma's in reverse, with the inevitable rear penetrations ! Strangely, the turret was facing forward, away from my AC. You really are a tramp. Noba.
  18. Look over your shoulder, his mates are gunning for you. Noba.
  19. Nothing wrong with a good moan. [insert gratuitous reference about your effect on females here...] You've probably got one of those Decepticon Underground robots ready to emerge and mangle my poor pixeltruppen. Shame, gamey robot lover. Noba.
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