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Everything posted by Noba

  1. It's always an interesting thing, waiting for a setup from the Faux Yank Things cross your mind like... "I wonder how he will skew another battle this time?" Well, he has done well, sort of. Wide open map - check! Motorised troops on both sides - Check! Victory location closer to his troops than mine - Check! So far, so good you would think? He chose Yanks: They are fully motorised - the Germans arn't - Check! All his troops travel in HT's - The Germans have foot soldiers. They have heavy weapons and mortar support - the Germans don't - Check! Their squads have more men - Check! Their 50cals are supreme - Check! So the battle unfolds and I find my troops firmly ensconced on the victory location with the Yanks sitting on hills creating craters for graves and blowing the German troops into them with gay abandon (Not that there's much wrong with being THAT gay). So fairly soon, the Faux Yank will be along to pronounce how great a cheat.... err, tactician he is using overwhelming force to win another battle. Gawd, even [shudder]Emrys[/shudder] could win with those forces. Noba.
  2. Talking about Football. Hey Macey, Look out for september, that's if your team actually make september. Noba.
  3. Update time, and I might as well bury the sorry tale at the end of this thread. My troops got pounded into the weeds by Speedy and his laser-directed artillery. Not only did they die in droves... the ones that survived then proceeded to drop their OWN artillery to finish the job. Unfortunatley not knowing any German, I did not know this was my own pixellated peanuts calling fire and brimstone on themselves. Anyway, most of the original survivors have joined their bretheren in making compost for the forest. The only two things that made up for this trouncing - and I blame BFC for it - is the fact that one Mark IV steaming at full speed managed to put two holes into two different tanks of his, K.O.-ing one outright and causing the other to stop in direct line of fire to another of his tanks which then nicely blew a hole in it's mates turret. Much hilarity at this point. Oh and one of his bazooka teams decided to surrender than take a pot shot at any of my tanks. In another game Nidan1 is busily shelling the only ford on the map after all my troops crossed and after he cunningly drove a StuG onto the only other bridge that was passable. (Where it promptly got destroyed, blocking all vehicular access). Gamey gamey gamey. Noba.
  4. It's true, my men are treehuggers. It's really funny to watch them fall over when you toggle trees off! BFC, please fix or do sumfink! Actually, most of them are scattered as fertilizer for them thar trees after your arty smacked them. Beware the Mk IV's of Doom... Noba.
  5. Listen up. I am become a Grandfather for the third time. Already my Grandson, Flynn, is showing far more intelligence than you lot combined. He's already good at fart jokes, belching and being sick at all the right times. He shows a healthy interest in the female anatomy and goes cross-eyed when you talk to him. As I said, far more intelligence. I expect his Father to show him the Demo sometime this week and for sure, before long he will be wiping your faces with a soggy nappy as he trounces you all in PBEM games, just you watch. Noba.
  6. Given that he is drunksss all the time, you may need to aim a bit higher in who you try and best in this game. Maybe someone like Emrys? Noba.
  7. Uber artillery about to land upon your troops heads. Fleeee! Noba.
  8. All the best? Your best isn't good enough. Go away. Noba.
  9. One option I took is to "select all" (ctrl A) with the PDF open and copy to a word document. It comes out at around 6 point size but another "select all" gives you the ability to upsize all the document to 13 point without effecting the margins too much. There are a few pages that get a bit mis-aligned in text layout, but overall it is black at least and readable. Noba.
  10. I bet it goes real quick with that Starfire motor under the bonnet. 0-100 in about 17 seconds.... Yup, a hayseed like you would love it to bits. Anyway, my Rex will be traded in for a brand new STi in 2 years and 6 months time, but who's counting? Noba.
  11. O.M.G. I'm playing a Holden Driving Bundy Pig. The shame..... Noba.
  12. Shame. A low post number doesn't bring intelligence with it. Boo does not have the game... your reading and comprehension score is as low as your post numbers, obviously. Now SOD OFF. Thankyou. This community service brought to you by the low numbers this week. Noba.
  13. You missed the most important part..... "I don't actually play the game, I'm just the 2ic in charge of this dump. And when my Master gets back from Denver, or wherever he went, you are fair gonna cop it. So S O D off". Noba.
  14. Hey Michael. Send a game set up, I want to see your game skilz in action. I'm sure to learn a lot from you, you bein' so old and you have the bin-there-done-that look of decrepitude sloughing from your face. Noba.
  15. Not really kissing up. Although he is acting hard to get, for a change. He won't play me because he knows he will lose. (Probably in the same fashion as Speedy is losing. Caught between the pincers of Tigers and Panthers.... mwahahahahahah). Noba.
  16. Add - "Actually Playing THE GAME" - to be 100% correct. Noba.
  17. Yeah yeah. How much did you latest internet Diploma cost? Sorry, you supersized and got a Degree. Don't want to underare you, do we. Noba.
  18. Well you were always behind ever since they kept you in Kindy until you were 8. So there is no surprise at all. Noba.
  19. Robin! I've told I've told you before not to call me Bruce. Noba.
  20. Forgot your originality pill again? Send me a set up and I'll re-arrange your pixeltruppen into nicely lined up rows ready for the burial detail. Noba.
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