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Everything posted by Noba

  1. Not really, M'Lady. It's what you get when the inmates take over the prison farm. Noba. ps. I'm glad the Donkey lost his Rubber Gnome. Lawd knows what shennanigans he would be up to by now.
  2. Back to your thistles you paddock layabout. Michael is NOT a humble Cesspudlian or a humble anything. He is merely a "recognised other", whatever that means. He is really just a nuisance post-count-packing prima donna that likes to see his opinion printed, on anything and everything. He doesn't even play the game against people so why he is not sent to Coventry, or Bristol for that matter, is beyond me. Noba.
  3. A donkey in the hand is worth two Boo's in a bush. But not funny at all. Noba.
  4. Now now. There is no need to talk about Michael like that, even if it is true. So how come you are posting - - Coherent*, on a weekend. - Run out of booze money, again? * Coherent - maybe not the best way to judge a five word post. Why don't you just Sodd Off. Everyone wins that way. Noba.
  5. Mature, as in mouldy cheese. Certainly not in toilet training. Noba.
  6. Why don't you make a pact with him to be the first to top yourselves. Lead by example, I say. Bottom of the page - again. Noba.
  7. Darn! Stuck at work and with a retirement function straight after THEN an hours drive to get home. Noba.
  8. So they are the same size as Emrys' head. How apt. Noba.
  9. So you are in those hilarious photos going around of those poor people in weird outfits? I must go and take a closer look to spot you... Getting your Sci-Fi mixed up there, Laddie. Noba.
  10. That about sums up you life. At the bottom, slackers. Noba.
  11. And the word wit, would be the same for you, obviously. Noba. At the bottom again.... slackers.
  12. Niiiice. Best from you for years !! So tell us, did all your school reports have "Must try harder" on them? Noba.
  13. Look marbles-in-your-mouth, just because you are getting the snot kicked out of you in our game, don't think you can get an easy win by offering the Ex Eastern-Stater a game, as we know he plays fast and loose. I'd say he is living in Balga, a definite improvement on Sydney. Noba.
  14. I knew no good would come of that fortune cookie. "You will meet a wise man from the east" Got that wrong on both counts, didn't they. I can only hope you are not too close to Vic Park.... Of course I can hope it is Perth. Scotland. Noba.
  15. No good asking Emrys. He only plays with himself. Noba.
  16. Has there been a sighting of a lizard around this here place? A Goanna, maybe...? Noba.
  17. P*ss orf, it's my day off. I don't get up early for kilt wearing cretins, especially on a windy day. Noba.
  18. Again! Falling down on your piss bucket job and keeping the thread on page one, Emrys. Tch Tch. Noba.
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