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Everything posted by Noba

  1. He's probably turned native by now, he's been overseas for long enough. Something we are happy about I can assure you. Noba.
  2. Oh, I can make an exception for anybody. You are in that list now. Agreed, they will let anyone stay as well. Noba.
  3. Well, Mr. Self-Importance. It's like this ... only a redneck-conspiracy-freak would require the poor lad to provide documentation ... or may be it's because you are a [shudder] banker [/shudder] and paperwork is in your blood, apart from lunch break alchohol that is. Right now this little GooberNational country is doing very well for itself, thankyou. Feel free to visit anytime. Noba.
  4. It's not better if you are the "original" Pondscum. Which you appear to be. You won't find your useless liege around here much, either. Gamey French-playing-sneaksie-wannabe.... Noba. (ps. I do not hold grudges)
  5. On my wide screen monitor it has no scroll bars either.... except it's like trying to read A3 Landscape paper. You physically have to turn your head to scan the lines. In my view, not the most comfortable way to read text. Noba.
  6. I was part of a group of players, usually 5, that managed to start three or four games. I think we completed two of those. Huge commitment in time but it played quite well. Noba.
  7. He forgot to put [POUT] at the beginning and [/POUT] at the end.... Noba.
  8. Battlefront have commented that they have looked at the business model for Steam and said it is not something they are planning to do. A quick search for "Steam" bought up numerous threads, so pick one that takes you fancy and catch up on numerous posts. There is a Steam Group that has a Combat Mission focus. Noba.
  9. Hmm, O.F.J., yourself and a no-account SSN all mentioned in one post. I am seeing a pattern here, screamer nOOB. No doubt the Good Lady Rose is slapping you for not doing your chores, you naughty boy, and hence your attempt to cover for your ineptitude and incompetence by declaring yourself to be an Olde One (spelt, not bolded). I bet she's not impressed by that either... better get back to those chores. Noba.
  10. Look, if you are a [shudder]collingwood supporter[/shudder] you can SOD OFF. If you are not, you can.... you get the message. Noba.
  11. Hung by your own words. What part "hold it against you" do you not comprehend? Noba.
  12. Look, when your hands inevitably char and drop off, make sure you use your face to keep it against him for as long as possible. Noba.
  13. In other news Nidan1 doesn't know what is waiting for him in the other part of Syria he is lost in, and already is using the SS* in a desperate attempt to win something. Anything** Noba. *Suicide Strykers. ** He's been taking lessons from O.F.J.
  14. Yes, yes, it has a, a, certain ring to it, rather like the ringing noise, when you hit the side of his head, with an aluminium baseball bat, yes, that sort of ring, I think, definitely, a sonorous ring, at that. Noba.
  15. That's got to leave a mark..... Noba.
  16. ...and until then to will continue to demand that the game is programmed to your personal wishes. Good luck with that one, I look forward to more entertainment from you. Noba.
  17. Aww, is the little Speedy upset? Give yourself a hug, or you could go into an alcohol induced coma for six weeks. Your choice. Noba.
  18. Of course he will lose. Once a loser, always a loser. Just get one of Rune's scenarios, decide which side is the losing side and give that to him. No one has ever seen a balanced Rune scenario. Noba.
  19. Last time anyone checked, it had been missing from birth. Noba.
  20. We expect nothing better, don't beat yourself up over it.... on second thoughts, go for it! Give it your best shot. Noba.
  21. Yeah, my bad. I'll just go and check the "Care-Factor-Meter"..... ...... ...... Nah, batteries must be flat. Or somefink. Noba. p.s. Has the Bard gone on another drunk? I was hoping for an update on his life, you know, like the Bold and the Beautiful.... you can miss that show for months on end and pick up the plot in 5 minutes.
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