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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by CMplayer in a futile attempt to shorten my (or his) pain: Lars, I will graciously accept your surrender any time in our Blood Hamster Match. And, Lars just doesn't know when to quit, so I hope to have time to get all his prisoners into a building and then set it on fire with a FT. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I told you before, just wait until you hit my line of conscripts. They are P.O.’d to be drafted into the Heer and are ready to take it out on some dumb Canucks. The green troops you have captured you are welcome to herd into a building and set alight. Good luck getting a blaze going, they are green, or did I point that out already? And could you shell my platoon on your right flank a little more, they aren’t quite running fast enough to suit me.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Peng and Berli are now shouting (yes, they've returned, and are not currently under arrest) that Lars is a miserable pillock. He never showed up here today. We called him many, many times, and he never replied. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, Seanachai, when you said 11:00 A.M., I thought you actually meant 11:00 A.M. So there I was, standing on your doorstep, 16 cans of Guiness and a bottle of booze, and where were you? I’ll tell you where, not effing home, that’s where. I waited around a half hour, said the hell with it and drove home. Booted up the computer to get a little CM fix and found Peng and Berli playing with your connection. Told them to go off line so I could give you a call. Now I don’t know how drunk they were by one o’clock, but apparently they were too drunk to actually pick up the phone! At that point I decided it was too nice of a day to drive all the way back into the city so I went out on the boat instead. The day wasn’t a total loss as I drank all the Guiness. Now, any interest in meeting Hanns down at Gluek’s on Wednesday?
  3. Yes Seanachai, you are a totally worthless wank. Now why don't you go off line and answer your damn phone.
  4. Hey Slappy, did you go with Yo Jim Bo so that you would fit in with Bo & Duke Luke down there in South Carolina? Should have gone with Roscoe P. Coltrane with your lame cop talk. Or perhaps Enos. Berli, I hope you have your pointy-toed steel tips on today.
  5. All very nice, gentlemen. And nice flame war you have going. But what does this have to do with CMBB? The current model is pretty accurate for German practice. For the Russians, I don't know, but I think we will see some long delays before the shells arrive. And as for the Finns, they had the whole area preregistered, so they will probably be quick off the mark. What about the Russians around Leningrad? As I recall it was the old training ground of the Guards. Couldn't you model this pretty well by just giving them crack FO's in those situations?
  6. I can’t count you as one of them, then, Stalin. You’re doing an incredibley bad job. As usual.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Sir Lardo ya pillock!! No SSN EVER reads the stupid damn rules - it's all a con job to give the lazy old farts around here the idea that they're useful or exclusive or something else irrelevant!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Case in point.
  8. I like the title Shaw, but no SSN is ever going to read, or understand, all those rules. I suppose we must try though. The last time I saw Stuka’s title on a book with pictures it was a Playboy. Call me illiterate.
  9. No need to do all that. Head over to this site, get the Mad Dog Mod Packs (a good start) and go read Madmatt's mod primer. http://www.combatmission.com/
  10. You volunteering to go through the database and toss the junk? Try narrowing your search as much as possible.
  11. Lets just make it short and to the point, The Peng Challenge Wants You…to go Away! That should even penetrate the thick skull of the Iron Short Order Cook. Otherwise it’s a tossup between mensch and Shaw. Slappy, we’ll be sending spoons to all of your relatives, near or far, Scando or Scot. And CMplayer, no matter what happens, I’ll always think of you as a numbnut.
  12. Boff, to save you the trouble of posting again. I believe if the guns are behind your lines and the crews survived there is a chance of you getting them back for the next battle.
  13. Why do I always check these threads? Fall for it every dang time.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Maybe I will donate money to the educate a Swede fund.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They pay teachers that kind of money?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: PS: How dare you address me directly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would have addressed you indirectly (or parcel post) but I couldn’t find that button on my keyboard.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: But GOOD GOD, man, didn't you have PARENTS??? That's not a drink, it's like running the kids' trick-or-treat bag through the blender. A frickin' Mai-Tai umbrella would fold up and retract rather than be seen in such puerile trash. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Should have bought your waitress one or two Mark IV. Then you wouldn't have to paint the house. Alone. Heh, heh, heh.
  17. Vet German Artillery Observers are a good buy. Unless you like waiting all day.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Actually, isn't Donovan's over on Hennepin? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think you are correct. And just for that I hope they make you go on "It's A Small World After All" about ten times in a row. I suggest heading for the British Pub in Epcot. It's the only way I survived my time in Mickey Mouse hell.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: [For the MPLS CMers get together.] Now I know sitting in a bar in downtown MPLS with a cold frosty in one hand and a lecherous eyeball on some short skirted girl sounds like fun and all but how about we arrange some CM TCP-IP play? I have 3 computers at my house with a network hub that has one more port available for say maybe a laptop. If you losers are going to be in town long enough we could maybe plan a evening of CM play. Or I suppose we can just drink ourselves stupid in some pub downtown...I'm all for that too. My vote is for Brit's Pub but it can be quite busy... There is a pub on 1st Avenue called O'Donovans. It is relatively new and doesn't get too packed. They have Murphy's BTW. Jeff<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Isn’t that just down the street from Brit’s? Or am I thinking of the Local? I remember the Murphy’s but I don’t remember the bar.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Sweet Geeezus, where's my shotgun?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ***sigh*** I just cleaned the d@mn thing, Shandorf. But let me know where they are hiding and I’ll help you improve the planet. Unless they are buying, in which case I’ll help them. (yes, I can be bought, all bribes cheerfully accepted).
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump: How about: Hit it with the car and move on to the bar. speedbump<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I usually do that one in reverse order.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by CMplayer: You want any meat left on the carcass? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not really. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Joe Shaw: It's my understanding that SSNs are pretty gamey so maybe just gut shoot him and leave him to rot ... THEN go to the VFW. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See, CMplayer, that’s the kind of advice I was looking for.
  23. To all my opponents, I will be gone this weekend Grouse/Pheasant/Duck/Deer Hunting. If it’s brown, it’s down, if it flies, it dies. And now a groggy question for the rest of the Pool. If a twelve point buck equals a Old One, And a fawn in spots equals a Pissboy, What range do I sight in a .30-06 at to put a SSN like the Iron Wok in the pot? Or do I just leave the gun in the case and stay in the VFW drinking?
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: ...And FOUR CASES OF BEER AND 24 BOTTLES OF WINE. Bring it on, Oh-Bee! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Way to go Iskander, we knew we could count on you. That'll show him to mess with the Cess.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Lardo made kaynigit?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that annoy you Stalin? Good.
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