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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. How much for the topper? Actually, might want the whole thing. My quarterpanels are starting to rust out.
  2. I know. But we can measure capacity. Intent changes.
  3. How odd. I looked it up again, Moscow is 1529 miles to Tehran. Of course, you wouldn't make it launching from Tehran, you'd have to do it from somewhere up on the northern border. Somebody down at the Beeb sure draws a crappy map.
  4. Yes, planning is well under way. As you can see, the street dance, parade, and fireworks will be over just before you arrive. http://www.spiritofthelakes.com/index.php?page=events So at least we here will have a good time anyway
  5. What, doesn't anybody care about the poor bastage kidnapped by the Yakuza? Sheesh, he's probably down to three fingers by now, and you heartless cads prattle on about carbs...
  6. He sure makes nukes a no-brainer. To bad he has to deny it though.
  7. That's "Buddha". Unless you were laughing at the beer, in which case, you are forgiven.
  8. Oh sure, ignore the abos. One Post Junior Member Imperialist Swine…
  9. Well, we can all thank the Iranians for confirming the assumption today, eh? "Iran reportedly test-fires 9 missiles" http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/07/09/mideast/iran.php Russia better be right about Iran not being nutso, as 1,250 miles is enough to hit Moscow.
  10. I saw two good ones bouncing right next to each other.
  11. Er, when are you coming again? And why are you bringing the wife?
  12. Apparently, how to recognize serial masturbators.
  13. Gawd, you suck!!! Having just dropped close to $5/ gallon, I hate you more.</font>
  14. I used to, but they all got laid off last week. Boss's kids showed up in a new Lexus and a new Toyota this week, so I figure things must have turned around over the weekend.
  15. But he's going to haunt you. I'll just tell him you're a crazy old senile fool who meows a lot. Sort of like his favorite chew toy, Tim the Cat...
  16. Anybody want to buy a $2100 barn cat shaped rug? Marley the Cat...didn't make it. Pretty sad, really. One year old otherwise healthy and loveable cat, and I had to have him put down. Penis kept blocking up, couldn't take a piss, and tip amputation (eek!) would have only given him a 50/50 shot. Wife is a bit distraught, as you can imagine.
  17. Feh, I wave the back of my hand at you and your lame thread titles, cottage cheese butt.
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