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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Yes, as I explained, I have the advantage of knowledge of Stuka's experience Granted, it's not much of an advantage, or much of an experience, but there you go. At least I'll retain the knowledge than he'll retain Shaw's pill.
  2. Interestingly, this doc shows that the Japanese were aware of the dangers, and designed the upper hangers with thinner walls to allow a blowout in case of explosion. http://www.combinedfleet.com/kojinshavolume6.pdf Didn't work to well, but hey, they tried.
  3. Very simple, much like you. Stuka says they taste tangy. If you'd like to prove him wrong, feel free.
  4. Yep. The US ones had their own problems. As most of the pre-war carriers were laid down on cruiser hulls, flaws were to be expected. And everyone was still learning. But I wouldn't just go dismissing the Japanese ones as crap. In some respects, they were better, in others, worse. Some of it depends on where you plan on operating. Stormy North Pacific, I would think an enclosed hanger deck might start to look like a good idea. Probably why the Brits went that way too. As you say, little of A, little of B.
  5. And, "In many ways the Japanese were in the forefront of carrier design, and in 1941, the two Shōkakus — the culmination of prewar Japanese design — were superior to any carrier in the world then in commission" Evans, Kaigun p323 Better than anything we had when the war started. So, I guess you're left with A.
  6. Well, Rob Ross, thanks to Kettler, now you need to explain your superiority complex. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/wwii-pac/midway/mid-4k.htm So what photo you been looking at?
  7. Because that's what they said they wanted on their website. Of course, since the guy is from Minneapolis, I could just have him over for dinner and grill him. But then again, I'm a bit worried about anyone who'd name their cats after Japanese carriers. Seems almost dalemlike, and we all know where that leads...
  8. Probably because what I was looking at was a photo taken from a B-17. Got one from a Dauntless dive bomber? Jackass.
  9. Hmm, interesting. After a little digging I see they discredit Fuchida's account. I shall have to add it to the reading list. But for everybody else, save yourself $35. http://www.combinedfleet.com/NWCReviewMidwayArticle.pdf Seems a bit of a quibble, really. They admit there were probably some strike planes on deck, just not packed wall to wall like in the movies.
  10. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/midway.htm Interestingly enough, has your photo. But I think I'll still take Fuchida's word that there were planes on the deck.
  11. But that message is on this, my home machine, while your pictures await on another, my work machine. Why don't you just post your email in the thread, as otherwise, I have to use the forum email thingy, which doesn't tell me your email addy, but will tell you mine, still leaving us to screw around a bit before I can send you the files. Ain't upgrades grand?
  12. Perhaps we should just change "silent" to "avoid combat" then.
  13. Subs didn't stay down for a week straight, so your distance figures are going to be off if you try to figure them out and justify speed figures on that basis. I'd just look at running silent as the sub commander refusing contact, a destroyer being able to deny him that choice, and not worry about it any more.
  14. Oh no, I made him drive all the way out to my place. Did tell him the wrong house though.
  15. 90% of success is just showing up. I wasn't willing to drive down to the fleabag hotel Shaw's company put him up in for the other 10%.
  16. A novel theory, but Michael Pearson's "The Sealed Train" was written in 1975.
  17. Oh, eventually they would have twigged onto firebombing instead of HE. Or mustard gas. What the hell, eh?
  18. And the Vickers Vimy. Same bomb load as a B-17. I wouldn't exactly call it "token". But yeah, they were just a little late. Don't think they ever hit Berlin itself.
  19. Most likely, you're just allergic to grass. So tell the wife you can't mow the yard, she should do it, and the beer you're drinking is to get your histamines up, which will eventually lead to immunization.
  20. Well hell, Peng, you're only a hop, skip and a jump away. Get on your scooter and come on over, it's only about a 150 mile drive. dalem and Papa Kahn will be out Saturday for boating, barbecue and fireworks. Seanachai is pleading "family" and shall be roundly reviled. Or forgotten. Or both. Unless, of course, Brookings has more to offer than the last time I was out that way and you found something worth doing for the weekend. Mwahahaha….
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