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Everything posted by Lars

  1. I kinda doubt that the aid was purchased in the US. We probably pumped money into the Turks economy. But, you could check and see where the last port stop was.
  2. We're much like GM in this regard. So...should be around 2012 we get the thing to kick over.
  3. Oh, quit your whining. The real fun starts when the Naz…er, St. Paul Convention begins. I'm hoping the gubermint funded bridge falls down again. Keep them all off my side of the river.
  4. Scientologists don't brush their teeth. Hard on the Thetan transmitters Druid flavored…you don't really want to go there.
  5. Heh, looks like Peng is not happy with the Denver show.
  6. True, but then you have to go through Turkey too, plus it's a steeper route for a pipeline. Two more governments to pay off, and more costly to pump.
  7. Already been covered, as they just finished paving the old rail line. Oddly enough, it runs right through downtown and right by my place. What luck, eh? Sept 20, I will be wheeling a keg on a handcart down it, that should be a bit of a lark. Oh, did I mention the discount? Also, free tap and no deposit, either. Please feel free to be on the delivery end, and do notify the usual swine.
  8. I would give that carrier about a five minute lifespan, if it came down to it.
  9. Poti is still the key. Don't need the ships there if you hold the port. Nato can steam in circles all they want.
  10. Well, so much for the Zin, on to the Whiskers Blake!
  11. Now sampling a bottle of the Temptation Zin - California 2005 Not bad...for free. Actually, it's quite good. I might even pay real money for it next time. Unless they're giving it away again. Bwahahahaha...hic...
  12. Ladies, Ladies, lets go to your respective corners and have a nice glass of Tokaji Aszu, m'kay? The six puttonyos of course. Nothing else would be sweet enough!
  13. And in other news, guess who just got the "Kid in a Candy Store" job? I'm now working part-time at the local Muni. Seems the dumb Swedes in this town thought it would be a good idea to put a Dane in charge of their booze supply. Bwahahahaha!!!! Spent last night sampling a nice Russian Valley Pinot Noir, then the Moosehead gal came in to give out free beer, and finally, tried a odd little beer made from sorghum. Rather nice, sorta like a wheat beer. Tonight, we're giving away some more samples. Don't remember what, really, but every day is an adventure, eh? Did I mention the 20% employee discount yet? Think I'll pick up a nice sticky for afters...
  14. Oh yes there is. Always lurking out there in the asperagus patch, just waiting for you to squat down. Be afraid. Be very afraid....
  15. Oooh, look at Mr. "I Can Click A Button", all grown up now. Suppose the next major trick will be answering the door all by yourself when UPS shows up?
  16. http://www.myfloridadefenselawyer.com/AssaultBatteryFL.html
  17. A bit of a triviality at this point. Besides, they can just be re-chipped any old time.
  18. The Hummers mean nothing. Poti itself, however, means everything. No port = no outside supply. In other words, the US Navy can just piss off.
  19. Look at a map. Georgia is about the only way to get resources into and out of the 'stans without having to pay off the Russians.
  20. Probably a good first move, to ratchet things down, but eventually they'll have to send bulk cargo. Can't fly it all in, too expensive.
  21. I think the real question is, will the new guys be able to govern successfully, or will the army be stepping in again in a few years.
  22. US Navy supply ship. I'd imagine it's cheaper than sending a civilian ship, considering insurance rates probably just got jacked. Not to mention the obvious of it being faster due to immediate availability, and the fact that you screw with it, you are screwing with the fleet.
  23. Yes, you would need that right about now, wouldn't you? It's a bee-atch when the prison transports just don't show anymore...
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