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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Umm, you open with a general who had a different strategy than the surge (I grant that his strategy wasn't tried), and you close with McNamara, and that's not wrapping the tale with the opposed and discredited? btw, the quote is a hit at Woodward and the bent his recent books have taken. Come on, the man has been reduced to reading minds in the last couple.
  2. Oh, thanks for that image, you sick twisted bastage. Looks like I'll be drinking myself unconscious again tonight.
  3. A rather devestating book review from the WSJ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122091569725212341.html?mod=todays_columnists Ouch.
  4. Could be, but for now, seems everybody else is just getting out. "Russian Stocks, Bonds Tumble as Central Bank Props Up Ruble " http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a2HLRO6HPqrM&refer=home The long slide continues.
  5. Actually...no. Been there, seen the plaque, peed over the side of the fort. But keep smoking the hash, bro!
  6. Having missed all the fun, I'd like to point out that I highly approve of slithering sluts. Woohoo, yeah baby, come and get your dollar!!! {yes, I know what happens next, but we all gotta go sometime...}
  7. If he's still listening to Sabbath, he's probably already taken care of.
  8. True, but right off the bat you save depreciation. Always buy used. Last new truck I bought was in '87. But then, trucks were only $8,000 back in the day...
  9. It still don't explain why they were kissing in Episode V.
  10. Heh, so true. Last night I watched a clip on the news of them unloading cinder blocks from a destroyer. WTF? Cinder blocks? Really? Who the hell needs cinder blocks? How about a tent, you morons. And just how many cinder blocks can you get on a destroyer anyway? Ah, gubermint money at work...
  11. Why, yes, yes you can. http://www.cadillac.com/cadillacjsp/model/gallery.jsp?model=ext
  12. This is why you will be among the first against the wall when the revolution comes. Well, one of many reasons, really.
  13. Texas is a different place, Dirtweasle. http://texaswater.tamu.edu/waterlaw.texas.htm And more here. http://www.citizen.org/cmep/Water/us/bulksales/texas/ 200,000 acre feet of water at $1,400 an acre foot comes to $280 million a year. Not bad when you didn't have to pay squat for the water in the first place. Beats windmills any day.
  14. http://www.dcexaminer.com/opinion/columns/TimothyCarney/T_Boone_Pickens_wants_your_water.html I knew I smelled a rat. Read the rest at the link.
  15. Interesting read over on the WSJ. btw, the Russian stock market has cratered since the invasion.
  16. Properly stored would be the key. Light alone will start it growing. But I suppose, in an emergency, you'll drink anything.
  17. You do parties? Cuz I'm having a kegger on the 20th and I think you'd be a real hit.
  18. Guess we're both right. I was looking at a map with the Baku-Supsa pipeline highlighted, which doesn't go through Turkey, but there is also the new Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan one, which does. In any case, they're all closed now. Well, except the Baku-Novorossiysk... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Baku_pipelines.svg
  19. Interesting read. Still no word yet on whether the Russians have seen fit to grant independence to North Ossetia.
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