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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Ah yes and I had one of the just barely bad CDs too.
  2. I am having the same issue, Stix sent me a file (he is in Austrailia) and when I go to click GO after unit purchase it just hangs. I am playing a stock scenario (no unit purchase) with another player just fine. Another interesting note, in an attempt to circumvent and troubleshoot the issue I started a QB on my PC and loaded the map that we were going to use. I picked my forces and such and it hung after unit choice. Just like if I loaded it from the PBEM file. Just an interesting tidbit. Matt email file and cme file inbound.
  3. The H also IIRC has slightly better armour up front.
  4. Doodle, There are no haves and have nots. There are only the realists and the other people. Simple fact of life, games get localized and delayed all the time. Games from Japan, hell game systems from Japan, are sometimes delayed up to a year before they get to the US. Europeans have games that we in the US do not have and vice versa. Certain games have 4 or 5 different version for each locale they are sent. People that complain about this are ignorant or just want to complain. Ignorant complaints and complaints for the sake of complaining are not constructive. And for what it is worth I would have this same attitude if I lived in London or anywhere else. If you read one of my earlier posts you would see for another game I am going through similiar things, happily without acting like a deprived child.
  5. Ah Dorosh in the middle of it again. Tsk Tsk. Great now we have a CDV "Don't impede on our feeling sorry for ourselves area". Super. Here are 4 points of reality that no one can argue: 1.) You are getting the same game with the same underlying code. The minor (and they are minor so so minor) changes were due to conditions outside of BFC's control and outside of even CDV's control. If you are one of the people who is irked by this please send your whining complaints to the German government. 2.) If you are one of the ones whining about the game coming out at a different time in England or where ever please send your complaints to a place where you can incessantly complain about how reality is something you cannot handle. Notice how CDV and Battlefront are not listed as one of these places. 3.) For those of you upset about the manuel, please seek either professional help or a printer. Either should fix this issue for you. If you do not know how to work your printer then call your printer's manufacturer, again notice how I did not list BFC or even CDV as one of your proposed email outlets here. 4.) I would not consider Doroshes and mines comments whining but concern. Concern that a small group is making a lot of noise over trivial and stupid things that could have an adverse affect on potential consumers of BFC that come to this forum. This means you also endanger the people from countries not affected by your supposed blight that is CVD (Still not sure what the big deal is, they sound like you run of the mill game publisher to me). Hence all you are doing is hurting BFC, a company you supposedly support. Good stellar job. So instead if you have a gripe and for some reason you must have BFC hear your pain then by all means use this wonderful tool we call email. That way you can still complete your cycle of idiocy and BFC will not be damaged in any way by your insignificant and overall inane complaints.
  6. That was actually the quote I was looking for Bastables.
  7. Great now see what you all have done, Dorosh and I are agreeing. Super you have unlocked the Seventh Seal! You think you had to wait long in England for your game, try Hell!!!! I jest I jest.
  8. You of course are talking about the CDV version that is 99.9 percent the exact same friggen version as the direct BFC version right? Does Europe not have a lot of game publishers or what? So far as I can tell they are not doing anything that is not done daily here in the US by game publishers and game companies. And as far as letting BFC know, well if you think after the thousands of threads posted on the forum they might have gotten the hint. Of course if you still think they may still not be getting is somehow then they do have an email address, at least sparing the rest of us from the same old thing.
  9. And that neither could be proven to be used heavily in frontline battle. Both would have been ditched behind the frontline to assume combat in most situations.
  10. Not really. I mean it has been said, and said again, and said again, and even said again. And now you all said it again. Great! Super! I never understood the folks who cried about the Waffen Grenadier thing. Talk about shallow and ignorant. The folks who cry about release dates and such are almost as bad. And yes I am American and yes I am enjoying CMBB right now. But we Americans get screwed on these deals all the time. In fact right now I am waiting for a game for my GameCube that is already out for the PS2 (which I own) and the XBOX. Did I go to the forums of this game company and complain? No. Did I go to the publishers site and complain? No. Why? Probably because it is a game and this is how the game industry works. This is not the first time a situation like this has happened to a game and it will not be the last. Same thing with BFC. Heaven forbid they try to promote wargaming to the masses. Wouldn't want to actually create new fans and capitol to invest into new and better wargames now would we! So yes, there are changes made to the games in Europe and there are delays. Welcome to the real world. And before anyone complains it happens constantly to us Americans with regards to games from places like Europe and especially Japan. Get over it.
  11. Uhm play unlimited then? Then you can use all your points anywhere you want as can you opponent hence you achieve balance. Not that hard really. Also I would not knock historical scenarios. First off they tend to be balanced, second off the discrepancy in force is not so out of whack in most battles at this level to prevent good tactics from winning out. Most importantly I am not quite sure what the big deal about the armour point difference is. You still get the points somewhere else right? You get more infantry or support weapons right? Funny how a couple of well placed (cheap) ATGs can end the day of a strong armoured force. Or how infantry can hold ground like nobodys business. Of course this takes into consideration that you using something approaching decent tactics. So what have we figured out? That armour is not the end all be all (BTW I am tank freak!) and that in a ME since you get equal points, then there is balance regardless. If you do not like the breakdown play unlimited as that is what it is there for (go figure!). Or else maintain some historical breakdown of your troops and whip ass. Totally up to you.
  12. By Porn of course you mean tanks that have their tracks taken off right, you know, showing off their rubber block configuration and their oh so voluptious pins and links. How about the "shaft" of their gun or the curve of their exhaust pipes. Huh? Pretty hot Huh! I mean we are talking about tanks right? Maybe they have their hatch open! Man I need some private time! What why all the stares? We are talking about tanks right?
  13. There is a terrain editor in both, actually it is a full blown scenario/operations generator that if I understand correctly is the exact same tool used by the creators to design the scenarios and ops that come with the games. From experience it is an easy (real easy) and wonderfully powerful tool, especially in CMBB.
  14. That is probably true, still I have not had a hard time moving into contact with the enemy yet. At least not when cover is ample. As you said MTC allows you to move through cover without the enemy seeing you but you see the enemy hence the problem. Well as Kwazy already said, use Move then which is sneakier than MTC and does not stop after spotting someone. Doesn't seem like an issue to me. The only thing left for BFC to tell us is if the Move command somehow supresses the urge of your troops to rip off some shots at distant units. If not then great, if it does then we can use cover arcs. No big deal, takes about a nanosecond to do so. Just my opinion.
  15. In a technical points win/loss situation in the game, losing a BN CO may not be worth 30 points when compared to the loss of Victory Points in game for the loss of the high level unit. You in essence accept more risk, hence you are discounted. Just a guess.
  16. As far as MTC is concerned, your worry about stopping your movement with a unit spotted 200m away might not be a strong argument with regards to CMBB, especially on EFOW. Most of the time (but not always) the enemy you spot is going to open fire on you, in which case you want to stop, take cover, and maybe if you are in the open have the TACAI use the RUN command to get your troops in cover. Might not be that big of an issue!
  17. PK CMMC is Combat Mission Meta Campaign and is one of many Campaign level games out there that uses one of the CM games as it's tactical tool. The current CMMC game is wrapping up (well over a year to play) and encompassed close to a hundred players I believe. What is the line you ask? Simple, are you doing something the game allows you to do that is not realistic and thus you take advantage of it. Using the fact you know when a battle ends, flag rushes are gamey. In real life there is no hard coded cease fire time. Rushing 5 jeeps straight down the gut at full speed with no regards to safety of the crew is gamey. When it comes to crews it is not a matter of they never did scout but a matter of "OUR TANK JUST WENT BOOM AND WE BARELY ESCAPED WITH OUR LIVES AND NOW YOU WANT US TO DO WHAT?" As soon as I gain control of crews I march them directly to the rear, only altering a direct course for safety reasons. Now if they happen to stumble over an AT team on the way and eliminate it, well great but it was not the intended course of action. This allows me to play realistically and still manage the rare occurence of crews taking out other units. It is rare in my games, it was rare in the war. Just how I like it.
  18. Shadow Do they have smilies where you come from?
  19. Stupid question. Is there any unit riding on the back of the tank? FOs and other "team" units would make sense. Maybe a crew also. [ September 27, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Priest ]
  20. PK, (Gunny Bunny) The reason is this is simple, on the field how are you as a commander supposed to get this tank crew to do this? Their tank gets hit and they bail, unless you are in the tank with them then you are out of contact with them. Even if you have standing orders for them to move forward, realistically they would not, they would either huddle next to the tank or most likely head for the nearest cover. So lets say they make their way all the way back to the rear area (so to speak). Now you order them forward, they go just far enough to get out of your sight and in the real world they would then proceed to hide and do nothing else. Hence it is not realistic to do so. I am hoping you are just curious but if you truly feel this way you are ignorant of reality and you may want to seek games such as WarCraft III and other less realistic, less intensive, and less interactive games meant for more of the "twitch" crowd. Stix Hehe, get a DVD player! And the game! Shadow I have beat even worse odds (like 12 on 1) and won amazing victories against lesser players. Your battalion of KTs are without support infantry and if I was to get even points could beat that. In anything but flat Steppe you would actually be at a disadvantage. With cover you can negate the planes and also approach the KTs. So you would have to have the most perfect conditions ever even to gain an advantage which would most likely them make an unrealistic situation. Both PK and Shadow should join a CMMC style game. PK you would be taught lessons every battle you fought as you would not get back those crews and such you sent forward even if you have a perfectly working tank. All is not roses, stop being ignorant, read a book or something. Shadow, you gain a new perspective on how powerful tanks like KTs are to properly outfitted troops (see realistic).
  21. Gunny Bunny? Regardless you will find that most Gamey commanders as it were are actually the players who are not that good and need a crutch. Good solid tactics will beat stupidity every time.
  22. I play at that resolution too, and if that is the sole reason you base your impression of CMBB on then Wow! simply Wow!
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