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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Whew! For a moment there I thought you were looking for a cut price appendectomy or sumfink. Regards Jim R.
  2. I wanna meet this Mr Picky. He sounds like a veritable ball of fun. Regards Jim R.
  3. Judging by the way Major Disorder described that firefight at 1,900 metres and then the 2nd one involving the IS2, I have a fairly strong suspiscion that the Soviet tanks had a hide order in place in an attempt to reduce the chances of detection. Assuming Major Disorder is relatively new to the game he may not know that the game typically keeps AFV's on hide for far too long even when a threat appears in their sights. Once again, all guesswork on my part but I believe the result would have been very different if the respective Soviet tanks weren't hiding. Of course, if Maj. Disorder confirms that his T34 & IS2 weren't given hide orders and is being true to his conscience, then I take all this back and please ignore as irrelevant. Regards Jim R.
  4. Sorry about that Bertram. That second Panther was pure fluke! I'll take it however. Regards Jim R.
  5. One thing we know for sure H. He's not the kind of person that old Winnie once put down in Parliament(was it Chamberlain?) by describing him as a "Sheep in sheeps clothing". Nosirree, not the Corporal. Personally I think he should change his rank to "5 Star General Carrot" to properly reflect his true ability. Regards Jim R.
  6. Jeez, give us a break will ya. It's only been just over a day sice I received it. Talk about pushy. Regards Jim R.
  7. Funny, I thought it went something like....pocketa, pocketa, pocketa, pocketa, fatang, fatang, ole' biscuit barrell. Regards Jim R.
  8. Mmmmm....very stylish conversion that. Who needs rear spoilers, side skirts and mag wheels when you can have your very own Holzgaser unit taking up the entire boot space. :eek: Regards Jim R.
  9. So Charlton is a "Commie". Well, I'll be. Just goes to show, appearances can be deceiving. Regards Jim R.
  10. John, I hope this new computer of yours has a seismic suppressor chip built in otherwise there may be no improvement. BTW, where are those darn ROW II AAR's I keep hassling you about? We want closure on this. Regards Jim R.
  11. Well, I can certainly vouch for Matthias (Noloff) that in my game against him (PBEM) he conducted himself in a first rate manner and his general demeanor through discussions via email has always been above reproach IMHO. To give an indication of his character he devoted a large amount of his time to translate an original German WWII manuscrict into English for Greg Dorosh with no reward other than the thanks he received. To me, this speaks volumes for the man. Regards Jim R.
  12. My view is that the breach is very minor and has only occured with respect to long time and honourable players. I certainly don't have any problem with the situation and hope it can be resolved succesfully so that the tournament can continue. BTW, H... I seem to have raised my enthusiasm levels to a point where I should be in a position to send you a setup for the Grinch battle by tonight. Regards Jim R.
  13. I'm almost certain that the version of CMBO you'll receive will be the latest version (1.12) but the CMBB version on your CD will probably still be the 1.0 version. Mind you, by the time you receive then we're hoping that the ver. 1.02 patch will be out (expected within the next wekk, fingers crossed) so you'll simply need to do one upgrade to bring it up to that spec. Regards Jim R.
  14. No, I don't think you're on crack. CMBO is probably a more enjoyable game for a non grog because it plays more like a game. CMBB is more realistic and therefore more of a simulation rather than a game, which can be tiresome to some because of the extra work you have to put into it to play CMBB well. Regards Jim R.
  15. C'mon John, it's been almost a week. No further excuses will be accepted after this length of time. Regards Jim R.
  16. Hang in there John. We don't want to miss your famous AAR's. I'm sure the other guys in your grouping can be patient. Regards Jim R.
  17. You're kidding me aren't you. What with EFOW and MG's which are now much more effective and altered behaviour from infantry which makes them panic under fire much more readily you reckon defending is hard to do? :confused: Bear in mind that there's a blizzard blowing as well, I can't think of conditions that can be much worse to attack in. As for the Corporal, we haven't really clashed forces as yet but I'm sure it wont be long at all so we'll have to see on that front. Regards Jim R.
  18. Yeah, I'm still here. I just need to psyche myself into doing the setup in a game where I reckon I pretty much know the outcome already. Regards Jim R.
  19. What grass mod are you using? BTW, those would have to be the longest potatoe mashers I've ever seen! Seriously, I think they're very good but one query I have...was it allowed in the German army to have a close cropped beard only around the upper lip and chin area? I think it's a good idea to have stubble all around the face to give the impression of harried troops not properly rested but a close cropped beard like that one does not quite look right IMHO. Overall though, a very nice mod. Regards Jim R.
  20. Come on John, get those AAR's posted. I feel like a good read. Regards Jim R.
  21. I agree. Unfortunately it will be the last man on the Soviet side only rather than the German side. Regards Jim R.
  22. Excuse my ignorance...what is an "mp" bug? Does "mp" stand for movement points, multi pretargeting, mobile probing..what? Regards Jim R.
  23. OK. The $64 question. Is this behaviour of IS 2's typical of heavy tank crew doctrine during WWII when compared with tank crew doctrine for medium sized Soviet tanks? When we have the answer to this then perhaps we might have some ammunition to take to BFC to consider making alterations to Soviet heavy tank behaviour. Regards Jim R.
  24. Just an update. Rear Guard Action, Hosszxytzskzjyli..thingy and The Beast are all underway. Michael D., I plan to be able to return to you my setup on Friday night to get that one underway. H. Your return setup probably wont be done until the weekend as you were the last cab off the rank. Mind you, I'm not exactly looking forward to it judging by the briefing. Regards Jim R.
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