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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Another thing to consider is that the Churchill Mz VIII fires shaped charge rounds (assuming some were issued to the unit) so that the slope of your Jagdpanther's armour has absolutely no affect on the penetrating capabilities of the HEAT round. Where you would have found your Jagdpanther to have shone would be at engagement ranges above about 800 metres since the accuracy of the Churchill Mk VIII is not particularly good at longer ranges due to its relatively low muzzle velocity. I know, it's easier said than done to be able to engage at thoise ranges but in the example you described you were simply unlucky that your first shot missed while his initial shot found its mark. You'll probably find that it was the Churchill's only shaped charge round in it's inventory as well! Regards Jim R.
  2. Thanks aka_tom for bringing that up again. I have a sneaking suspiscion that the game doesn't take into account the "pants down" factor for Assault Guns and the like but if Steve could clarify then that will settle the matter. Regards Jim R.
  3. What grass mod are you using for the final texture? Regards Jim R.
  4. I agree. I tied to ask a question in a similar vein not long ago but obviously it was not clear enough. Hopefully we'll get some sort of resolution to this vexing question. Regards Jim R.
  5. I think you're being a bit harsh there with my statement Steve. You said: BUT... now onto the more interesting aspect I uncovered.... KR, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What amazes me is that nobody apparently took the time to look at the armor and armor penetration stats. If people had, they would know that Jim's statement above is incorrect The PzIV's gun can kill a ISU-122 from the 500m +/- range Redwolf tested at. Perhaps not by a margin of overkill, but it is statistically very possible even without factoring in the 90% armor Quality rating. Factoring in the 90% Quatity rating for a ISU-122S (not used in this example) the PzIV also can kill it frontally. It can also BARELY kill the IS-2 family of vehicles. The Panther, on the other hand, can kill any of these at 500m no problem. What does this mean? That for some reason people have been going on the assumption that the PzIV was not really a threat. Looking at the stats it *clearly* is. Perhaps not an overkill threat, but a penetration is a pentration, which the PzIV is capable of doing to an ISU-122 FRONTALLY, not to mention from the side. When I was talking about being overmatched I wasn't trying to say the Pz IV couldn't kill the ISU122 but I sure as hell know which AFV I would prefer to be in in the circumstances presented by Redwolf's test. The screenshots presented by Redwolf clearly shows the ISU122 has the "jump" on the Pz IV yet it's the Soviet AFV that chickens out first rather than the "caught out" Pz IV. I personally think this is a bit strange myself especially considering the odds that the Pz IV was up against, trying to slug it out with an enemy AFV it can marginally penetrate while the IS122 should pretty much blow the Pz IV sky high if it hits. Shouldn't it have been the Pz IV that backed up in this example? One other thing. I have a sneaking suspiscion that Redwolfs example may well have seen the ISU122 reverse even if it had caught out a Stug III F/G where the Pz IV was. Based on my experience with the IS 2's, reversing behaviour seemed to occur even if you catch an enemy Assault Gun with its proverbial pants down with a flank shot. It seems the computer code acknowledges that the gun on the Stug III can kill it even if it will take a month of Sundays for the enemy Assault Gun to be able to traverse first to get a shot off. If you can confirm this is not the case & the game engine allows for catching out enemy "fixed gun" AFV's then I'll accept that. Unfortunately I have no proof so I acknowledge that it's hardly going to convince anyone that the code should be changed but I'd love to hear from anyone that may have experienced similar behaviour, especially when ambushing enemy Assault Guns. Regards Jim R. [ November 28, 2002, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  6. So I gather John, you don't think much of the suggestions above or are they impractical for some reason? Regards Jim R.
  7. Excellent example Redwolf. I think the telling thing here is that the ISU122 has identified the enemy as a PzIV and not a Tiger so fear of being overmatched should not apply. Secondly, the situation is almost a perfect ambush setup with flank shots onto a lowly PzIV yet the damn heavy Soviet AFV still backed away. That's the sort of occurences that were happenning in the game I was playing against the AI and why I thought it odd in the first place. Regards Jim R.
  8. Thanks Matt (not the mad one). BTW, turn should be in your inbox by about now. Regards Jim R.
  9. The $64 question as far as I'm concerned with CMBB is whether it's necessary to cancel a planned arty strike which has been plotted for an observed area of the map but is initially off target. The manual basically simply says all you need to do is move the target line back over its previously plotted spot to get the barrage to re-adjust but I'm just not seeing this. The barrage is still invariably off target by quite a margin even after re-adjusting the target line. Can anybody else verify whether it is just a waste of time re-adjusting the target line but instead, you need to cancel the previously plotted fire and start all over again with the inherent delay such an annoyance entails? A word from BFC (unsubtle hint) would be marvellous at this point since it's not exactly clear from the manual what should be done in order to get your arty back on track in the circumstances. Regards Jim R. [ November 27, 2002, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]
  10. Perhaps a dumb question, but where does one download these superb mods by the redoubtable Panzermartin? Regards Jim R.
  11. Just a thought J.K. If you can't easily borrow someone else's computer why not pop into an Internet Cafe or something similar to send off your files saved onto a floppy disk? A temporary solution granted, but better than nothing. Regards Jim R.
  12. Just to clarify the situation that I witnessed with my game, the 2 IS2's that backed away from an identified PzIVj were approximately 150 metres away i.e. point blank, with an elevation advantage firing advancing towards the Pz IV that had rotated its turret to fire at 2 T34/85's that were approaching from it 4 o'clock position. At this stage of the game, I had destroyed ALL the German armour (4 PzIVj's, 2 Halftracks a Stug & an SdKfz 10/4) apart from this lonely PzIV and most of their infantry was pinned so the German global morale must have been pretty low. On the contrary, I had only lost 1 green T34/85 to that point and some infantry in an armour heavy battle so my global morale level was not a problem. Prior to this final showdown, I had witnessed my redoubtable IS2's retreating when facing the threat of a partially identified "Assault Gun" that was moving down a road at about 500 metres and was side on to the IS2's. Luckily I was able to reorder the heavy tanks to once again crest the ridge they were on to take out the "Assault Gun" (ended up being a Stug long 75) and it was surely destroyed. Just another example unfortunately of the "cowardliness" of my IS2's in this one game which prompted me to post the topic in the first place. Unfortunately there are no save files since it was a single player game against the AI. Regards Jim R.
  13. O.K. So they're Soviet tankers who are gutless and share needles when they need to escape from the cold hard reality of war. SHEEESH! Regards Jim R.
  14. Well, if you've got nothing better to do, how about posting me the return file ya bleedin' test monkey! Regards Jim R.
  15. Just thought I would give this one final bump to see if anyone else has any comments to make about Soviet heavy tanks and how they behave. Regards Jim R.
  16. Guy on the left in an effeminite voice:oooohhh....well, if you're going to be that way about it then you can navigate by yourself! Regards Jim R.
  17. Trying not to state the bleedin' obvious but perhaps Mike you should rely on the TacAI more to find the suitable route along the road rather than micro-manage to the extent you did with the first example? Just a suggestion. Regards Jim R.
  18. Interesting responses. I'd liken the IS2's automatic retreat response when up against a single identified Pz IVJ as exactly similar to the way Sherman 75's would automatically back away when they spotted a Panther or Tiger in CMBO. There's gotta be something wrong here doesn't there? You might as well not bother with purchasing the heavy IS2's if this is the way they behave against pretty fragile enemy armour. Regards Jim R.
  19. I had a hell of a shock just recently when I was trying to finish off one remaining surrounded Pz IVJ where I had managed to get a couple of T34-85's behind the PzIV, and 2 IS2's at roughly a 120 degrees tangent from where my T34's were. Thinking this will be easy meat I hunted both my IS2's up a small ridge to get LOS onto the PzIV at about 150 metres away with my significantly higher elevation (to further assist ricochets) & to my disgust, they both backed away out of LOS once they saw the intended target. I'm thinking...WHAT THE F%#@? These are regular IS2's, the heaviest Soviet tank in their arsenal in 1944 and yet they're turning tail against a solitary PzIV that is surrounded! To further my frustration, because the IS2's didn't do their bit this lucky PzIV was able to wax both my T34-85's. To say I was less than impressed would be a major understatement. Anybody else seen this sort of behaviour from the IS2 heavy tank? Regards Jim R.
  20. I've just noticed during a quick battle against the AI that on two occasions, my tank with a waypoint plotted near the crest of a hill or a ridge dissappears when in view 3. It happenned for 2 different tanks at different turns with the waypoint seemingly swallowed by the crest and unable to be grabbed due to the guesswork involved. I should have checked at the time but I would assume the waypoint re-appears when choosing an overhead view level but it was somewhat frustrating at the time. Has anybody else experienced this, especially with view 3 in play? Regards Jim R.
  21. Ummm, I disagree. How is his post a "tip or a trick"? It is simply a question about how to handle bunkers in CMBB. Seems perfectly reasonable that he asks the question here on the bulletin board dedicated to CMBB. Now, if he had a solution to how to tackle bunkers then that's the sort of post I would expect to see in the Tips & Tricks section. Regards Jim R.
  22. Yeh, yeh, yeh...I know, I'm the slowpoke right? I just hope you did your erstwhile duty against that slippery opponent we all know as Mick Oz! Regards Jim R.
  23. My question to players who think choosing AA guns without transport is perhaps "gamey"... how does one chose transport assets for the Soviet 76mm & 85mm AA guns when there's none available that can move them! A bit of a quandry don't you agree? Regards Jim R.
  24. John, I think you're going to have to save up your pennies for a decent IBM compatible machine... much more reliable. Regards Jim R.
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