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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally spewed by Croda: HA HA!… HA HA!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what you be smoking boy. and why are you not sharing it with us?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ramblings from Scroda: Yes, maybe you should change the name of the file to "It's my file and I'm not sharing it!" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh we have to share these things... I was having so much fun watching those arms and legs flying I forgot, tough luck. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ramblings from Scroda: We haven't played a turn in three days<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> took me this long to clean up the little stains I left on the rug from laughing so hard.. again, tough titties <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ramblings from Scroda: Now send the file!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ok ok my "I got mildew for a brain" friend the file is a comming as soon as I get home.. you see unlike people like you who spend thier time asking for change on the street for the next meal I have a real job... so here's a penny go leave me alone. ------- "Nothing explodes better then Croda Tigers"
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>blabbered by PeterNZer: 1a. If you lose, make sure it's not to Peng or your wife.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what you trying to say? here's a penny now go leave me alone. -------- "here I'll trade with you, but I keep the pin from the grenade"
  4. I humbly surrender to all my pbem players.. what the hell am I saying ..gee whats in this coffee this morning?? News update: Gagaboy: he has apparently a new tatctic.. killing civies before he moves in... go figure.. my boys are sitting back and enjoying the fireworks aside for a harmless scratch on a foward fodder unit my lads are way back and laughing hard how Andy likes to throw arty rounds the battle field..btw.. a shell landed on a mother taking her child out for a walk.. not good for your propaganda machine Gerbilboy. Pengsywengsy: still to early.. dark ... cold and having a visibility of 75m is going to make things belly to belly, ooh yummy. Scroda: fight-o-plenty is called the pbem and all I see is scroda-die-o-plenty.. maybe I got to change the pbem name. Spuka: Since my brain leeked out of my head I forgot to send him the return pbem.. tough luck... live with it. so you furby lovers prepare to feel the burn, the kinda burn you feel after eating a hot spicy meal yup you will not forget me me lads you may try to consume me but beware I leave a slight pumpernikle aftertaste. ----------- "shoot him again his toe is still twitching"
  5. who stuck a toilet brush up Herr Orbsts bottom? my my me lad you feeble minded little peck, I pitty you and your happless attemt to rattle my nerves.. you have not, if anything my sweet little gotnobrainsinmehead Orbst you make me smile with a pity one holds when encountered with a armless, legless and headless street urchant.. here is a penny now leave me alone. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-17-2000).]
  6. my vocabolary get better when I steal... er no steal bad.. rob someone of dickshonary and Thesourass.... ook aak.. may you quack on my netanderal words.
  7. <center><h3>Croda you monkey butt muncher</h3> you move like a pregnent Yak and smell like one two I await your turn when I get home and will send it back asap. we shall see about who is high on thier horse.. not me no siree! WOHA this horse is big.. hey gerbilboy hand me my ladder will you.</center>
  8. four words to all my pbem players <center><h3>I win over everyone!</h3></center>
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blabbered by Stuka: Yes its the psuedo Knigget Mensch, strutting around the pool like a viagra engorged rooster.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you my sir are a blotted cream powder puff I have been called a rooster or was that chicken.. hmm but one on viagra! I never! I see you have been forgetting your medicine again... my standings by lorak are as such because he has not heard at all of the great me! My standings is such... in the CM world are 3 wins 3 losses 1draw.. ok add me wife Im at 5 losses but she don't count cuz she so cute and cuddly and unlike you, you can't destract me with fluffy trimmed undergarments. (no peng we don't want to see your personal photos again) your time is up and its dinner time for my Cat. ---------- "you, you make me laugh... I kill you last" [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-17-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: …the spousal unit bellows yet again for me to retire… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> aahh at least I have something in commen with Peng.. no its not the smell germanboy you sit down. Early NEWS update: Peng: It appears to be a cold Autum night my fuzzy critters are poised to pounce on Pengs forces but first a few straight shots of schnapps before battle.. more to come. Germanboy: I finaly have sound contact although its is the sound of the horrible drunken singing of his troops, move any faster Gerbilboy and my troops will have to extend thier life insurance policies.. *ZZZZZZ* Stuka: well even though its a Not So Superbowl Turney I must add my Kitty is on the prowl giving Glenn a beed of sweat … yes my small peanut brained friend you cannot hide the whole battle from me! I'm taking it to you like a real man would. Croda: Burning tanks; screaming in paniced crews running for thier lives... seems to be about much croda can do in pbem's anyone else having this problem with him.. more like a circus and my troops enjoying the show... btw muffin head where is the return file? --------- "wanna trade my germanboy pbem for your Peng pbem?"
  11. This could explain a few things MR. PLUG... ha.. I said no excuses could calm my wrath! not even those yummy chocolate bits the Easter Bunny leaves behind.. what?... my informant tells me those little brown things the Easter Bunny leaves behind are not chocolates.. some one will pay for this! .... Germboy its your fault! ja you... now put that rubber chicken down and come take your punishment like a good little welp. ok pengsy your file is on the way... prepare to cry like a new born baby wanting the warmth of its mothers teets. hmmm teets..er.. oops lost control there for a sec.. aaahemm.. ja.. uh.. where did I put that spatula..
  12. WHERE is this Pengie poo poo pants! HIDING the low lying lilly lizard lips! you cower before my might!!! (you sit down germanboy and ..no, you shant not say anything) SO pengsy wengsy pudding in my palms... I am sending you a set up and we shall see what for your PUNGLY POTENTIAL POOPY POWERS PRODUCE! I POO POO your possible pethura of pethetic excuses. BOW TO YOUR MASTER.. no not you germanboy.. you may stay were you are... ahhhemm.. YES I AM USING BIG WORDS AND THAT MEANS ... er it means.. my lock caps key is stuck.. damn. right ask anyone I, mensch will royaly kick that hinter of yours...cuz my wife is helping! HA HA! you see I have the power of the lady that has managed to put me in my spot.. so she.. wait a minute what the hell am I saying? YOU sit down germanboy... now.. PENGSY PUDDY.. will you accept my challange! or do I need to strap on my rubber boots and pull out the cheeze grater from storage! oh and by the way you just got smilied <center> </center>
  13. Stuka you ingrate I sent those pissant troops to thier death cuz the ate the last of the Sauerkraut.. my tiger is getting bored sitting there waiting for a challange that never came from you yellow bellied tanker crews who couldn't find thier own ass with both hands... even if the managed too find something resembling an ass the wouldn't know what to do with it because they are so inbred! Those trees you say that are empty are quite empty like that space between your ears... and if you please! could you not stand in the wind that irritating whistle sound it makes is distracting me from more important PBEM's I am playing. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).]
  14. Dear Skroda.. damn getting confused, yes I sent your tiger to burning hell and to top it off I'm going to send that Armour scout car to a burning hell... I just need a positive ID on that sucker to make sure me lads are not just pulling my leg and its really a kübelwagen. enjoy the arty its pack with those yummy minerals your troos need to swallow. BTW that PENG-A-POOPOOHEADMAMASBOYSTOPHIDINGBEHINDHERSKIRTYOUWEENIE has not returned any responce on my private challange (GIRLYBOY) that or I figure he forgot his brain that managed to hold his password for his ICQ. Update on Gumbaboy, his troops are slowly advancing on my boys.. I figure his trick is to take so long my lads fall asleep from boredom, then come in and strangle them with strings of Bratwustschen. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-16-2000).]
  15. News update... Jerryboy is posponing his demise.. so lad you have time to blubber labber here on peng and no time to send me the next pbem round.. I smell fear.. no wait.. thats something else.. oh its you. thanks for the write ups.. you files are going online monday. er wait thats to nice.. what you couldn't write up a better descriptions for your files you bratwurstbeisser... ahh much better..now back to going to the washroom every ten minutes.
  16. maybe small advertisments while you wait for the round to be finished. ie: "your pather burning? your rifle squad wiped out by that hidden HMG? don't feel glum chum grab a Battlefront Beer™ now only $1.89/500ml at all retail outlets!"
  17. my computer crashed and I blame jerryboy and smoochachi and Pung... all your fault.. crap. *sigh* at least installing my games will be easy since I only play CM now.
  18. crup crap and more crap, I got a major crash on my computer... tree structure all screwed up.. used Norton Disk Doctor (more like Disk Destroyer) and I had to install everything on my computer.. *sigh* so send me your last pbems you gave, everything I held dear and close to me is now a digital wasteland. so ein Mist!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Your wife taught me a few tricks on how to beat you good...I've got them waiting for you on the other side of the map. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you mean a very sexy Bra that kinda is see through and hot underpants to boot!!! you would have lost too if you had distractions like that.
  20. Dear stinkyboy aka bratwurstboy; Jerryboy; sauerkrautboy; ganjaboy and germanboy. what you be smoking!! you quoted me all wrong I said: "blagubbla bloop a bing bang you muffle marffle mink moth!" get it right boy!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: I have more tricks waiting for you…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what like dying?
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jerryboy: You are dead already, you just don't know it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know all see all and hear all, looking into my little crystal ball I see you lost already... so germanicboy the hounds of war are released and the end is near not for me because I can accept loosing to me wife (but not to peng - which I have not.. come to think of it never played the chap, but that does not matter). come and get some and feel the wrath of the cunucks played by a cunuck! its no holds bar now! your surrender will be accepted and welcome - no fear your troops will be dealt with in an orderly fashion (includes the use of one meter black shoelace, rubber chicken and soyasauce - if I feel cheeky a spatula to boot)
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote: …Hamsters, you pathetic little creep - digest me? Not in a million years.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no fear Hamster I'm digesting the so called german boy right now in a pbem... although I expect a bitter but yet safron taste he will be consumed and delt with. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote: …Which would explain my funny feeling then, and my reluctance to get out of bed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> probably his gut feeling he's going to loose this one and how... poor guy I should send hime some peptodrismal <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote: no farting and belching please<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Andreas you are very hard.. I never thought you would kick these habits.. wow! I would shake your hand but you still have a strong aroma aura around you. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote: The pool it is gone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> like a corpse it was decaying the first minute senachi.. senchey.. er.. snoochie.. ah what ever his name is supposed to be, it's not that important started to write his first word.. which if I am correct was "duh". <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>andypandy wrote: Yes that's a tear in my eye.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> again my dear boy it's that pugnent stench comming from your location... ok stinkboy the pbem is in the mail and I expect lots die time from you, tell your troops to first dig a nice mass grave! making it easy for my troops to throw all those jerries away like a used tea bag. boy this is fun... side note: Bob I got your junk..er I mean prize sitting on my desk at home I just have to modivate myself to pack it and send it off (Andy, bob is the guy that beat you very bady in the Peng contest 2000). [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-13-2000).]
  24. uh.. Sledge is going to canada.. for like 5 weeks.. dude does this mean you going after you finished the game? you mentioned you'll be not be able to play for five weeks.. uh does that mean you surrender? we got about four or three minutes of our battle left.. wuz up?
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by General_Petrovsky: I think this whole hamster bit is weird guys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I quite agree... your right it is a bit wierd... I was sure I would have got a positive ID when I was at least 10m away. steve fix the LOS and visual radius, any more changes on beta testing Ill inform you. =) ps I think the Panzer running wheel could use some improvements on speed, I have documentation that they traveled at least 5m/s
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