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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I drank plenty of Binding during my servitude in F.a.M.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Female Alcoholics Madhouse? ooo-k that explains a few things. bye bye now.
  2. Hey Krombacher is the sponser of this bloodhamster.. this does not mean they get any!!! for the rest of us.. sure.. but the nobs playing.. feh.. give them cess water.
  3. if you can read german http://www.panzerlexikon.de/ has some interesting stuff.. but I'm sure some Grog is going to come in here soon and blabber away about somefink. *shrug*
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Forget your Blood Hamster Elvira, what is of greater concern is our game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> awww.. crap.. and me printing out T-shirts and posters everywhere!!! you nob!! I'm sending you my invoice for all the stuff.. and I think Krombacher is going to be pissed off your pulled out of the BLOODHAMSTER MATCH!! and such a campaign too!!! millions spent!! minutes of work gone!!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Måkjager: Mensch, Bet you feel like this Regards Måkjager <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You bet.. more so too!! as stimpy put it "I'm so happy, I can hardly contain myself!!"
  6. Macboy here!! 6500/300 128MB RAM.. and in a week... *drumroll* 867Mhz G4 374MB RAM.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: * Map selected or prepared by Germanboyif he is able or selected by mensch<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you sir I have one!! One where there will be much nashing of teeth and words spoken like "wholy ****! I got to use tactics!!" or "crap.. real life terrain!! who makes crap like this.. GOD?" well ok I'm no god but I takes god's work and puts it like smack dab on a map.. so to answer your question, yes I have a map you can choke on. just right for your point value stuff. now email me when you need it.. now bugger off.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: imagine no one in Germany being able to purchase the game!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that is true my sir, not only that BTS would get a black mark against them and any games that would try to be sold in Germany would be checked with a microscope.. causing delays.. much nashing of teeth and moans from the gamers here. on a side note here I'm not sure they would get flak for a basic model that has no blood, etc.. and if mod'ers do somefink to change that BTS is not responcible? hmmm hard call on these bloody (no pun intended) German laws. [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Rob? Why is it that you have to edit a message that just says, "Thats really sad."? Besides you need an apostrophe in "Thats". It should be "That's" for "That is".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> cuz he want's too... [Edited for the heck of it, Edited to bugger up peoples minds to make them wonder why I did it] see.. making you wonder what I changes.. oooOOohhh scary no? [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: Aye, Ah'll kack ye spotty arrrse agin, but Ah'll pick tha bloody scenario thus teem - ye wobbly-eyed gibberin' poltroon! Did Ah mainshun ye're a pillock? SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you silly git, you picked the one from the list I wished to play!! if ya want to blame someone look in that cracked mirror of yours you have and after ya put more cracks in it with yer ugly mug.. say "I'mma boob!" pick it me lad, heck find a middle man to make it for us! (but on a pre made map not some silly thing a monkeys Uncle could make)! I would'nt mind picking say um...Berli, or wait on second thought not him.. evil bastard. Senachai or that nob Manority.. majority.. or what ever the nobs name is. Muhahaha... [Edited cuz my stupid keyboard sticks due to that "cola" fiasco this weekend] [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  11. Lorak Rack'm up! After a dash landing of OFGDASF Crack and Elite Queens Own Rifles of Canada vs. Menchies wonderful German Troops shot him up to no end! His lads had no chance. I could hear the Scot yelling and cussing from here in Germany. I must say though even though it was a double blind game.. it sucked!!! sucked large bad design.... I challange him to another battle worth singing songs about. Allied Forces (OGSF other wise known as LOOSER) 130 casulties (30 KIA) 25 captured 5 men OK Score: laughable 16% Axis Forces (Mensch owka DA WINNER) 13 casulties (4 KIA) 2 Pillboxes KO'd 51 Men OK Score: impressive 83% I must add some salt to his wounds by adding his Moral was 0% and mine at a shocking 68% I'm sure he will post soon, yelling and cussing in his favorate Scotlish tounge how he was robbed.. what I did find amusing is for the last 10 emails his only reply "Where's my tanks!!" yes if this was a true Historical Scenario the lad should have got bloody DD tanks and ARVE's but alas.. it was (the scenario) crapply made. I still laugh at his weenie defeat, cuz he out manned me by 4:1.... HA HA!! [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]
  12. ROFTL.. noooooOOoOOooooo I hope andreas does not see this!!! LOL.. sorry, if I seem so taken out.. tis been discussed to no end. but I agree.. MG units should be able to run at least , yes?? ok .50 cal not but..the lighter stuff like the LMG team it gets to run in squads but not alone.. feh Andreas I wave my private parts in your argument!! LONG LIVE RUNNING MG TEAMS!!
  13. yup interested.. ya got me email =) mensch
  14. Hey oh my! map updates: At Der Kessel in the maps section many things have popped up. one a link from Frenchy to his page containing documents and maps of the 70th Infantry Division. Combat Mission Maps: two historical maps by Kip; Marmach (ops map) and Noron-la-Poterie. Scanned maps from The DesertFox of Hill112 and Tilly-la Campagne in 1:25000 scale. Coming in the next hour a Arial photo of Kommerschiedt from Yankee, it details positions as of 1400, 4 Nov 1944 of the 1st Bn., 112th Inf. and elements of the 3rd Bn., 112th Inf. also where the Germans attack. Also in the next few hours Juno-Beach scanned map 1:25000 scale I'm also discussing with Ed to get his Mods hosted by us. (soon) Enjoy.
  15. Hey oh my! map updates: At Der Kessel in the maps section many things have popped up. one a link from Frenchy to his page containing documents and maps of the 70th Infantry Division. Combat Mission Maps: two historical maps by Kip; Marmach (ops map) and Noron-la-Poterie. Scanned maps from The DesertFox of Hill112 and Tilly-la Campagne in 1:25000 scale. Coming in the next hour a Arial photo of Kommerschiedt from Yankee, it details positions as of 1400, 4 Nov 1944 of the 1st Bn., 112th Inf. and elements of the 3rd Bn., 112th Inf. also where the Germans attack. Also in the next few hours Juno-Beach scanned map 1:25000 scale I'm also discussing with Ed to get his Mods hosted by us. (soon) Enjoy.
  16. Hey oh my! map updates: At Der Kessel in the maps section many things have popped up. one a link from Frenchy to his page containing documents and maps of the 70th Infantry Division. Combat Mission Maps: two historical maps by Kip; Marmach (ops map) and Noron-la-Poterie. Scanned maps from The DesertFox of Hill112 and Tilly-la Campagne in 1:25000 scale. Coming in the next hour a Arial photo of Kommerschiedt from Yankee, it details positions as of 1400, 4 Nov 1944 of the 1st Bn., 112th Inf. and elements of the 3rd Bn., 112th Inf. also where the Germans attack. Also in the next few hours Juno-Beach scanned map 1:25000 scale I'm also discussing with Ed to get his Mods hosted by us. (soon) Enjoy.
  17. no problem, I got a few scanned stuff I have to put in, this week
  18. yes those stinking polish troops with their Parrogies!! dammit!!! boy I tell you my great grandma was rolling in her grave when that happened!! Laughing that is, being polish and all.
  19. ya! ya think so Jadayne.. well mr. poopypants!! you may have beat me on the quickbattle map but just to let the lads know we (jadayne and I) are battling on the wonderful map PzGrenadier Country by The DesertFox, found naturaly at Der Kessel (small plug), we opted for TDF to pick our own 3000 pts each in forces and stuff. it's for a 100 turns so that means someone is going to die. And now were going to see who can realy play on a real map not made up by some computer! feh! gamey flag rusher he is.. even if he was rushing a flag defended by a bunch of corpses and Knocked out SPW's heeh.. it was my flag! and there were 2 turns left feh. I'm just happy to know I shocked every one of his HT's in the begining with my super duper HMG.. and his mortar fire was more for "A-Team" effect. all booms and bangs but hit just the dirt infront of me.... still the git won. I guess I got to watch more A-Team reruns and higher Mr. T as my Coy Comander.
  20. I tried that I think.. and um, I think that don't work on the mac.. hmm *sigh*
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: Yes, and you will laugh - I was in a 120mm mortar unit. No, we were never teached to destroy our weapons or how to do so. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> diferent reasons I guess.. blame Kohl <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: Anyway - it's not necessary to talk to me as if I'm a child or a moron or both. And please excuse that I didn't made it to read all the books about war - the most of them are unavailable in German, and my Englisch isn't good.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Scipo , kuhl bleiben. Da sind ein Paar gute Bucher ich habe gekauft bei Amazon.de oder Buch.de. Ich wolte nicht so stark über kommen, tut mir leid. Ich war in ein Panzergruppe in Kanada. In krieg wir hatten gelernt wenn man kann es nicht zurück tragen; stüren es. Fragt mal Andreas "Germanboy" er hat bestimmt ein paar gute Bücher in Deutsch zu opfern..hehe.. nein.. aber ein liste von was hat gute information von. Grego (aka mensch)
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